
éééë m Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, 6,792,69.98. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, inclc)'''g Re-Iusurance Keserve, 34,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, inoluding Ke-Insuiancc and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. .HACK, Agent, Anu Arbor. dïfe To YoungMea. Ju$i publisliedj in a Sealed Envelppe. JPrice tix cf. A Lecturé ón tHe Nature, TreatnUent, and ot Seminal Wtííikii(.'S!í, r Bpermatorrhcea, iudueed by SelfrAbuse, lnvolunt;try Emla sioos, Jtnpnt.Mi'y, Nervoua l''bitïty, unl fmpedito Marriage ííenoially ; Consumption, Epil.'isy,añd Fits; Mental and Physfcal incapacity, v liOÜKÜT J. ("tr.VKRWELL, M. D., au! thor of the "Greon Book," Ac. world-renowned author, in this admirable Lectnre. clearly provea trom his nwn experience awfill eonseipiencos of Self-Abuso raay he eñectualiv removed without medicine, und without [iistramentfl a modo oí cure at er taip and effect u al, by which eyery aufferer, I ri' matter wlmt his condition niay bc, muy cure !f cbt-aply, privately, and radically. i'his Lècturö will próVe n hoon to thousandfi and housaiuls. Sent, uiiaer séaU In a plain envelóle, to any adtiress. on rfïccipt oi' six (H-nis, ur two postageiítftínps. : Addressthe Publishers, THE ( mVERWEhli MEDICAL 00., ' 41 Aiui St., New A'orU ; Post Office Box, 4580. i D, D. MALLORY & CO, I?: okers of tlio t'eïelr;if ímI DIAMOND BRAND OF FRESH OÏSTERS. Canned FRUITS and Vegetables Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN & DOESTIC FEUITB. 68 Jcfferson Ave., (SuccessortoJ. N. Gatland) ONLY rRACÏICAL ■Spáll THEATEICAL M y H an Masqucrade ■OSTÜMEB &t MM IN MICHIGAN. ■ V Manufacturer and Jrflfcl Bt ■ Dealer in Theatrical Goods and Wardrobes. Persona! attention given to the production of AMATEUR PLAYS AND MASQUESADES. Orders by mail or telegraph will receive prompt attention. 120 Griswold Street, DETROIT, Mich. TJ rXSKY & SKABOTT'S Bakery, Crocery, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constiiutly on huud BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, c, Kor Wholesale and Ketail Ti alc. We shull also keep n supply of DELHI FLOTJB, J. M. Kwift & Co' Best White TVheat Tlour, Hye Flour, But'kwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Feeri, &c, -.. &c. At wbolesale and retail. A general stock oí GEOCERIES AND VISIONS constantlv 011 band, wbicb will be sold ou as reasonable terina ai at any other houst; in the city. iT Cash piiid for Butter, Kggs, aüd Country Produce generally. iivj" Gowlsdelivered to any part of the city without extra charee. RINSEY & SEABOLT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1879. RAILROADS. MICHltíAN CENTRAL KAILHOA.. MAY 25, 1879. UOINO WEST. S - S E" ë ■ TATI0K8. ' S „ -gg" . .a Sg. ,gg. A.M. A.M P-M. F. M. P.M. p.M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 35 6 68 3 56' 8 1 9 50 G.T.Junction, 7 15 10 00 6 10 4 10 8 25 10 1(, Wayne Junction 7 52 10 28 6 42 4 36 8 57 10 42 Ypsilanti, S 2(1 10 45 7 05 4 55 9 22 11 04 Geddes, 8 30 7 20 1 , Ann Arbor, 8 40 11 00 ï 35 5 20 9 38 11 20 Delhi, 8 SS 7 46 Dexter, '.' H 7 M 5 37Í 9 59. Chelsea, 9 22 8 115 5010 15 GrasaLake, 9 50' 8 35 6 10;10 38 p. M ' A.M Jackson, 10 20 12 1.5 00 6 30 11 15 12 45 Albion. 11 04 12 50 7 36 11 59 1 20 Marshall, 1150 1 30 8 03 12 25 1 40 l. M. WO A. II. BattleCreek, 12 19 1 55 . 1 8 32 12 50, 2 C2 Galesburg, 12 52 9 05 1 20 A. M. Kalamazoo, 1 15 2 3T 5 00 9 25 1 38' 2 4S Lawton, 1 68 ; 5 SS 2 13 Decatur, 2 10 ! 5 50 2 31 Dowagiac, ' 2 35 6 12 ' 2 57 Niles, 3 05 4 07 6 55 3 30 415 Buchanan, 3 19 7 07 3 45 Three Oaks 3 49 7 S2 New Buffalo, 4 U3 4 57, 7 45 4 27 Michigan City, 4 30 5 201 8 10 4 55 6 30 Lakc. 5 18 6 02 8 53 5 45 C 18 Kcnsington, 6 00 6 50 9 '0 0 40 7 10 Chicago, arrive, 6 50 7 401 10 50 1 30 8 00 aüiNo east. _f__ _l_Yó__ _5 A.M. A. BC. P. M. 1'. M. P. M HhicaRO, leave, 7 00 9 00 4 00 5 15 9 10 Kensington, 7 50 9 50 4 50 6 05 10 (10 Lakc, 8 38 10 30 5 42 6 50 10 43 Michigan City, 9 2.S 11 18 6 35. 