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- Albert Livingston, of Berrien connty bas been seat to state prison on a 15 year's sentence for committiug rape on a little girl. - W. B. Ferris, foreraan of n shingle inill business at Black Rivnr, Alcona county, was fonnd dead in bed Friday tnorning. He leaves n wife and ebild. - Duve Fisher, of Fewiimo, isciiargod with stealing 33S from Lestor C. Suiith, of Greenville, during the Ionia fair. - He is no w in, aud will soou bo ia the oourt-house. - A magazine contaiuing 500 lbs. of powder blw up at the Saginaw mine eightoen miles west of Marquette, on Priday night. No lives lost. Damage to property iSóOO. - Donald Gameron, agent or representative of the Canadian lumber firm of Thompson & Burton, operuting near Miirquette, has skipped out, leaving many creditors and debts amoimtnig to $6,000 or $7,000, besides wronging nis employers heavily. - Jamps Appleyard & Son, of Lansmg were ofi'ered $400,000 for thuir mining' claim at Leadville, and refused it. The son dug a few days more and Btruck ore that brought out an offer of $1,000,000, and Mr. Appluyurd,sr.,is Bcudding ward to sèe about it. - Nathan Burnstine, jobber of fancy and gents' furnishing gooda in Detroit, failed last week with liabilitiea of f 150,000. Assets not known. Burnatine is father of Isadore, attending Michigan University and among the students firat arrestad, sued mayor Sniith for 10,000 damages. - From Sept. 1 to Oct. 31 the railway accidenta in Michigan were more üumi;rous and ffttal than in any correspond ing period of time since the law was 'passed requiring records of such accident i to be made. There were 3i iu all, raugiig from BK&ifeed iingers up to the Jaok6OU slaughter. - On Monday the youth of this village had the opportunity of witnessing the depraving spectacle of 10 husbanda and fathersof familiesin Maple Grove, Barryville, and Vermontville on a grand drunkNever before in our history has such a scène been witnessed, and the damare that such a spectacle has done to the moráis of the youth of this village can not be enumerated. - Nashville Neten. - The wife of a well-known dentistin this city obtained a decree of divoroe on Saturday last. She charged herhusband with adultery and proved it. She was given the oustody of two ohildreu and the husband was ordered by the couit to pay bis late wife $600 per annum for her support. It is rumored that the gentleman will soon marry a young woman of this city, well known in society. Gr'd Rapids Times. - One day last week an Indian who was hunting near Cass City discovered a large bear in the top of a tree, and ahot him with his rifle. The bcar feil to the ground, woumled but not yot dead ; and as the Indian approached to out his throat, lia was grabbed by the bear and a combat ensued, whieh proved to be fatal to both. When found, the Indian was still in the embrace of the bear, having been literally hugged to death, while the beast was covered with some twen t y or thirty wounds from the Indian's knifo, showing that the struggle must havu been terriüc- Vassar Pioneer. - Dr. J. Byroa Parker of Grand Rápida ie the hero of the latost exploit in the divorco line. Desiring to get rid of his wife, probably to take another, he employed an nttorney, filed a bilí of divoroe agu1 st himsolf, alleging adultery, went in to oourt andadmitted the charge besidesproduciiigcorroborativoevidence to sustain it, and seoured a decree. His wife was dooeivwl iuto siguing the bill of complaint on the representation that it was sooiothing totally different. The doctor employed uttomuya on both sides and manag.'d tho thing quite skillfully, but couldn't keep it from gettiug out finally. - Ilenry Franklin Sherman, an Eno-lis gentleman of ineans who has lately arrived n this country, wited the office of the seorotary of state at Lansing, Saturday, for the purpose of proouring siich documenta as would givodesired infortnaüonregarding the agriculturalinterests of the state. Ho bas started an exploring tour to the northern portion of the lower península, for the purposoof selecting 1,000 aoros of land for himself, and siiys that hoshull soon return toEtlghuKl to perfcct arrangoraents for bringing over a, colony. He aays on account of the agricultural distress in the mother country large numbers of srnall farmers and laborers are preparing to emigrate to üarshores.


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