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Stearns' Drug Store 8VW00DWARD AVENUE, DETROIT. We keep in stock the largest variety of Medical Merchandize gathered under one roof in America. ■3"Viitors are cordially invited t vlsit onr Storo wlien In Detroit. PHY8ICIANS, SURGEONS, STUO15NTS, andJDEAI.KKS are inviíed to examine otir lar;;e and complete nssortm"nt of Snriical Instruments and all kindred 'goods before making their selec t'ige to obt;iin their supplies of us. . FREDERICK STEARNS. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GÖODS ! Andprices I.OWKR THAN EVKE. I have pnrcbased in New York, for ciish, aLd I am now daijy rteeiving one oí the larpest and moat select stocks of Qroceries in Washtenaw County, consisting of a full and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - including Cunpowdcrs, Iinperials, Vounir "- sous. lij sous, Japans, tlong's, lorïiiosHs, CongroiiB Souchonga, and Twanftys, Together with a full line of COFFEKB, conBistng of the following branda : MOCHA, OLD GOV'T JAVA.MAKACA1B0, LAüUAYItE.SANTO9 and HIO, both roasted and ground; a fui] and well aelected stook of SUCARS, S YR UPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything: in the line cf Puro Jpices,Canned fruita, and Vegetables. "We have a 'uil and complete line oí BOOTS & SÏÏOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hüsiery. AIso, a choice asBOrtment üf IiJtdiea' ind Oentlemen's Underwear Cali and examine Goods and Prioes and we will intuiré satiafaction. KDWARI) DUFF1. ' ilaynard'e cor.Slain and ad elreets Aihi Arbor, Mich. ■SHigheet cash price paid foi all farm iroduce."Sia riun; LAROEST AND BEST STOCK OF PAINTS, OILS, T7"a,, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMERICAN AND FRENCH WINDOW GLASS All Size. -A.T1 SOI3G-'S. 26 and 28 East Wasbington Street, ANN ARBOR. A NEW GROCERY ! ATWEAS1 HURÓN STREET, GASPAR RINSEY Has opened a new stock ofGroceries at the above location, coxuprisiog everything in the line at bottom prices and purchased exciusively for cash. F rom a loiíj? experieuce in the trade, rt:tail and wholesale, ïie believes he can sell oods as cheap as ie cheapeat. CALL AND SEE HI8 PBICES! m All ffoüds Wrtrrnn(d Flraf-Class. Farmers produce wanted for which the bighest cash price will be paid. Ï3F0 Bemember the place, 16 East luron Street, Ann Arbor., GRAY'S SPËC1F1C MKÖICINE. TRADE MARK.T]e Great JCn_ rfïAOE MABK Mm " 11 unfaüiagcure m Eefore MunoiAjEter Takii. 'miviMul Laasihide, Püiii in trie Baok,DImneas of iüion, l'rniaturr UW Af-'t-, :iml many utlirr ■ii.-ci.s0 that lead to lns;mity, Consumption and a Eüffi;itiUf (irftVtí. Ful] pattculare in our pumphlets, bieb we esire to send free ly mail to every one. The Specifio Medici o e Í8 aold by all Drugiste al ii per pacKAi, or ais paokages for $5, or will he ut l.y imil on ro fipt of fcfee money t y tkldrcsaiug TUE UK A Y AI KDT' IN!-: CO,, No lOMeebanitw Btóok, Detroit Mich. 4"LvW in Ajüi Aibpr by till Dnigiat, and bj ruggiats t:vftyw]ere . WILLIAlt BEID, KVVlfVVnrKITVVIII (Of Uu1 late firvi of K i A: fc ,i M M jvlSAA Tlilis. Buccessor to sald flrm p3UHHAla0iBPlS ia Ulasa and Lead Business.) J lV LLUI l'KKNCH & A1IERH AS n BíTvtÍi Wlndow Glass' Plat8 [lasSi ■ M 1 w M II Riljlicd and Kough Pinto Tor I M 1 MJw 11 Sky Litrtits, Cut and EnaniMinijin( eloft (ilass, Kilvcr Plated t Jj LSrtJI Saal1 Bars, French and OrlilBW:CTI maa J.ooiíiug Glasa Pintea, ) I Wt.i t J "t"J . KI I Lead und ÜU, Colors, Pulty, 1 II ■ i ■ m ■■-■■! j,olntoi 0Mi 18 & 14 Congren 8t. East, Detroit, Mich. EVEEYBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH 13 TUK Josa Photographer of' Ann Arbor. Fourth Street, Kast ut Court Houue, lat floor. To Nervoiis Sufferers-Tho Oreat Kuro Kemedy- Dr. J. B. Simp,„s " Specific Medicine. Jt is i positive oure for pernmtorrhea ,„- Weaknes, Impotency, and all distase?' rS „..„,,. froio Self-Abiwc, s '"S Mental Anxiety, Tía Loss of Memory, j R'SMe, ana diseascs E4;.V; .gA that lead to TjL "-,: 11.1 sumption, ilMunity "RJIS E i .-f andan early gravo. Tfl7, ! The gpeciflc -tVs J Yv cine is being tis'MjjpW7with wnndetful sacceas. PuujijIiIbIb uentirect Write for them and get fiill particularB " Piice,8peciac, per paokago, or bIx Dafv. for $5.00. AddresM all ord?m to ,T. B. SIMPSON MKDICINECo Nos. 104 and 106 Main Ktroet, Buff'alo ü l''or stile in Ann Arbor by Eberbaeh ft Sou hy all druggüte evtsrywhere. ITOTICiS. The Uudersigned has purehued the lntemi i i rge H. Winslow i[i thu frame and pictun i " D6M, No. :aiEnhi Huren Street, and will contin"' the business at the same place,' giving prona - tention t all orders for frames, etc. A fine! of Cbromos, Engravings, and Photographs on l, and for sale cheap. All oble due the late firm of Winslow 4 HcSI , lan are payable to the undersigned, and any jj, contracted during nis conuection with thf will lie paid by him. Ann Arbor, Oct. 14, 1S78. motf D. McMILLas Abstracts of Titles. AU parties who are desirous of ascertainW. condition of the title to landa, or parties ti winh to loan muney on real estáte will do J!, cali ut the Kegister's office ana consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books Said books aro so tar advancea tí! at the Batí. can furnish on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Titlt of rtny parcel of land in Waahtenaw Couoh i shown by the original recoids. C. H. MANLY, Regirte,, To tryjthe Mi Mail BEFOKE Y0UBU1. It is Simply Wondert IT IS SOLD AT J. F. SCHUH'i Hardware Store. I SELL. ALL, GRADES OF TOBACCOS & CIGABS At Wholesale and Metail. TRY MY FIVE CENT CIGARS! I KEEt' CXjEA-IsT BATH TTTBS Aud the BEST Tonttorial Artista In tho city. L %dT ëlbort hair cutüu duue with Clark b . itent Clippers. Itcuts the hair much nicer tb.... wil: shears. No. ? North Main Street, Anu Arboiv G. C. SCHÜ GET YOUE PItOPEKTY K SUEED BY CJ H. M1LLEN, Insurance Ageni No. 4 South Main Street, ANN AkiBOR, - MfCl The old88t ageucy iu the city. Establishe n quarter of a century ago. Representing tb folkjwtsg first olasa connaniec Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Assels over J6,OO0, Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., AnseU orer 83,000. Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., ABsets Ï1.4JU Girardol P., Assets over $1,000,(1 Oriënt of Hartford, Assets f700. Itates loW. Losses liberally adjustwl o pnnnptly paid. C. H. MILLEÏi. JACOB HALLER &. SON, DEALERS IN WÁTCHES, GLOCKS Jewelry, Spectacles, PLATEO WARE AND GOLD PEHl 24 South Main Street, nsrisr abbob, nvnicH Special attention given to repairlng w' ilocks, and jewelry. m ó EXTRACT jSarsaparilla ■lB8CKnw]cdi?ea to b the beit Bnd moltl m reliableprepttraiijunowpruparedioï I LIVER C0MPLAINT, And for Purlfying the Elood. O Thla prepamtlon is compounded dtlj gtdi care, from thu beut seleoteq Honduras Sarsaparilla, Yello Doek, Stillingia Dandalion, Wild Cherry, and other Valuable Eemedies. Prepared only oy W. JOHXSTOlTJb COil ChemisU & Druggists, 161 JefFerson Ave., Detroit, Miob'lj gold by all Droggista.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus