
Stearns' Drug Store 81IW00DWARD AVENUE, DETEOIT. We keep in stock the iargest variety of Medical Merchandize gathered under one roof in America. 9kW Visitors ure oordially Invited to vlsit uur Store when in Detroit. PHYSICIAÍÍS, SlIRGEONS, STUDKSTS, andDEALERS are iaviíed to examine our laipe and completo assorímnt of Siirpal Instrnments and all kindred goods bef ore BU(klOg their selee tions elsewhere, a we will muke it to their advantage to obtain their supplies of us. FREDERICK STEARNS. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EAKNE1) ! NEW GK)ODS I And prices LOWEK THAN EVER. I have purchused in New Yurk. for eh, aiid I urn now dnily receivine: one of the lanest and most select stocks of Groueries in Wnshtenaw Countj-, coosisting of n full and wel] selected LEKECF TEAS, All of the new erop - includini Guupowdcrs, Inipei iais, Voiiiig II jsoiiHf 11} sous, Japans, Oolonit, ForliiosuH, ( uiiuus, Hout lionas, iti;l 'i'w;iuUu}s, Together with a full line of COFFEKS, conaimtxnii o the following btnnds: MOCHA, OLD GOV'T JAVA, MAKACAlbOtLAGUAYHE, SANTOS and IIIÜ, both rousted and ground; a full and well seleeted stock of SUGARS,SYLUPS AND MOLAS8Ë8, Together with everythinir in the line cf Pure Spices, Canned fruita, and Vegetables. We hnve a full and complet0 line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. AIso, a clioice aseortment of Ladiea' and Gentlemen's TJnderwear Cali und examine Good and Priees aud we will insure autiafaction. EDWA1M) DUFFÏ. ' Maynard'e Block,' cor Main aud Anu etreet Ann Arbor, Mich. ■arHiirhcs; cnbh pnce puid f o: all farm produce. "0 'pin: i.Ait; and BEST STOCK OF PAiNTS, OILS, ■, ALL KINDS ÜF Painters' Materials, &c. AMEBICAN AND FREJS'CH "WI1TDO"W CLAS5 All Sise. uL-T SOEG-'S. 26 and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOE. A NEW GROCERY! ATWEAS1 HURÓN STREET. GASPAR RBNSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, comprisingeverything in the HiitMit Lottom prioea - and purchased exclusively lor cash. From a long expeiience in the tirade, retai] and wholesah', he believos he can sell goous as cheap as the cheapeat. CALL AND SÊB HIS PRICEkS! All (Joods W&rrauttd First-Class. Farmers produce vuuted for whieli the ltighest cash priue will be paid. BáÉT" Remember tlu' piuco, l(i East Hurón Street, Aun Ai-bor. GRAY'S Sl'KCIl'IC MKllHiXK. TRADE "K.TJJejreaJEji_TltADE WK tan uníallliigciii1 ffiu' fli for Seminal ásiP'Sífr matoi-rlu'ít. lm fifc 3 Befora Tatóngf „fe;..-1" After ïaiing. Uiiiverul Lassltudi Pain ni (lie Baok, Dtmness of Vision, Premature OM Age, and mnny other dísetnr es thftt lead to Insanity, Oon.suniptioa and a l'reiQHtnre Grave. &L■ Kul) particiüais in our pnmpMets, which we desire to send froe by mail to i very one. The Speeifie Medicine is aeld by itll IniL;iíists :U $1 per prtckuiíe, ir ix p;iok.ijífH for $.r', ov will be sent by muil on rocpijit oí' thc monoy ly aildrcssiny THE (íHAV KIBDICÍNÉ ("O., No 10 Mfchanirn' Hlnck. Detroit Michu ■ft-Sold in Ann Aihor by al! Druggists, aud by druiíu'Í!tn eve] y wliere , WIIXIAM EEID, Btiája m a I Á A rEI Sooocsacr to sniil ñrra K3B1ni0VVHRflj in . . - :nJ Lnd Business.) !i fl 1 &JÊ Sí Q FÍ C I Whotesal- A :.'