7 40 11 .o New iiufïalo, 9 47 11 30 6 56 11 52 Three Oaks, 10 02, , 7 08 A. M. rSuchnimn, 10 32 7 35 Niles, 10 45 12 15 8 05 9 00 12 48 Duwagiac, 11 13 8 33' , 1 '0 Decatur, 11 39 8 57, 1 40 Lawton, 11 57 9 15 a. m. 1 57 Kalumazoo, 12 33 140 9 50 6 60 10 88 2 28 Galesburg, r K . 7 OS - - Battle Creek, I 28 2 ir. 7 40 II 10 3 18 Marshall, 2 25 3 00 p 8 08 il 37 3 40 A.M. Alhion, 2 52 8 21 a.m. 8 S5.ll 59 4 12 Jackson, 3 45 4 05 7 15 9 30 12 50 5 00 Grasa Lake, 4 10 7 38 9 50 b 25 Chelsea, i 40 8 02 10 0? - -- 5 50 Dexter, S 00 8 16 10 19 6 05 Delhi, 6 10 8 25 Ann Arbor 5 20 5 10 8 45 }0 35 ï 05 6 25 Gedde, 5 80 8 60 Ypsünnti. 5 37 5 24 9 00 10 48 2 20 6 41 Wujrne Jiinc, 6 01 6 45 9 28 11 08 2 44 7 05 G.T. June, 6 .!3 6 16 9 551135 320 745 Detroit, Ar., I 6 48 15 30 10 10 11 50 3 35, 8 pO Sandayëxcipted7I!3aturday and Bunday exepted. tüaily. H.B. LEDYAED, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Wf.ntwobth, G. P, & T. Ast., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking eB'ect Sunday llarch 23, 1879. GOING NORTH. PINO SOTJTH. MixTTLxp. lOxp. Exp7TïxpTTBri A.M A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. (■,.-,0 10 40 0 00 TOLKDO '.I 'J 2 50,9 25 t 5ï,uji r. iv x-,„.n. 'r.,i„fl., ! 927 2 48' 9 22 7 07110 50 e 11 Detroit Juncllon ; a iy tui a 04 7 20 10 58 6 20 Hawthorn 9 11 2 81 8 47 7s!llO6 6 28 Samaría 1IO3Í2 2S 8 30 J42Í11 UL.6,34 Seola 85812 18 8 19 7 55 11 18 B ! Lulu 8 49 2 10 8 02 8 03 1123 6 4" Monroe Junction 8 42 2 05 7.11 8 35 1132 6-.; Dundee 8 35 155 7 32 S 4(i 11 37 J 0". Macon 8 30 150 7 21 S.-S1142 7 1l Azaliu 8 24 144 7 10 925 1154 721 Xora 8 11 1 32 6 37 9 38 12 00 7 29 Urania 8 05 126 6 25 1.62,12 0)11 7 :)■; Mitán 7'.M 120 6 1 10 13 12 16 7 1, Yi.silanti June. 7 48110 5 D4 10 40 12 28 Sop ANN ARBOK ,7 36,12 58,5 30 The 7.35 a. m. exprese south luakes close connections at Monroe Junction for Adrián and Monroe and for points on the Lake Shore ; at Toledo with Coluinbus & Toledo and the Wahash. The 12.58 p. 111. express south eonnects at, Toledo with the 3 o'clock train east on the Pennsylvania Rond thro' to New York. All trains run by Columbus time- 7 minutes faster than Ann Arbor time. J. M. AMHLEY, Jr., Superintendent. (CANADA SOUTHERN K'Y LINES. J The Only American Route Through Canada Trains leave M. C. R. R. Depot, Detroit, city time, as t'ullows : Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. ni., Wagner car to Bo&ton. Fast Day Express, daily, 12 noou, Wagner car to New York and Boston. Lightnlng Express, daily except Suuday, 11 10 p. m.. Wagner car to Buftalo and Rochester. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. m. except Sunday ; 3 10 i. m. daily ; 6 50 p. m. except Sunday, For Fayette 6 30 p. m. except Sunday. For Information and tickets apply to H. W Hayes, agent M. C. R. R., Ann Arbor. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit. FRANK IS. SNOW, lien. Pass. and Ticket Agt aDetroit. Git ■: Al' WESTERN KAILWAÏDepots foot of Third and Brush streets.. Detroit time. Detroit time. I,eave Arrive. Atlantic Expiess, Í4.00 a. m. Í1C.00 p. m. DayExpiess, '8.35 a. m. 6.30 p. m. New York and Boston Express, "7.00 p. m. t9.45 a. m. Detroit Express, 12.45 p. m. Steamboat Express, "-00 a. m :Uaily. Daily except Snnday. tKxcept Monday. 4ES" Foriuformation and tickets apply to H. W. Hayes, Agi'nt M. C. R. E., Ann Albor. W. II. F1HTU, WM. EDGVR, Western tasb'r Ag't. General Passer Aeent DKT1IÜLT, HILLSDÁLE AND 8OUSHWESTBRN RAILROAD To tuke eflect May 25, 189. ooiíia WB8T. uomo kabt. icia N. M;ul. Hxp. stations. Exp. Mjil A. M. P. M. A M P M Ypsilantl 8:25 7:10 Toledo June. S:45 7:30 Bunkers 6:00 2:25 Saline 9:25 7:50 Hillsilaie .. 5:30 2:35 Bridgewater .. :J7 8:12 Manchester.. 8?30 4:11 Mancnotr, Kl:22 S:.!7 llridgewater 'J:l'(' 4:30 e. m. tíaline 9.50 4:45 Hilladale 1:00 10:25 Toledo June. 10:10 4:67 Bankers. . 1:10 10:3ii Ypuilanti.... 10:8S 4:16 Trains run by Chicago tim. W. F. PARKER, Smd Xpsilanti.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus