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- Kalamnzoo had fotirteen inches of snow on Saturday, Nov. 1. - Thompson's (Rep) plurality for mayor of Detroit U 2,111. - Oyer, Powers & Co., olothiersof Lansing, t'ail for $15,000. Assets about the saaie. - One of the Marshall ward school ïas been closed on account of tho diphheria. - John Schreder of Eidgeway is the oldest mason in Tecumseh lodge. He is nearly 91 years old. - A well known business man of Grand Eapids lost $20,000 by speculations in wheat, recent ly. - Henderson tbe bogus detective who stolt) $50 trom the Adrián postoffice received three years in prison. - The present Newcomer-Van Deusen rinl at Kalamazoo is jast now one nionth old. Big thing- for the lawyers. - Judge Huweshasadjournd the Lenawee county court becausa the supervisors did not make provisión forpaying liru. - The Coldwater Jïepuhlican and Lansing Journal contribute their mite to the Bagley boom. The Adrián Pres supaorts Regent Eynd. - A Bay City barber announces himself as a " tonsorial artisle, physiognomcal hairdresser, facial operator and craniiim manipulator." - H. P. Seevey of Raisin, Lenawee county, sneezed so hard a few days siuce that he disloeatea u;s rigbt arm. Jtie md hold of a round in a ladder wben ie snepzed, - John Murphy, aged 20, a resident of Adrián, was on Saturday taken to ;he Poutiac asylum by a Lenawee county superintendent of the poor. Sin had wrecked him. - Geo. Ferguson of Deerfleld, Lenawee county, harvested 450 bushels of :urnip9 from an acre of ground, and caimly awaits for some one to turn up with a larger yield. - The sum of f 1, 704.78 has beenraised and $966.68 expended tor tho relief of the sufferers by the Adrián grand stand accident. Just $13.20 of it was raiaed outside of Adrián city. - The Jackson Patriot reporta that the Michigan Sun is to be removed to Grand Rapids and Consolidated with the Leader, and that a penny evening daily is soon to be established at Jackson. - When Fitch, the Hadley murderer, was received into the state prison he was at once put in a solitary odll. The que8tion of keeping him there dependí on what the prison board thinks of it. - Mrs. J. Hunüey of Coldwater, left tier house looked up, and went away on an eastern trip. Since she has been gone robbers have removed nearly everything of value that she had stored in the house, - Jackson County Farmers' Mut. Ins. Co., iu free from debt and a balance in treasury of $114. Membership 1,774. - Value of property insured $3,790.000. "Lossea adjusted during past year $3,630.54. - J. L. Remington of Macon, and Moses Comfort of Raisin, two of the victims of the Adrián grand stand disaster, are recovering as rapidly as could be Aptjcleil, but they will not bO fulJy restored for several weeks. - Artemns Allen of Coldwater was arrested last Saturday on a charge of selling liquor without license, and placed uuder $200 bonds. He left for Chicago the same day, and now a United States officer is after him. - Peter Blurtc n, a prominent farmer of Wheatland township, feil dead Fiiday wbile at work on his farm. He was in bis usual good health n few minutes tefore his death. Ueart disease probab!y caused his sudden taking off. -E. H Wetherell of Marengo, Caliioun county, is going to try stock-raising in Anderson county, Kansas. He took a flock of 526 Michigan short-wools and 104 short-horn grades to begin wool-growing and cattle raising. - How did ho Clinton New editor come into possession of this, taken from tiia paper: " The Manchester girls are very demonstrative in their kiseing. The average kiss in that burg can be tieard from one sida of the town to the other." - Charles Berger, a crippled young man of Battle Creek township, begins üuit against his father for failingto support hira. The father is alleged to be rich and the boy poor, lame, and in need of things which money can buy, as well as of that parental love that money can not supply. - A pauio exists in Leslie and the surrounding country relative to diphtheria. It caused the postponeumnt of the toachers' instituto last week. Absurd stories are afloat, such as that 30 persons were lying dead at one time, and six were buried in one night. Only three have actually died and the others are doing tïoII. But a gerious effect was produced on business. - Anson Bridges is a peculiar lunatic now in the asylum at Kalamazoo. He considera himself a " United States detective at large," and from his home in Nashvüle, Barry county, wrote such plausible stories to the department al Washington of the crookedness of country postmasters that the postmaster al Kalamo was removed, and a petitiou hac to be circulated in his bühalt to get him reinstated, - A pitiful case of desertion comrs from Adrián. In April last, James Hogan left for Monticello, Iowa, as a salesman for an Adrián firm, since which time he has sent only $45 to support a wife and ten children. The other day a newspaper containing the announoement of Hogan's raarriage with another woinau was received. Latest accounts report him arrested. -Mrs. Orlando Westgate of Raisin agod 32,died suddenly Wednssday nigh of last week. Sunday she was at a neighbor's and got some " agüe cure,' she having been afflicted with ague After taking the medicine she begnn to be sick, and grew worse till Wednesda; evening she went into con vulsions. Her limbs were as rigid ag stone, and she snffered great agony; spaam aftorspasra did the poor woman suffer, and though prompt medicinal aid was rendered she grew worse, and died at midnight. I is thought the prescription oontainec poison and a post-morteni exatoination cus t" be held.


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