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LEGAL MOTICES. minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CQUNT.Í robatt lioMBn ntth in the ywironethousandewhtlmnclred1 wíj aeventy-nim. Present, WHliamD. II imman,,lnclc of Probire lnlh.; m;iHir of the eatnte oi Kopliui Tukkuiirini.w WcLZ'jl), ii-,imr. B On retidinganduling ihe potition, do!y verifii .1 of ■ ..11, pravjnft that lie raüv bo lioensed to bcü certum real estáte bMonimi" to sald minor. iupo il is oidcred; that. Wrdnratiny, the : r, o'chick in ►ftheheariBgof saM petitiou, nml that i niinor, und terestet] in sni.-l es tute, are re■ nrt, then to In the city of Anti .oor, and thow cause, f atiy thöfe be, vhy the ..inted: And H is turi ht r (.t titioner gire to the persons intere ti : n i ofthe Penden , Hing tRereof , py eansing a o, py ut1 this oMer to be pnblislwd in to Ahi ■ Ibous, b nmrspnrxír prfílteá snd circulntea in eaid oounty, three Buteessive weeks previuu to rt.tid day of Lsorine. D. HARBIMAN, f A trun eopy). ol Probate. J ■ Dotï, Probate Rf gieter. ''- v Tui tu. traxB OF MICHrtrAï-r; oo„T kj of Wii.-i,i-n;iw. ss. At :i sesBion Of the Probate Court tor the pountyof Waslilenaw, holden at tlie ■ ■■ 1 1 on Wed■ B)l{b 'hij (.1 Xovimbcr, in the yp:ir onci'no" ■Ti-i ti 'I i luir dredand Éeventy-nine nt, Williiiiü D. H.irriniuii. ,Tdge oi l'robnle. In [nu ni, nier ül tlieeatate of Peter Tuit e deDi. piidinirand fllintht petition.dulTTerifled,of Oatharine Tuité, pvayinc 1 1 ; l t ndministratiofc ii 11 i , :■ .; i.i iir. Tliorcupon U ík o:dn d, tb ■ day of Decembei ncxt, nt ten o'cloqk in the ■'! foitaiè hearina of wiiii pt-iition.ur.d tjiüt uit htart nt la oj Baiddiceauêd, nul all otlier pcrsoi íntereated íti s.iid estáte, are r&inirei tfi appewr at n seBsion ol soid court then to be 1. in i" city of A'un Arbor and show eaüèè, if aüy Lhexe bo, why the prayf r af tlie psUttoner aliould not be giunteú,: ie further ordered Ihnt e.ii-1 petidohei givje ted in s.,id estuto ot tbe pendency ol said petition and Ihe LariBtt hereof, l)y tousídr copy of thls ordet to hp ■ the Ass A n printed and circuíate . successive woeka previoua to aaid dny of liearinTi WILLIA.M D. HAKKlitAN, (A true ropy.) Jadge of' Probate. WK, U.Doty, Probate Eegister. Estáte of Sfldoij Marvin. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of WiiBli tenaw. sr. At ;i session of the Probate üonrtfor the County of Washtenaw, holde at the Probate Office, in the city of AnnArbor.oti Wednes(t:iy, the uineteehih üay of November, in thé yeai one thounand eisrlit hundred and seventy-nitte. Present, WtlHani 1. HuirinamA, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte oí Selden Marvin 1 c .ied. On ïvading am] filine the petition duly verifled of ComstookP. TIU1, admïnistiatar, prajring thal he may be Ucénsed to stil the real estáte vrhereof iuid ■d seized, ereupun it ia oidered, that Tuesday, the tixteenthaay oí December next, at ten o'clock in the foronoou, be assipned for the licarinj; of said petition, and that thehcirsatlaw of aaid sceaae, i and all other persons interosted in said estáte, aic required to ftppear at :i itosskm of siiid ooort, then to be holden at the Probate Oitiee in the city of Ann Arboi, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner ehould not be granted: And it ia fiirther onlered tbut said petitioner give notice to the persons interpsted in Bind estáte, of tlia pendenoy of said petition and the hearihl" tliereof, bv oausing a bopy of this order to be publishcd in the Anm Aebo Aiicus, a newspaper printed and circulated In said county, thrtc sucoessive weeks previoua to s.-iid daj-of hearine W1LLIAM D HARHIMAN. f A true eopy.) Judge of Probate VVm. U. Doty, Trobate Reifister, Jistate of Thomas Culliiiano. DTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY K3 of Wasliteuaw, as. At a Beasionof the Probate Court for tlie County of Wnshtenaw, holden at tbe Probate Oiüce, in the City of Ann Arbor on Saturday, the fifteenth day ot NoTtmber, in thiyear one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine Present, Willium U. JLIiirriiuan, Juilgcuf Pr bule. In thematter of the estáte oi Thomas Uullinane deeeased. Onreadinaanafllingthe petition, duly vtnfled of Mary Cullinane, ] i Goorge C. Paea other suitable person may be op-,. adittinistrator 8 bontt non with the will au Thereupon it is orderad, that "Monrlay, the flfQayol December next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon ,,joll andthn aaul dei eprt, then tq be holden ui ;n the city of Ann Arbqr, au UI:why t!ie prayer uf the petitioner should not he granted: furtherordei tionergive notice tofhepersons interested i estate.oí the pend.ency oi said petition, au hearing thereof, by causing a bopy of tliis order to b published in the Ann Aiíboü Abgus, a newspaperpfinted and oircoüjated in said county, three auccessive weeks previon s to said day oi hearing. WILL1AM D. HAEEIMAN, (A true eopy.) Jude of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Begister. Cogoimisaioners' .Notiee. STATE OF MICHIGAN, OOUNTY of M'ashtenaw, ss. The uodertlgned having been appomted bythe Probate Courtfor said County, Commissionera to reeene, examine, and adjust all claims and demanda 01 all persons againtl thu estateof Wiiliatn Sweetraan, late of said couoty deceased, hercby ide uotice that six months f rom re allowed, by order of said Piobate ('ourt for creditors lo present their claims against the istate of said deceased, and that they will meet at lenee of said deceased in the township of iJexter, in 8aid county. on Tliuraday, tho flftfa day ol Fol.niary, and on Wednesday, the flfth day oí Maynext, at ten o'clocl; a. m., of eaoh of said days, to leceive, examine, and adjust said claims. Dated, November 5, A. D., 1879. JAMES BEID, CiAlUtETT WALL, 45-4t Comraissioners. fPiiprW Demócrata evorywhere sbould inform themselves carefully alike of the action of their party throughout tho country and of the movrmenta of their Kepublican opponents. A failnre to du Ihis in 1S70 conlrtbuted greatly to the loss by tho Democnicy of the fruits of the victory fairly won at the polls" . The year 1S80 promises to be one of the most intereBting and important years of tbis crowded and eventful oentury. lt will witnesa a l'iesidential etection whioh raay result In re-establisliing the Government of this country on tbc principios of its constitutional founders, orin psrmanently eb 1 1 the relations of the States to the Federal power No inteHigest man can regard such an eleetion with iudiüerenee. Thk WorM), as tlio onlv dailV i'.riL'lish newspajter publiabed in the city of New York which upholda the cioctHDes of cocstilutiona! Democraey, wiil steadily represent the Democratie party in thia ivoat oanvass. It will do this fn 110 spirit of eer. hip, bilt teinperately and firmly. As a newapaper The Wom.n; i-i do olique and no interest, will present the fullest and the f.iireet picture it ran inake of eaoli ig History in the city, the !ie country and the world. ' It v.ill aim heroatter, as heretoforc, at aecuraey flrat of all thinsrs m 11 thin-n that it publishes. No man, hm rmitteittaly to complain tbat he has ocji unjustjy dealt wilh in the eoluTims of The Worlb. no inlt:est,however powerful. shall ever be permitted truly to boasrt that it eau silence ia of The Wohld. Inrii yearTHE VVoeld lias seen its dailycircalaiii.n trebled and ts weekly circulation iar beyond that of itny otiier weekly newspapapin the eeantty. This great íncrease has been won, as Th Wüiu.d belfevea, by trulhl'uiiiess, enterpriae, ceaaelesa activity in eoUeetirig neu unfalterinir loyalty toitselTancf to its readers in dealing with the questions of the day. It is our hope uw! it w-iil be onr endêaVt that Tuk Wokld's 0 may be writteri in the approbatiou and the support of uA more of' ncw - in all ihmI.s oí' líiis Indissoluble Union of Iudestructibltí fetales. Our rafes of subseriptiou remain uncbanged and are as fol] i Daily and Sundaya, ono year, S10: six months Í5.5U; three moi'ths, Ï2.Ï0. Daily, wiiiiciiil Sundaya, ono year, SP; sixmonths, $4.25; tliree ruuuths, $2.26 leas tliaii tiiree uiuutha $1 a mouth. i'Kiuy Wokld, one year, $2. Tiih JIonday V(iui.i), cont'aining the Book lteviewa and " College Chroniole," one vea Ihemomi-Weekly Vobli (Tuuadays and FrliAïï- . . r. To Club Agento- An eopy for club oitou; tho Diily for club oí fiventy-five. r.Y World CW'odnrsdnyJ- One Dollar ayear. ToCIübA .',,.,y for club of ten ; the Semi-Weekly lor club of twettty, tho Daily for club of lifty. Stecimen aumber sentft-ee on applicatlon. is- Cash, invsribly Seud post-otüce ïuouey order, bank draft or rt'KïBtcred letter. Bills at risk of thu sonder. A SPECIAI. OFFER. Subscrlber who send $1 for a 3 oription before December 28 will lvCa bekly woitLD from the date of thalr BObscrlption XO illARCH 5, 1881. TUs wlll lnclude the Pi ,'mpaign and tiio inauguran at, Old sntscribers v. I , ieoember 28 r'n' ■ renewal of thèir subscription for 1880 wili re.liTS to March 5, 1881, witüouirmisaing a mimber. TUI Offer will bc W'Hlitlrawn MECIiMIHSR xo, Take advantu ge of it at onee. Subscribo at once. Ueiiew at once. MEDICINAL. Stearns' Drug Store 81 WOODWARD AVENUE, X53TEOIT. We keep. in stock the argest varïety of Medical Merchandize gathered under one roof in America. KB"Visitors are cordially invited to vlsit our More hen in Detroit. PIITSICIAXS, SLRGEONS, STUDENTS, and DEAUiKS are invited tu examine our Iarge and cOHiploto assortni"nt of Snrpal Instruments tand all kindred joods before mahing their seloc ions eteewhere, aswe vill inane il toj hcir advan taye toobluin their aupiiliesof us. FBEDEBICK STEARNS. EN. COOPEH, TOt. D., Accoucheur and Gynaecologist. Office coru er Main and Huron streets, Aün Arbor. INSURANCE. GET YOUE PROPEETY INSUEED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN AiïBOR, - MICH. The oldest ageney in the city. Established a quarter of a century ago. Bepreeenting the following firat clasa eopinanies: Home Insurance Co. of N.Y., Assets over $6,000,000 Continental las. Co. of N. Y., Asaeta orer $3,000,000 Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets $1,442,400 Oirard ol Pa., Assets over $1,000,000 Oriënt of Hartford, Assets 700,000 Ratea low. Losses llberally adiusted and proinptly paid. C'. H. MILLEN. ETisr a INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649". 98. Losaes Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includiig Re-Iiisurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86Net Surplus over Liabilities, ineluding Ee-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. ('. MACK, Agent, Ann Arbor. Prices of Lime Beduced ! Kcllyls!an4 1,iiiie, 25 cis. per busli. lUonroe I.imc, 25 cents per busliel. JTIacon time, 3 cent per busücl. FOR SALE. OÜ i' ai liepót. "d PlMter' :" my U noar 1Gtt AC!) 11 VOltAIVB.


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Ann Arbor Argus