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GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. OPTgüÖcèry! AT 16 EAS7 HU RON STREET, CAS PAR RIftlSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, eomprisinK everytliinp in tlie line at bottom prices - arni puichased exclusively lor cash. From alonp expericnce in the trade, retail and wholestle, he bciieves De can sell gooas as cheiip ns tlie cheapest. CALL AND SEE HIS PEICES ! All fioods Warranted First-Class. Farmers produce wanted for which the highest caii pricp will be paid. ;"'' Bemember the place, 16 East ' , Ann Arbor. ■piNh-Lï & SEABOUt'S Bakery, Grocery, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. V k) ly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c, For Wholesale and Ketail Trade. We shftll also keep a supply of J.M. Swlfl & Co'g Rent Ttfhlte "WTieat Moor, Bye J'lonr. Buokwlieat Flour, Coru Me:il, Feed, &c, &c, &c. At Tvholesalc .ril rel 1. A general stock of GEOCEEIES AND PEOVISIONS constantly on iinnd, wbieli w!ll be poM on ns rcasoriable tertna aa al ntty otber house in the city. CtLÜH pald for Butter, Eggs, and Country Z%ödnce generalij. j Good dell vertd to any part of the city without extra charge. KINSEY & SEABOLT. Ann AiW.Jnn. 1, 1879. A DOLLáí lAVED 18 A BöILAll EARNED ! NEWGÖODS! And prices LOWER THAN EVER. I have pnrchased in New York, for cashV-a-iui I nm now rinily rcceivinir one of the htrewt and most Belect stocks of GrocerieB in 'Washlenaw County, conitíting of a full and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop- itcluding ftimpowdcrs, Imjcriiils, loims; If 1Hous, Ilj'soiss, J:ipiin, Ooloiíjís. l(jr. mosus, Coiiqrons, Soucliong's, :ii:l Twsmkays, Together with a full line of COFFEES, consisting of the follon-ing bmnds: MOCHA, OI.D GOV'Ï JAVA, MAKACA1B0, LAGUAYRE.8ANTOS nnd 1110, both roiiared and ground; a ful] and well selected stock of SUGARS, SYRUPS, AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line cf Pure 8pices,Canned fruits, and Vegetables. We have a full and complet line of BOOTS & SHOES, HA"C3ï CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Aleo, a choice assortment of Ladies' and Öentlemen's Underwear. Cali and ex;imine Gooda and Prices and we will insure siitisfaction. KLWARD ÜITFFY. Maynard's Block,-' cor. Main and Ann Btreets Ann Arbor, Mich. BSHitrhest eush price paid fos all farm produee.-iCB THEATRICAL. % i ' " 3VC. WHELAS7 rSucceswrtoJ. N. Gatland) ONLY TRACTICAL ÉÉpifc THEATEICAL m 'il and Masquerade Di) S r.V UJMTÏJEI B -3"pggf IN MICHIGAN. ■ . ■ . E Manufacturer and HJJBi Dealer in Theatrioal Goods and Wardrotes. I ;. given 10 the production of AMÁTELE PLAYS AND MASQUERADES. r telcgraph will reccive prompt 120 Üriswold Street, DETROIT, Mich. il St. Etst, Detroit, Mich. E TE fe Y B O D Y S A Y S T II A T . B. REVENAUGH IS TH F. B Fïtotogragher of Ann Arbor. FoAuthStreot, Eas!. of Couit Hle( Hoor. RAILROADS. MICIHtíAN CENTS A I, KAILKOA.D. MAY 25, 1879. OPIMO WE BT . 8TATIOK8. 3!. J! S1 .W 'EPc C _jxl_p.Pili!.!Íi __, „' M. A.M P.M. p. M. r.M. p.M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 g 85 -r 55 3 56 S 10 i ;r G. T. Junction, T 16 10 un 6 1(1 4 1(i 2h' 10 10 %V uyne Junction 7 52 10 28: 6 42i 4 gg 8 57 10 4'' Ypsilanti, 8 20 10 45 ■ '051 4 55! 9 TI 11 oí Gcdcles, 8 30 7 20 Ann Arbor, i 8 40111 00 7 3Í f, 20 0 38 11 L0 Tielhi, 8 58 7 ! Dexter, 9 04 7 M] 5 37 9 50 ' Chelsea, . o 22 8 lli 5 50 1(1 18 GrassLake, 9 50; 8 35 6 1010 38, P. M ; A.M Jackson, 1(1 80 12 15! 9 00 6 30 11 íí S 46 Albion, II 04 12 50: g 7 86 11 )9 I 20 Marshall, 11 BOJ 1 80 .3 o 8 03 12 25 ] 40 V.M. W g A.M. Battle Creek, 12 19! 1 55,t ! 8 82 12 50 -2 02 Galesburg, 12 52 - 11 (fe 1 20 A. M. Kalamazoo, 1 15 2 37 6 00! 9 25 ! 88 2 48 Lawton, 1 53 5 33 2 13 Decatur, 2 10 ! 5 80 2 81 Dowagiac, 2 35 i 6 12' 1 2 57! Nüe, 8 08 4 117 6 55 I 3 Su I 4 15 Huclmnnn, 3 19 1 7 07 1 3 45 ThreeOaks. 3 49 7 32 j N'ew Dnftilc, 4 3 4 57! 7 45! , 4 27 Michigan City, 4 30 5 20! 8 10' 4 Mi 5 3C] Lake, 5 13 6 02! 8 53: 1 5 4o' 6 19 Kcusington, 6 00 ( 50 9 10 6 40: 7 11 Chicago, arrive, 6 60 7 40 10 30: I 7 SO s iv OOIKG EA6T. Á ' ISli -I L_ jv hét _ _s A.M. A. M.lp. M. P.M. !p. M : liiPüfro, leave, 7 00 9 00: 4 00! 5 15 9 10 Keoaington, 7 50 9 S0: 4 SO I'. (" 10 00 Lake, 8 38; ÍO 30; 5 421 6 50 10 4m Michigan City, 9 25 n 13 6 35 70 118' New Bufflalo, 9 47 11 30 II 1 ;y Xhree Oaks, j 10 02 7 08 ' Buchanan, 10 82 7 35 -_ÍL Niles, 10 45 12 15 8 05 19 00 IJ 45 Dnwaifiao, 11 13 8 33 "I 1 1 16 Decatur, 11 39 ; 8 57 1 1 40 Lawton, 11 571 : 9 15 a. u 1 57 Kalunazoo, 12 33 1 40 9 50 6 60 10 28 2 28 Galesburg, 12 5! 1 . 7 03 Battle Creek, 1 28 2 15" 7 40 11 loj 3 1H Marshall, 2 25 3 00 'f 8 08 U 37 Tic Albion, í r,2 3 21.A.M. 8 85.1Í 5! 4 12 Jackson, 3 45 4 05 7 15 9 3012 50 5 00 errasü Lake, 4 10 7 381 9 501 ! b 26 Cfaelaea, 4 4O 8 0210 07; 55c Dexter, 5 00! 8 16 10 19 6 05 Delhi, 6 10 8 25! ! Ann Arbor, 6 ?0 5 10 i 8 45)0 35, 2 05! 6 25 cades. 5 30i ! 8 50 Ypsilanti. 5 S7 5 24 9 00 10 4S 2 20! 6 41 Wayne June, C 01 5 45 9 23,11 08 2 44! 7 05 G.T. June, 6 33 6 lá 9 55 U 35! 3 201 7 45 Detroit, Ar., I 6 48 6 30.10 10.11 50Í 3 35; 8 (f 8undays excepted. JSaturday aud Bundayëxepted. tDaily. H. B. LEDYARD, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Wentwoeth, G. P. & T. Agt., Chieaso. CANADA SOUTHERN U'V I,IVKS. The ünly American Route Through Canada Trains leave M. C. R. E. Depot, Detroit, city time as follows: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Faat Day Express, daily, 12 noon, Wagner car to New York and Boston. Llghtning Express, daily excopt Sunday, 11 10 p. m., Wagner car to Buflalo and Ilochester. Toledo traius leave 7 50 a. m. except Sunday; 3 10 p. ni. daily ; 6 50 p. m. except Sunday, For Fayetti! 0 30 p. m. except Sunday. For information and tickets apply to H. W Ilayes, agent M. C. R. E., Ann Arbor. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agent. Detroit. FRANK E. SNOW, Gen. Pasa, and Ticket Agt Detroit. nREAT WESTEBW BAII.WAÏJT Depots foot of Third and lirush streets. Detroit timo. Detroit time. Leave Arrive. Atlantic Expiess, 54.00 a. m. 510.00 p. Tn. Day Express, 8.35 a. m. 6.S0 p. m. New York and Boston Express, 7.00p.m. t9.45a.m. Detroit Ezsrou, 12.45 p. m. Steamboat Express, 7.00 a. m JDaily. DaiIy except Sunday. tExcept Monday. For information and tickets apply to H. W. Hayes, Agent M. O. R. R., Ann Albor. W. II. FIRTH, WM. EDGMl, Western Pass'r Ag't. General Pass'r Aeent DETEOIT, HILLSDALE AND SOUTHWKSTERN KA1LROAD. To take eflect May 25, 1879. GOIyrt WEST. GOINO EART. TTIO N8. Mail. Exp. I BTATIONB. Exp. íail Ypsilanti . . . . 8:25 7:tO a. m. p. m Toledo June.. 8:1.3 7:30 ] Bankers 6:00 2'25 Saline 9:25 7:50 : Hillsdale ... 5:30 2:S5 Bridgewater .. íl:47 8:12 Manchester.. 8:30 4:11 Manchester. 10:4! 8:37 Bridgewater 0:l'O 4:30 P.M. Saline 9:50 4:47 Hillsdale 1:00 10:25 Toledo Juno. 10:10 4:57 Bankers. . 1:10 10:35 Ypsilanti... ■ 10:35 5:15 Trains run by Chicago tim. W. F. PARKER, 8- psilanti. PAINTS, O1LS, ETC. npHJi I. ■ UGESl A1VJ BEST STOCK OF PAINTS, 08LS, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials,&c. AMERICAN AND FRENCH 'WIITDO'W CLASS All SiT.CS. L.T SOEG-'S. 26 and 28 East Wasliington Street, ANN AEBOE.


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Ann Arbor Argus