■! '-'-rio H WL %M 'M FKKNCH &, AMEKiv AS I V I Bf P 1 9 M. 9 1 Ribbed aud Rough Pint" lor P y I''ts, Cut und Ruanala 3lL3iiy S:t9h Hrs, Frcnch and Ger1 PPPMBW5Ptr3 1 nian Lookfne Glas Pintea, 1LJ I PxJ .J tll Lt'ad and Oíl, Color, Putty, 1' I1!. ü,:-:, etc. 1S& 14 Congress St. East, Detroit, Mich. EVEKYBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS TUE Boss Photograplier of Ann Arbor. Fourth Stroet, Kust of Court House, lst floor. To Nervous Suflerer- The Grcat Europea Kt'ineily - lr. J. B. Kiinpaon's Specifin Medicine. Itisa positive cure for permfttorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Impotency, and all distases re&ulting froin Self-Abuso, is BPOBE. Mental Anxit-iy. -V1 #ï,i of Memory, „ -- f ;lills iTl Jiilt'k or dffifc yryi thai letid to 71. w]ü Mimption , iiiaanity j %! u. -f and nn early grave, ya 4 & ÍÁJ The Sjjeciflc í t: ' . cine is heilig usLdSW" with Tjponderlu] soeews. Pamphleti sent free tyH, Write for them and geL full particular. Piice.Speciflc, Si. 00 per puckiie, or six prukages ior $5.0.'. Address all orde ra to J. li. ÖIMPHON MEDICINE CO., Nos. 104 and 106 Main Street, Buffalo, X.V. For sale in Ann Arbor by Eberbach & Sou, anp by all druggists ererywhwe. ITOTICE. The underslgned haa purchased the interest o( Goèxve H. Winslow in frame aod picture buti. ness, No. 30 Kast ilnioii Street, and will continu the business at tbe saine place, giving prompt atte&tion to all orders for frames, etc. A ftue stock of Ch romos, Engraviuga, and Photoraphs on lmnd unl lor sale cbeap. All debts due the lato firm of Winslow . McMilla n are pHjable to tbe uadersigned, and any deUi contractt'd duiiug his con neet ioD with tíi' Bra will be paid by him, Add Arbor. Oet. 14, i7S. l710tf T). McMILLAK. Abstracts of Titles. All partiea who are desirous of ubcertainingthe condition of the titlw to their lands, or parties who vi'isli ((, loan money on real eslate wili do wull u culi at the Keikiter'b office and consult n Comparod Set of Abstract Books, Said books are ? tut advanced tbat the Betfan can f iirnií-h on short notice n Perfect Statement a to tlie TitU of any parcil of and in WiiBüteimw ( 'ounly j shown by the oviguuil recoids. C. H. MANLY. Regisier. To t .i'.vS the Mi Mail BEFOKK YOl Hl V. It is Simply Wonderkl IT IS SOLD AT J. F. SGHUH'S Hardware Store. 1 SKLI, AL!, GRADES OF TOBACCOS & CIGARS At Wholesale and Retail. TRY MY FIVE CENT CIGARS'. i ki;i:i' CLEAN" SLTÜ TTJBS And the BKST Tonsorial Artista in (he olty. BEF" Slioit huir euttinK done with Clark s patent Clippers. It cute the huir muoh meer lti;m with No. 5Xortb Main Btreet, Aun Arbor. G. C. SCHUTT. GET YOUfi PROÍEETT INSURED BY E. H. M1LLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ARBOR, - HICB. The oktest ajiency in the city. Kstublished aquarterof a century ago. Reprtsenting UW following ti i"3t class coptnuiii-ï" Home lusuranee Co. of N. Y., Asse o ■ Conliiiculal Inx. Co. of H, V., Asscl otci Niágara Fre lus. Co., N. Y., Assets 51.442.W Oirard ol Pa., ■ ver $1,UOO,000 Orieiitol' Hartford, Asets $700,W á"- Rates low. LosseB liberally :idjii(O'l UQ proinplly paid. C. H. M1LLEN. JACOB HALLER & SON, DUiante ín WATGHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Spcctacles, PLATEO WARE AND GOLD PENS, ■1 1 South Maia Street, isrisr abboe, jvnics:. Specbl iiUentlon givcn t iv uiring wtlcW i-I i.'L. Rad jewelry. m clcompound extract of-t CONTAININS Guljeljs, Juniper & Spirits of Nitre IN A CONCENTRATED FOHM, FOR Diseases of the Eidneys & Bladdsr, Oonorrhea, Weaknesses, OverEsertions, Gleet, Stricture, Obstruetion of the Urine, and aïl Disensos ml hc l'rlnrtry mul Neinal Orwniis. I No matter of how long atandiug, aud wlielber lo H MALE OR FEMALE. I prioe, - - - One Doll"i I Prepared from the original recipe of DR. BILL, and .old bj W. JOHNaiON t CO.. 161 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. FOR SALE BY Al.l. IBI')I8T8:__
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus