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Southerners Looking For Plunder

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The kfnd and conciliatory marnier with wnieh Grant received representatie of the confedérate array at San Francisco, and his expression that there miglit lie hearty concord of feeling between the two great sections of the country, has awakened a responsive chord in the breasts of certain southorn leaders. There are in tbnfc section men wliom th stalwart Eepnblioans profess to dread the most, ready to strike hands with any coalition through which anything important can bo gained. They are poor, and to secure local power, poila or subsidies, wifling to sacrifico their political faith. Wade Hampton evinced a greater desiro in 1876-7 to üucceed in recovering South Carolina for hiniself than in securing Tilden electors. Nichols thonght only of Louisiana during tho infamous days of the relgn of pprjury. It was by their aid the frauduIent count was completed, and a man, defeated by a large majority of the Totes east, Beated in the presidential chair. And it is by thetraid, andotbersouthern Wders, that Eepublican sohemes of plunder includincr Tom Scott's Texasi atinu BUDsiay 6cbeme have been, anu ure again to be pressed npon Congress. Considering the bargain between thera und Hayea by which the latter should be given the presidency, we are not surprised at the diversion in favor of Grant by sorne of the Brigadiers. They would break down the traditions of government by a third terra if any thing could be made by it. They are for themselves first, last and always. Rtephens, vioe president of the confederacy says Grant it the "best and greatest of Americana." Toombs, whose late annunciation of "death to the union" forraing a text for mi editorial in every Rcpublican newsjiaper, as the exponent of southern Demoeracy "would prefer him to Tilden." In a nutnber of the southern states are ftnggestionB of tho noniination of a nnthern man as a tail to the third-term kite. While we do not entertain the opinión that a respectablo minority even of Southern people are in favor of Grant, it can not be denied thatastrong diversión in his behalf is being made. Sotne there are willing to fawn upon one who held tbem squirming and grasping in his military grip during eightyears without relaxing his hold until the eonsuinmation of the electoral fraud. They seem to forget he propped up the carpet-bag regima which suceeeded in bankinpting nearly every state in the South. Because after a long period of oppression he utters a couciliating sentiment, they manifest a willingness to condone the past, take bim to theirbosoni.overridetheexmplea of our forefathnrs, restore him to power, and ultimately to life-tonure. - They " prefer him to Tilden" now, preeisely as they preferred Hayes to Tilden in 1877. Tilden was opposed to payment of Southern claims, subsidies, and was the promise of cor.stitutional and economical government. Knowingwhat Grant haa been, they welcome another term of license and plunder, in the hope of profiting theni8elve8. Senator Conkling's law concerning trade marks is pronouuced unconstitutional by the eupreme oourt. Property in trade niarks has of late years grcwn to be of the greatest importance to manufacturera and dealers thronghout the United States, so that, to-day, scarcely a package or plug of tobáceo, a brand of üour, a pound of so.p, a can of fruit, a box of matches, oí a yard of fabric is 6old without ita distinctire brand or mark by which it is known to the trade. The act of 1870 is therefore nuil and void. By this decisión the right of exclusive property in trade marks is not affected in the least; it simply compela a party to enforce his rights under the eomuion law, as against the fraudulent cts of others, instead of claiming or justifying under a statute. Orvil Grant is known as trafficing in post-tralerships during liis brother Ulysses' adminis-tration. ín many other ■ways he added to tlje scandals credited to his brother account. Within the past few years he has evinced an unsound mind appearing in the streets of Washington iu costumes discreditable nd scanty. Tmmf naturally Orvil wíshed to greet his broUter upon his leturn from foreign lauda and rqpaired to Chicago for this purpose. The 8ta wart of Chicago, conceiving the General ■would be displeased to meet his crazed and needy brother, got hiin intoxicated and started him otf on a western bound " train. When this faot carne to the General's ears he manifested inuch displeasure over the act. Leadville was last week rerainded of the vigilantes of '4Ü in California. The city is a grand resort for lot thieves, bivnko-steerers, fo&tpads and every sort of walking humanity who defraud the unwary. Their operations are at times BO palpably dishonost lynchlaw has to be invoko-3 "' ptHUkÜiAèbt. a tootpaa and claim-jumper in jail awaiting trial were forcibly removed by forty-five masked men, taken to an adjoining shod and hanged. On the back of one wás a placard notifying all such oharacters, several persons being nanied, and their sympathizers, to stop their transaetions, nnless they wanted to meet a like fate. The lawless element effected an organization and threatened retaliation. The bears were in great glee in and about Wall street last week. Stocks that have been advancing too rapidly for a healtliful condition shrunk daily until margina were entirely wiped out. The loss appears to fall raostly upon thosogreenhorns in the country induced to put up their all in the hope of becoming wealthy in a day. The Hayden trial is unooncluded. Orlando Greenfield's attornies are moving lieaven and oarth for s i'ourth trial to save their cliënt f rom the gallo ws awaiting him at üswego, Dec. 12. The reverend and tbe farmer are the more prominent juat now iu the niuiderer's kingdoin, I Should Jeff Davis and Bob Toorabs die befoto the campaign opens the Eepublican party woul.l bo out moat for the presidential content. The official canvass shows the late Greenba'k party polled the astonishingly 8inall vote of ü9 in the city of Nu w York for its candidato tor Governor, Lewis. How can Eobert Toomba uttor treason against the government, when, his disabilities unremoved, he is not a citizen'r1 Respectfully roferred to the Kepublican press. _ ■ i ■ If Tilden ia so dead, doad, dead, that a Gabriel politicul trumpet can not resurrect hira why don't the Poxt and Tribune respect the corpse by ceasing to kick it whenever opportunity offers? Chicago will contest with Philftdelphia the claim to the next Eepublicau national convention. The latter's best argument is in the fact that the centennial buildings are large enough to hold the larger share of the party. If it is necessary to prohibit the circulation of bawdy pictorial newspapera to preserve the mprals of the youth of the Dominion, why are not the youth of the States of importance tojuatify the adoption of a similar rule on this side of Kq Viorder. After twenty-five days trial at Kalamazoo Mrs. Newcoraer loses her oase agaiust superintendent VanDusenof the insane asylum, whoin she charged with false imprisonment. Judge Shipman instruoted the jury to fmd for the defeudant. It is fortúnate for Adrián Bearnnn declined. With a governor and senator in her midst, the city wonld have burst with eelf-glorified honor, and another disaster attended with greater fatality perhapa than that of early autumn would have befallen her. Benator Blaine is credited with the remark that within thenext few montha aevelopments will be made which will eliminate Gen. Grant frotn the list of possible presidential candidatfis. This is supponed to refer to the Nioaraguan canal scheme with Grant as its president. Congress will meet on Mondny next. There will be little legislation enacted the coming session, representativas of both parties invariably putting themselves upon their good behavior prior to the conttist for national supreraaoy, and devoting their time toPresident-making. Looking around and observing the Greenback ship sinking, Brick Poineroy deserts her beforeshe iscompletely undor water, announcing himsolf hereafter as a lueinber of the noble, if not large, band, of Independonts. Thoy will be unable to stand his association a great while. The gallows were busy Friday. A brutal colored ravisher of a little girl, went henee at Union, S. ().; two brothers, Andrew and George Brown,directly and indirectly iinplicated in fourteen murders added another by killing McLain in yLay, 1876, tor whiohboth werehung at Galveston, Texas. We place little confidence in statements given currency by the presa as to candidates on either side. While it is true the late eleotions seryed to complícate the 8ituation for us and materially weakened if not altogether destroyed the prospects of the re-nomination of Mr. Tilden, the fact is undeniable that he can and will desígnate the candidate. The Springfield7?epttWicnre, whose ardent championship of Charles Francis Adams ia familiar, alleges that Mr. T. has settled upon its candidate, and that his nomination will drown all possible complaints of the hard money and ultrastalwart elements in the north. That Bayard is to be the candidate for Vice President to please the south and prevent the dreaded stainpede for Grant. If Tilden has really marked out this programme it is to let Indiana go, and to rely upon New York, New Jersey and Connecticut which with a solid south would elect the ticket.


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