Real Estate Transfers
Wm. E. Snow to Martha M. - Pareéis oí' land in Superior. Consideration $3000. David Campbell to Wm. B. Sniith.- Ypsilanti city property. Consideration $1000. Leander Stiles to Letitia A. Walker. 40 acres in Augusta. Consideration 525. L. E. Smith to David Campbell. Two acres in Ypsilanti township. Consideration $3000. Addison Fletcher to David Campbell. Property in ward five of Ypsilanti. Consideration f 100. Leander Stiles to Letitia A. Walker. Pareéis of land in Ypsilanti town. Consideration $7475. Louis Foerster to David Campbell. - Property in 5th ward, Ypsilanti. Consideration f800. Daniel Sutherland to Sarah Jane Sutherland. Land in Pittsfield for $1000. John C. Taylor to Wm. Yocum. Chelsea village lot for $450. Stephen B. Morse to John A. Watling. Ypsilanti city lot for $80. Ebenezer W. Monroe to Fred R. Snyder. 233 acres in Lyndon. Consideration $6750. Margaret B. Yoorhies to George M. Voorheis. Ypsilanti city lot for $50. Ira Aldrich to Maria Halligan. Ann Arbor city lot for $153. Tlorace Brewer to Albert G. Lawrence. Eight acres in York including saw mili property. Consideration $1250. E. H. Jones to M. B. Yoorheis. Ypsi city lot for S225. James T. Smith to Daniel Sutherland. Land in Pittsfield. Consideration $1120. QUIT-CLAIM. Hudson T. Martin to S. P. Jewett. - 180 acres of land in Sharon. Considoration $04,11. Ann E. Burnett to Calvin T. Burnett. Pareéis of land in Lodi for $1000. Henry Johnson to Asa M. Darling. - 80 acres in Augusta. Consideration $1. Chas. G. VanWest to L. and C. E. Green. Lands in Webster. Considoration $500. Leorvard Green to Chas. G. VanWest. Land in Webster for $500. Amanda O. Stiles to Leander Stiles. Ypsilanti city property for $3000.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
William E. Snow
Martha M. Snow
David Campbell
William B. Smith
Leander Stiles
Letitia A. Walker
L. E. Smith
Addison Fletcher
Louis Foerster
Daniel Sutherland
Sarah Jane Sutherland
John C. Taylor
William Yocum
Stephen B. Morse
John A. Watling
Ebenezer W. Monroe
Fred R. Snyder
Margaret B. Voorhies
George M. Voorheis
Ira Aldrich
Maria Halligan
Horace Brewer
Albert G. Lawrence
E. H. Jones
M. B. Voorhees
James T. Smith
Hudson T. Martin
S. P. Jewett
Ann E. Burnett
Calvin T. Burnett
Henry Johnson
Asa M. Darling
Charles G. VanWest
L. Greene
C. E. Greene
Leonard Green
Amanda O. Stiles