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rOnBGN..NEWSPAPERS. TBË SIN FOK 1880. Thf. Sun ill r'cal willi ttie ewnts f th year 1SS( in tsown hwMon.nowpictty wel anderetood l,y e vyb..tlv. From jaDm.ry 1 Biiiil December 8 it wilM". eon'ïacted m newspaper ritten 111 the Ewl sh anuumre ..! printed tor the whote peeple. aT newsnpèr, Th Süs belieea n gatflngal UK PK f the world promptly, aad 1,1111 iul' 1 Sihemoiit IntelllfiiWe 8hape-the sh;q,e tl,;t will „.hlflitB readers to keep well ebest of tk a(fe ththelit uiiproduoiive expendlttire ol tune Í ' ,,, .,t,-i Interest t" O-v vrmtoit number- that UthelHwoontioUing Ita daily mk-np. II now L,., rlrrtilatlon very mnch lurger tbm tht ol „ny othei American newspBper, and enjoy an ta„„■„,. which it is al all tunes prapared to spend llberallT for the bei til of : readera. Pyople of all ííndUÍon. ot liiV nnd all ways of thinking bity aad reïd Thk Sus ; ana tl, y dl derive satisÏMtion of soine sort frorn ta cStumiis, for they koep on buylrV?U SmfnS.MOH men uri affaln, T„K S,-N l.elieTnthat theonljUntde of pollcj ahoold be cpmdl-s nd DMïed by hon, rty ol pnrpow. Por this r ..,s..n it is, and wlïl continue to be, absolately todependenü.fpartï,clas.i, ■■!, ,,u-, orgunizMion or Interèsi It 1 for all, but of none. It will conttnue 'to praiie wtal is Rood and roprobaM hut 19 "vil takiM cïre that lts laneiiage ia 10 tSe )mit . 'j ..!..,„ i,v.,n,i tli,. nossibilitv of iM-rag dërulo-xi lt'is iiimiihi.-ii.-.-.l i.y motives tlmt do i,otappearonth mrfaoe: II lias no opinión; to nu ve ih„-,. which inny be had by any purehaser „itiitwo cents. II btlte injustiee imd roscality oven more thnn it hatea nnneoemary woids. It abhors frand, pitle foola. od deplore nincompoop of everv I' wlil oontlnue througiout the vear 1880 to chaatise the ret rluss in-truct thi st'coml nnd discountenance the third. All hMert inen wlth hon8 eonvictions, whetíier sound or miitiken, aro itg Wends. And The Bok roakM no b„„e8of telling tluMrutntoits frisnds and abont it friends Wnenwet occasion arisoa for plani ''■rhBire tlie pvinciplfs upnn which Tire Son will lii-nmdiicU-d duriiiï (bc ycar tocóme. Tbe vear 1SS0 wil] be one in which uo patriotic American can fford to close hi eyet to public affnirs li tojiupoMible t" exaftgeratethBimportancp of the poliUéal eTOntswhich it ha in store, or the Moewitv of relute visdlanoe on the part of every Jr., "leiounderB gae us. The aèbatèi ana ïctsot ■ Congress, the utteranons of the press, the ezciting coiitéstsof the Itepublican and Democratie parties, Aow nearly equai in slrength thrunghout the countrj-, the vuiying drift of public sentimrnt, will uil In-ar directly snd effectively up'n the twc-niylourth Presfcjential eleetiqn,to le li;ltl in November. Four yi-ars ago m-xt November, the ill of the nation.üs expressed I the polls, wi thwartea by an abominable conspiracy, the promotflCT and beneficiarlee of whlcli still lnli (lie otflöcf thej Mole. Wiljth crime of 1876 be repeated in 1880? past (iccm!" oí years opentífl mííIi a cornipt, extn. vanan t. añil iisc'ilcül Aiiiüiiiistration inereneh ■il at Waahlniilou. TheSu did something loward dislotlgiiif; Ihegnng and breaklng lts pow. The siiru.i men are now int riguinx to store liicir lcailor niid tbemsclvca to pinera froni whieh they were dr i vee bj Itae indignation ot thepenpie. wlll tbey mceeed? The coming year will brinu the Hiiswers ti) these momentous quëstionB. Tin: SlIN will be on li.-mil U) chionicle the facts sa tl-.ry are developed, :hm1 lo exhibll thprn o parly and lVurlcssly in tbeir relutionft to expediency and right. Thua, with a habit of piiilosuphieal goort humor in luokinii at the minor affaire f lili', and in great iliiu;.' h steadTast pin puse to malntain tho nghjlj ol tlio pi'ople an-1 th.' principlesof the Constitotlnn iiKuinst 11 aggr1 ssors, tuk sun is preparen to wme u truthlul, tustruolive, itnd entertnininghistory of 1R80. Uur ratcsoí sutwonption remain unchnnged. For the D.VILT bon, a four-pneu sheetof twenty-etght ojlunnis, the prioe hy mail, poslpaid, ia 05 centa n innnth, or aytwr; or, inctadiog the Suuday j.iiper, ar eiglit-pngc sheet of ñl'tv-six columns, the pnce isO.I ceuts a moutli or7.TO :i year, posiage patd The Sunday editinn of the bun is Uso furnished sepiirately at S13O n year, postage paid, Thi prioe of (lie weekly sun, eiífht pasrPsi fiftysix columns, isíil a iviir, postado paid. For ciubs of ten seuduiy ÍÜ1O we will sf-iid in ex! ra copy tree. I. W. KN'fil.AND,' Publislicr oi TiiE sun, New York City. Tüb Worlüjor 1880. Bemocrats everyivhere should inform themsolves onret'iilly allke oT tlie aCtion oí their party throngh■uut the country and of the movt-meuta of thcir üepubliean oppuiienis. A fait 11 re to dn this in 1N7( conirümted greafly to the loss by tjie Democraoy of the fruita oí the victory fairly won at the polls. The year 1S8() proiniaes to be one if the most interestiiiK and important yearsof this crowded and even tí ui c nlury. Jt will witueaa a PtesIdentiaT tlection which may result in reeetabUshinj tbe Governnient of liiis country op the principies ot its eonstitutiona] foiiuder8,orin pennauently ulmnging the relations of the btat to tho Federal power. 2ïo intelligent m.m can regard snch an election with iirajftêrence. Phi W kld, is tbe only d-.iiiy Englislrp.ewspaper publiahod in tliu cüy of New York which upholds f lie doctrines of coiistitutionnl Deinocracy, will steadily represent tlie Democraiic party in this greal cunvasa. It will do this in no spirit of Beryüe partLsansBip, but temperately and firmly. As a The "World, being the organ of no man, uo clique and no interest, will present the fttllent nnd the faireat picuire it can luake of each day's passing history in the city, the ötate, the country and the world. It will aim after, as heretoiorc, ;u acciirttcy hrst oí" all iliiiiE? f q all tMngs that it publíshea. No man, howuver hamble, shall be permitíed truly to eomplain thíit he has been unjustly dealt witJi in tho columna of The World. NojñU're.-.tJiowever power ful. shaU ever be permití ed truly to boast. that it cau silenoe the fair criticism of Tira Wokld. Dnriog tbe püsi yearTHE World has seen its daily circuhitioii trebled and ÍU vre% y circulation pushed lar beyoml that of any other weekly newspaperln tbe country. tTliis greut bas been won, ns The World Efelteros, by truthfulness, eutexpxise, ceaaelestf notlyity iu collecting news and uofiUteriiiK loysJtyío itsell nucí to lts readers in dealing witli the tfuesttens of the dar. H ia our hope and it will beour emleavor that TiieWokmj's record for 1830 may be wtitteu in the upprobation aud the support of niaiiy tbousanda more of iiüw readers in all parts of tíiis Indissoluble Uiiiün of Indestructible States. Out rates of subacription remain unchanged, and are as foUofffl : Daily and Sundays, one year, $10; six montha, $5.M; three montha, 52.75. Daily, without Sundövs, one year, $S; sixmonths, $4.25; 'three months, $2.'b ; Ièfta thtui three mouths $1 a montli. The HUMDAT World, one yoar, 82. Tuk Mosdaï Woki.d, eontaiolng the Book Reviews and " College Chioniglei' one year, 8150. Thb Skmi-Wekki,y w'obmi iïiiüsdaya and Kridnys)- Two Dollars a year. ïo Club Agenta- An extra copy ior elub of ten; the IXiily for club of twenty-tive. Tur Wki:ki,y Wdíu.d (Weanesday)- One Dollar ft toot. To Club AL6nts- An extra copy for club of ten ; the Stmi-Weekly iur club ol iwenty, the Duily for elul) of titty. Specimen Dumber sent free on Hpplication. Tenns- Cash, invanbJy in ad vanee. SeDtl post-olücc iimney order, bank draft or registered letter. Bills at rik of the aender. A SPECIAI, OFFER. Subscribe who sond SI for ;i ycar's subscriptioD botare I ■■■■ üil i 23 will reoeive This Weekly Wokld froiu the date of tltnlr subscription 10 MAHt ÜB5, 1881. This will taclude (lio PresMential campaign and the inaugural iou of the n-'xi Presideut. Oíd sui'sonl-.i - whe nend fl beíoie December 28, for a reju'wal of thcir Bubscrlption l'or 1880, will receive The Wekklt World to March 5, 1881, without missing a inunber. Xlils Offer will toe Wlthdrawn DMEMKER 29. Talie atlvanlage of it at once. Subscribe atonce. Renew at once. Address, THE WOK1D, 35 Turk Kow, New York. The Feople's Paper. The widc-spreiid popularity of The Detroit Evening News Ie ottert e ■ teady daiïy circulation of over 22.0ÜU ■■ ■ ■ ' Vl1 betyejsupplied witb tf le raphic ÍDtelligence or more complete inarketTtports tnau riow. H St-nt 'y mail to any addren at the rate oí 15 per year, poetatreiucluded. The Echo for 1 88O THk BtQHO, the ïïest and Clieapest weekly new.-ipiip'-r in tlu; Sta e, ia published hy tbe proprieton oi' The Evekinq Nkwb, and is now enterUiK upon lts eoond y;ii'. In clubs of tour or more it e-til be had for the siuall sum of 73 cents a year. Three IVlonths F.ír.(Bíí,í ,,, Li ■ -i sinutjl' il niisyear f ree. All gosuuftstci's are agenta, or subscribers may address TUE EVEB Mi NEWS, Detroit, ll:cb. JEWELRY. JACOB HALLER &. SON, DEALERS IN WATGHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Speetacles, PLATED WARE AND GOLD PENS, 24 South Main Street, .A-ztsrisr abboe, imiicüh:. Ï35" Special attention given to repairlng watches clocks, and jewelry. AIVNUAL MEETING. The (innual meeting of t lie Gemían Farmera' Fire Tnsurance ('ampmiy ut' WashteBftW County will be ln;ltl iii theiehoo] bouse.oppogitethe Germfln Luth, Ohuroh in the townhtp of Roio( oti 1hi flrst Montlay of December next, at 10 o'elOck A. M., lor the purpose of electing offleers, and tdt the truiisüctioii ui snob it)ior busioMfl as inay letiïil}y come befofö said inectinji. A general atteudftncR is requested. Düted, Octuber SI, 1879. WM. P. BUS6, Secretary. GROCERIES Af-D PROVISIOiMS. AT 16 EAS1 HU RON STREET, GASPAR RiRSSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, compiisinp evrrvthing in the line ut hottom prices - aud purchused exclusively fi ouaü. From a long experience in the trade, retail and wholesiilf, he ueliuves ne can solí jjooüs as cheap as the cheapoct CA.LL AND 8EE HIS PEICES! All (Joods Warrantèd First-Class. Fr.rmers produce wanted for wliicb the higtest cash priee will be paid. ZSP Eemember the place, 16 East Iluron Street, Ann Arbor. D INSEV SEABOLT'S Bakery, Crocery, -AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Wc keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c, For Wholesale and Retall Trade. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI XjOTTia, J. JT. Swift & Co' Best Wliite Wlieat Flour, Kye Flour, lïnckwlieat I'lmr, Conl Meal, Feed, &c, &c, cSc. At wholesale and ret 1. A general stock of GEOCSRIES AND PKOVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be solí on ns reasosabl terms as at any otlier house in the city. Cash paia for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. Goodsdelivered to any part of the city witliout extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOi,T. Ann Arbor. Jan. 1, 1879. A DOLLAR SaVEO IS A BOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GOODS I And prices LOWEB THAN EVER. I ha-re pnrehasert in New York for oath, and Iamnow daily receivinK one of the lyret a moet select stocks of Grocenes m Wnhlenaw County, consiating of a íull and well sclected UNE OF TEAS, All of the new erop- including Gunpowdcr, Imperials, Yoiingr Hyhou, Hysons, Japtins, Oolonss, Foríiusiis, Conffous, Soucliongs, niid Tivaukays. Together with a full Une of CÜFFEES, conaiütin- of the following branda: MOCHA, OLD GÓV-T JAVA.MARACAIBO, LAGUAYRE.SANTOS and RIO, both roasted aud ground, a full and well Beleeted stock of SÜGARS, SYitUPS, AND MOLASSES, Together with everythinc in the line cf Pure Spie?s,Canne1 fruits, and Vegetables. We have a full and complet line of BOOTS Í SÏÏ0E3, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hcmiery. AIso, a choice BBROrtment of Laflies' and Oentlcnien's Underwear. Cali and examine Ooods and Piices and we will insure aaüsfaclion. EDWAKD DUFFY. " Maynard's Kloek, ' cor. Main ana Ann streef Ann Arbur. Mich. B"His;hest cash price paid fo: all farin Iiroduce."TS5ö ____-_ ■_ THEATR1CAL. __ (Successorto J. N.Gatland) ONLY PRACTICAL r:y[jl THEATEICAL '■ IN MICHIGAN. N,_ F Ma nu f ac ture r and iJítSü&;iay Dealer in Theatrical Goods and V7ardrobes. Persona! attent ion glven to the production of AMATEUR PLAYS AND MASftUEEADES. Orders by mail or telegraph will reccive prompt attention. 120 öriswold Street, DETROIT, Mioh. ■ . WIILIAMEEID, SafiTffiËSIftT5iiiiVl íOf thA lAte firm of Kei1 ' a'A.gC jPjfS 8_!?kS4iffB I Buccessor to aald flrm fygpgüPBJPyg I ia Glnfia and Lend BusIqüm.) I fj U W Q H Q Wholesale & Ketuil i-nVrin III Kaf Bt 1 9 B 8 II Ribbod uiid Rough Plato Tor iCfaiJjJTtlJMWllT' iff Sk7 ï'ixhtB, Gut HQd F.namV TiBlk lÉlSri fS.i ' til t'10'1 GIass Silver Ptated LjL B !mttJj a8 Ears, French and Oer fS'ilff'ilSSiMrj -ll niIlQ l'infï Glaas Platel, J I m J-Va M.J a v 1 1 Load and 011, Colort, Putty, w, i " n ySI Points, etc. 1% & 14 Congres Bt. East, Detroit, Mich. EVEEYBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH 13 THB oss Photograplier of Ann Arbor. Fourth Street, East of Conrt House, let fioor. RAILROADS. HICHUUX CENTRA!, KAILUOU). ' M.VY 25, 1S79. UOI.NG WKIiT. . h . i g .a I? % t$j9 f U. M.: A.M V. p. M. r.M. Detroit, leave, 7 00, 9 351 r 55 8 55 8 1" a S( G. T. JunetioD, ! T 15 10 W r' 10 4 Hl 8 ■ :' 10 ld Wnyne Juuction 7 52 10 28 6 42 4 xe, 8 57 10 45 Ypsil:nti, 8 30 10 V.' ' 0-1 4 SB !) 22 11 ()J Beurteil, s so ! 7 20 - - Anii Arbot, 8 40 11 00 IJi 5 20 9 8 Delhi, 8 53 7 4i; 1 Dexter, 9 U41 7 64 5 :,7 9 "! _ Cus-lcea, 9 22 8 1 . 5 5 10 15 _ Gnit.s Lnlce, 9 dít 8 35' G 10 1 3S : p. M 1 A.3t Jackson, 10-20 12 15 9 00 6 30 11 16' 12 45 Albiun, 11 1)4 12 60 7 30 11 8 1 20 Marshall, 11 .( 1 80 -4 g 8 03 12 28 1 40 BattleCreek, 12 19 1551 8 32 12 50 1 a C2 Galesburg, 12 M 9 05 1 20 A. M Kalamazoo, 1 IS 2 37 5 00 9 25 2 43 Lawtou, - 5 S3 2 13' Decatur, 2 10 i b i0 "l1 Dowagino, 2 35!-- 6 12 2 57: Niles, 3 1)6 4 !) 6 55 3 3l 4 15 Buchunin, 3 19 - - 7 07 3 45: Thvi.e Ouk3 3 43 7 S2 New Bufiulo, 4 03 ( :. 1 !■ 4 27 Michiguu Jily, 4 3') 5 2 8 10 4 56 5 30 Lake, 9 13 0 02 b 53 5 45 6 19 Kensiagton, 6 0.) (i 5. 9 10 6 W' 7 10 Chicago, arrive, 6 Sol J 4ci : " " SOJ s m ooiKJ iaht. Á k j Í Í & '„-IS i_ X L1 2s_p_ _s A. M. A. M.,P. M. I'.x. p. i Ohicdito, lcave, 7 110 9 00: 4 00 5 16 1 9 10 Kensington, 7 50 9 50:4 50 6 05Í10H0 T.akG, 8 38 10 SO! 6 42 6 60 10 4:! Michigan City, 9 25 11 13! B 35 7 40 11 Dl' NewBuffalo, 9 471 11 30 6 65 1! 62 ïhree Oak, 10 02 7 08 Huchanan, 10 e?. 7 ar, -- Niles, 10 45112 15 8 05 9 0(1 12 4S Duwttgiao, II IS : 8 33 - - ■ 110 rieoalut, II 80 1 8 57 ! 1 Lav,ton, 11 57 li A. M. ' 1 57 Knlumazoo, 12 8.i 1 40 9 50 0 60 10 28' 2 28 (ialeshurg, 12 5 . ! 7 OS, Battle CreeV, 1 28 2 15 M 7 -10 1 1 1 10 3 18 3 h"( Marshall, 2 25 3 00 J 8 08 11 37 ; 3 4C I A.M. Albion, 2 52 S 21 a.m. 8 39 11 09 4 t! JackBOn, 3 45, 4 05! 7 1 9 30)18 50 5 00 OraesLake, 4 10 7 38 9 M 6 25 Cbelsea, 4 40, I 8 02 10 07 6 50 Dexter, 5 00' 8 16 10 19 05 Delhi, 6 10 8 M; 1 Ann Arbor; 6 20 ñ 10 8 45 10 35; 2 C5 j G 25 Geddes, 6 80 1 8 0 ] YpBJlaúti. 5 87 B 24' 9 K' 10 48: 2 20! 0 -11 7ii7ne.1iine., G 01 6 46 'J 23 11 08 2 44 7 05 G T June., 0 331 6 15 0 5511 55; 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., I 6 48 6 80,10 KMI 501 S 35; i)t ♦Bundays excepted. JSiilurday and Hunduy exepted. tDaily. H. B. LEDYARD, Gen') Manaírer, Detroit. H. C. Wentwobth. G. P. & X. Agt., Cbicaso. PANADA SO1ITIIKRN K'V I.IXW, Kj The üuly Anu-rican lluutc Tbrough ( imada Trai ns leave M. C. II. K. Deiot, Detroit, city t inie, as follows. Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. i ii Day Express, daily, 12 noon, Wagner car to New Vork and Bostón. LlfchtDing Expres, daily except Sunday, 11 10 p. m Wanner car to Búllalo and Rocbester. Toledo trulns leave 7 50 a. tu. except Suuday ; 3 10 p. m. díiily ; 50 p. ni. except Sunday, For Fayotte 6 30 p. m. except Suuday. -BfS1" For information and tickets apply to H. W Ha) w, agent M. 0. R. 11., Ann Arbor. M. C. líüACH. lJass. Agent, Detroit. F1ÍANK E. SNOW, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt Detroit. pBEiT WESTERN KAH.WAV- VJT Depots foot oí Tbird nd lirush streets.; Detroit time. Detroit time. Leave. Arrivo. Atlantic Expiess, Í4.00 a. m. J10.00 p. m. Day Express, 8.35 a. ín. 6.30 p. m. New Tofk and Boston Express, '7.00 p.m. Detroit Express, 1'2.45 p. m. Steamboat Express, '7.00 a. m JUaily. Daily except Sunday. tExcept Monday. For Information and tickets apply to H. W . Hayee, Agent M. C. K. R., Aun Albor. W. H. VIRTH, WM. EDGR, Westeru Fass'r Ag't. General Pftu'x Aeent DETEOIT, HILLSDALB AND 8OUTHWE8TERN RAll.ROAD. To tako ellect May Ü5, 1879. QOINO WEH1. OOIg KIST. "ttioiST Mail. Exp. 1 stations. kxp. Mail A. M. 1. 91.' A M . V Ypsilanti 8:36 7:10 i ' ' Toledo June. 8:45 T-.W Bankers. 1:00 8:25 Saline 9:25 7:50 Hillsdille .. 5iS0 2:36 BniiKewater.. 9:47 8:12 Manchester.. 8:30 4:11 Mancbeëter. 10:22 8:37 Bridgawater 9:C'O 4:30 v. si. Saline. .'. 9:i 14; Hillsdale. .. 1:00 10:25 Toledo Juno. 10:10 4:07 Bunkers. . 1:10 10:85 Ypsüanti.. . 10:35 5:15 W. K. i'AKKKK, Sm '-Vpilnti. PAINTS, OILS, ETC. WHE LAltUKS'f AIVU BEST STOCK OF PAIN'K nilt Hill i d, UILdy ALL KIND8 OF Painters' Materials,&c. AMEEICAN AND FEENOH WIITDOW CLASS AU Sizes. -A-T SOISG-'S. 26 and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOB.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus