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MEDICINAL. (IR.VY'S Sl'I'.CIFIX: HIMiil I Mi. wKsff1'"'"' ■.' ■ i■A as a senuenue on 'sJpiBSaF t1 BtforeTd;: ir Tatóag. Tnivciml Lflsatfcüde, Paln íti 1 lf BackDimneaBof i f)W Ajre, and m&nj otheídisfiítaesthat Istiáto lasan it y, Consamption and aPreI ■■ ave. Full purticiïlnra in our pamphlets, -whichwe . reo by mail i ■ i The Spe áfic Meflícíne U hqW by uil PmgRÏfltBat fl perpaekHp ïai tá%ox willbe ■íful by iiuiil on rii('''Ht of ' he moncy ' addrössmg THE ■ DTCINÈ CO., No 10 Meohfinics' Illock, Detroit Mich. yïr-rld in Arm Aiinr by all Hruggists, and by Stearns' Drug Store 81 WOODWñRD AVEKUE, DETBOIT. We keep n siock íhe !3rgest variety of Medical IVSerchandize gathered un !er one roof in America. WW Visitors are coirtially initcd to visit our Store ivlien in Ietroit. POTjBICIANS, St'RGEONS, STUDENTS, andgDICAi.i.IiS are invited to exi mine our large nd complete aBsortm"nt of Surgical Insirmeils nd all kiodred [ronls mnliirg their selociona ölscifhere, is wc vñíi make it 10 their advanaye to obtnin tbeir suppliee of s. FREDERICK STEARNS. ToiNervotis Si;iïerers- The Gj at Enropean JSemedy - ïr. J. lï. Simistm's Speciíic Medicine. Tt ís a positiyp otire l'or ix-rmaloirhea, fíenfinal WeïiknesH, lmp)leiicy, and all distases resulting Ei'oitE. Mental AnSyT AFTEKLoss of Memory, &L-:2fk , . )'} ' Piiins in Back or m tbnt lead to f .lL Ia J The Specittc Mfdi Sg$p?-'0 ciño is being ("-'■"'■■■ ■- wih TFonderful snccees. Partiphl' tg sent freetoall. Write tor {hem and i;'.1! í'uli parí b viidoa. Pricfij Speciöc, Si .00 p r packajje, or six packagcs íor Í5.00. Xddress lül oraJ. B. SIMPPON "MT ÜTCINECO., Nos. Í04 indH'ü Main Kti et, liuñUlo, N. Y. For sale in Ann Aibor ly Ebeibach & Kon, anp y' all druggista everywlïère. 3ï To Youag MOa. fiat publisked, in a Sealed Envefaj e. Prict six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Eladioa! cure ol iSeminat Weaknesa,or öpermatorrhcea, induocd by Abuse, I nvoluntary Emis- j rmpotency, Nervoua Debilily, and impedímenta to öani, ., , Consumption, Epilej)sy,ntid Pit; Mental and i -i. .-. i .-ï,. -v t rri. VK':u T.I.L. M. J.. au■ RöOE .t( The world-renowned author, in tliis admirable Lectare. cleaxly prjvea f rom his own experiencc lli:it the awt'ul consequencca oí Keli-Abuse may be ually removed without mei icine, and without dangerous surgical operationa, bougies, instrumenta rings, orcordiala; pointipgouta mode of cure at Ocecertairi fti I by wliieh every sufFerer, miuAtter whnt hia ccradUion may be, may cure himaelf cheaply, privately, and ladically. Thia Lirtui e wiil prove a boon to thousands and thousandw. Sent, under seal, in aplain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the Publishera, THE CULVEKWJËLL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York ; Post Office Box, 4586. BALSAM Cnres Olds, Pnenmonia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Cronp, AYhoopine Cough, and all diseases of the lireathing Organs. It soothes and heals the Membrane of the Lungs, inflamcid and poisoued by the disease, and prevenís the nightsweats and tightness across the cfiest which accompany it. CONSUMPTION is not an incurable malady. It is only necessary to have the riiïht remedy, and HALL'S BALSAM is that remedy. BONT DESPAIR OP RELIEF, for this benlgn speciflc will cure you, eren though professional aid fails. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE the Most Powerftil HecUing Agent ever Discovered Hetnry's Carbolíc Salve cures the tvorse sores, Heury's Carbolic Salva allaya the pain of btirns. lieart's Varbolíc Salve cures all eruptions. Henry's Carbolic Salve heals pimples anti blotclies, Ilenry's Carbolio Salve will cure cuts and bruises, Ask for Henry's, and Take No Other, L- BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. .#3 TOWNSLEY'S ' TOBTHACHE AWBM CURES IX ONE MINUTE. ITil GÁRBOLIS TROCHES A SURE PREVENTIVB OF Contagions Diseases, Colds, Hoarseuess, Diphtheria, ( and Whooping Congh. Picasant to the Taste. JOHN V. IIENRY, CURRAN fc CO., BOUD I'UOl'iaETORS, 34 CoIIeae Place, New York. FOK SALB UY L. ti. LtiKCti. rpo THE FAEMEES OF WASHTENAW! Tt is a well-krtown l;,ct and haa not been denied tbat the Toledo and Am Arbor railroad the past yeerTiaapui in the pot kets oí' the fanoera of the county, it leaai three e( Qta on all of thcir wheat. Nov three cents on 1 ,500,000 busbela is 46,000 dollai ; qiute i saving, Now wc s&yf brüig your wheat and pntrorfze thé road whcre you will find your oíd ñriends, Tuk ibwell & Osbobnb, ready tu pay the h t poonlble price that c;in be paid. - WQ trust, by fair dealicg, we will receive u fuir proportioii of put lounge. Vouim 1 riily, TREADWELL & OSBOKNE. Aun Arbor, July 23, U79. LEGAL NOTICES. Estáte ot Peíor Tnllc. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY 0L v ■ ■ ion of the Probate Court foi' thfe Üount) of Waohtexiawiipklen at the Fiobat i ' " city ot Ann Arnor, on Wcd■ iit'n ílity ot o L-iiil-'.!]1, iu the y.-ar o&ethouaand efffht hundredand -venty-nine. it, Willi;iTii D.Harrinaan, Judge ot Probato, I n the matter oi the eatiitu of 1'cUr Tuit e, deOn roftdins rmíl film the potition, duly Terified,of Catharipe Tuíte, prayíng that admitiistratioli of tte OÏ aiii deceaseo raay bo gmutetl to ber. Thereypon i1 ; ordered, tnst Monday, the fifteenth day of Lecernbei'Dext,Ht ten o'cloekú tiie ■■■: fox the hearing oí said petition.and i !:it the heirs at 1:lw nf said di ceaed, ana all other personn interested in eaid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said courtthen to be holden at thc Frobtite oíttce I í Aun Albor, mtlHhuw mise, it' any theje he, v.liy thé prayer of tlié petftñoñér flfeoáiíd not be granted : Antí it i further ordered that said petitiom notice (o the persons interested in said . ot the pendoney of eail petition tind the hearing th'.rtot, )y cJiusiij óopy of this order tobe publishéd in the An. Ahí i ■■ Abgi -■ a newspuper printedand eirculated in said county, threesuceyssive weeka previouH to SAid day of hearing. WILL1AM D. HAHKhMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm.O.Doty, Probate Xiecrister. Estáte of William Myeis. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of wAahtenaw, i I otice ishereby given.thai by morder of the Probate Court for the County of VVashttdaW) made o □ the tenth day of November, A. D. 1879, K inonths frnm that ftate wre allowed foí cíetiltora k preseul tbeir clainia against the natjtte of WilÚani llyerá, late of sai'! county, de■-■ 'i, anl that all ereditors of said docensed ure required to preeent tbelr claims to said i'robate ,t the Probate Office Ín tito City ,of Aun Arbor, for examinajtloB and allowance, on or before the tentt day of May next, and that. sc3i claims wül be heard beiore said Court on Tuesday, the tenth day of Febmary, and onl Monday, tliè tenth day oí May oext, ut ten o'clock in thè forenoon of each of snid flaya. Datcd. Ann Arbor, November 10, A. I. 1879. WILLIAM I). II ARRIMAN, 4Gw4 Judfifeof l'rohate. lisíale at Jumes Morris. STATE OE MICHIGAN, COUNTY oí Wut-htenaw, es. At a sussion of the Probate Courtfor the Ouunty of Wawhtenuw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on fcaturdafi theeitrbth day of November, in the year one thousand ek'hthnndrod and seventy-nine. Present, William D. Harriman, rTudge of Probate. In the matter oï the estáte of James Moni, deoeased. On readingand fllingthe pefitïon, duly yenfied, of Mary ('. (ídotlapoed, prayínír that partition may bomftdeofjhe real estáte whereof stiid deceastd dií'íi seized ;itnon;T hïs licirs nt law. Tljüieupon it is ordered, that "Wetlnefday, the ity of December next, at ten o'ciock in the forenoon, bè nssined for the hearing of said petition, anJ that the hèira at luw of aftid deceasea, Hiid all other persons iuteierited iu aaid estáte, ure required to appear ut a seseicm of said eourt, th;n to be holden at the Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, and show canse, if r.ny there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shonld not beeranted : Aml it is fiiTther ordered that said petHionei give cotice to the persons interested in said estáte oí tfee pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by caubin a copy of tlns order to be published in fche Ann Abüob Argüb, a newspaper printed and circnlated in said county, three succeaaive weeks previons to said day of hearing. WILLIAM 1. HAKHIMAN, (A tmecopy.) Judgeof Probate. Wm. G. Doïy, Probate Register. Estáte of James G. Iancer - minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ot' Washtenaw, 89. At a session of tlie Probate Court for the Oounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Piobate OiHce in thë city oí Aun Arbor, on Mond;iy, the tenth day of November, in the year one ttinuHfmd eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, William P. Harriinan, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of James O. Daueer, minor. S&mpson Parfeer, the guardia of said ward, comes into court and represente tb at tie ís now preparcd te render his anuual account as such guardián. Thereupon it is ordroi, tfcat Saturday, the &ixth lay of Dtutiuber next, at ten o'ciock in the foreaoon,be assigned for examioing and allowing snch account, and that the uext of kin of said w-ïu'd and allothér persons interested in said estofe, kte voquired to appear at a sesaion of said court, then to holden atthe Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should uot be allo wed: And it is furthcr ordered, that said guardián give notice to the persons intereeted In said etate, of the pendency of said account and the b : by causing a copy of this order to be pubLished in the Ann Abbok Akgus, a nftWspaptfr printed a'nd circula t ing in said county, three successive weeks preyioua to said dav of hearing. WILLIAM D. ÍIAIUUMAN, (Atrue eopy.) Judgeof Probate. Wji. O. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Maria Ford. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COTJNTY of Washtenaw, as. Notice is hereby givenj fchat by an order of the Probate Court for the County oí Washtenaw, made on the twclfth day ol November, A. D. 1879, sixmonthsfrom that date were alloweö for creditors to piesent their claims against the estáte of Maria Ford, late of said caunty, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, fo ex&xnination and allowance, on or bef ore the be heard bef ore said Court, on Thursdav. tl tweifth day of February, and on ttinelay, the twelfth day of May next, at ten o'ciock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Isovember 12, A. D. 1879. WILLIAM D H ARRIMAN, 46w4 Judge of Probate. lístate of Níithíin lius.f.uvú. STATE OF MICHIGAN", COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At n sesáiorl of the Proba Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden ac ti Probate Ollice in the city of Ann Arbor, ou V.'ví nesday, the twelfth day of November, in tito yei one thousand oight bundred and seventy-niné. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probat In the inaUtor of the estaie of Nat han Buzzar deceased. Benjamin E. Nichols, adiniuistratorof said esta-t comes into court and representa that he is no prepared to render his final account as such admii ïslrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the twen ty-ninthday of November next, at ten o'cloetin tl forenoon, be assigned for examining and allow ing auch account, and ttiat tlie heus at la of said deceased, and all other persons in té est uil in said estáte, are roquired to appear at session of said court, then to be holden at tl Probate Office In the city oí' Ann Arbor In aait county, and show cause, if any there be, why tl said account should not be all o wed. And it is fn therordered that said administrator give notice the persons interested in said estáte oí the penden cy of said account and the hearing thereof, b causing a copy of this order to be ptiblished in tl n Arbób-A ROUS,a ntMvspaper printed and eirculating in said county, twu suecessive weeks previous to said day of hestting. WILLIAM D. IIARRIMAN, (Atrue copy.) Judgeof Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Kegister. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY lO of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Samuel Axtell and Sarah Axtell, insane persons. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order granted to the underpigned guardián of said insane persons, by the Hon. Judge oí Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on thefirst day of November, A. D. 1879, there will be sold at public vendue, to tbc highest bidder, at the east front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw in said et ate, on Saturday, tuk ÏWENTIETII DAY OF DECKMBKE, A. D. 1379, flt two o'ciock in the afternoon of that day (subject to all encumbrantes by mortgage or otherwise éxiatfng at the time of the sale) all the right, title and interest of said insane persons in the following described real estáte, towit: Lot number forty-thrce and the uorth onc-fourlh ol' lot number forty-two, in Sinilh's additíon to the city of Ann Arbor; also a certain triangular piece of land situated in the said Smlth's additiou aforesaid, bounded west by los torty-three f48) and forty-four ( -4i.,iiarÜV'.L , ,-' by lot fifty (50), south by '- aodcd to Llijnh II. Püclier (int, inHiwüu iny land heretofore deeded by U. 8. Smith), the aforesaid lots being in Smith'a additïon to Ann Arbor city, in Washtenaw county, Michigan. Nov. lst, 1879. FRANK L. AXTELL, Guardian. Cominïssioners Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Oof Washtenaw, ss. Theundersignedhavingbeen appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Commissionera to reccive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons ngainst the estate-of John George Schnierle, late of said county, deceased, hereby give notice that six months from date alloweü, by order of said Probate Court, tor creditora to present their claims agai&Bt tbc estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the late residence of said deeeased in the township of Northneld, in said county, on Tnesöay, tïio third day of Fcbruary, and on Monday, the third day of May rext, at ten o'ciock a. m., of each ot said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated. November 3, 1879. PATHICK S. PURTELL, ANTHONY BÜKKi-:, 45wl ('onimisioners. Estáte of Selden Marvin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, sr. Notice is hereby givcn, that by an order of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, mndt; on the thirtieth day of October, A. D. 1879. six months from that date were allowed for creditore to present their claims againat the estáte of Belden Marvin, lato of said county dtceased, and that all creditors of Bald deceased are reqoired to present their chiima to said Proljate Court, at the Probate Otticc in the city of Ann Arbor, for cxïiminiitinn ;tnd aHowance, on or beiore tlir thirtiètb day of April next, and tnat SUCÏï claims will be heard before Baid Court, on Friday, the thirtieth day of January, and on Friday, the thirtieth day of April next, at ten o'ciock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Octobrr 80, A. D., 1879. WILLIAM D. 1IAKKIMAN, 45w4 Judte of Probato. CoimiiissioiKTs' Notie. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of "Wnshtenaw, ss. The OJtñersigaed having been appointed by the Probate Court for said Connty, Commissionera to receive, examine, aud adjust all claims nd demanda of all persons agaiOBt the estáte of William Bweetman, late of said eonsiy deceased, hereby mv% notice that six montha from date are ailowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors topreeeht their laimsasaiBst the esta te oí' said deeeased, and that they will meet at the late residence of said deceased in the tdwnRhip of Hi'xter, u: Baid niunl y, on 'rinir.-iday, the lifih day of February, and on Wednesday, tne iil'th day oí May next, at ten o'elock a. m.,oí each of said days, Loieceive, examine] and ndjust said chiims. Uuted, November 5, A. D., L879. .i Í.MES REID, (1AKUKTT WALL, UWt Comraisioners. LEGAL NOTICES. Kot i ce of ñffortgage Sule. YAMOKTÜAGKüEAKINíiDATE J Octobör lriLh, A. D. 1872, and reconkd in iü ottiee of the lít'gister of Deeas lor the coiinty of n-lii'.Miiv, state of Mu-Mímu, un the ülsi day of ctober, A. D. 1872, it nine.'u'claek and thirty inintes Á. at, in Hl ■iK:lir-+, on pa SOS, ylvunus Whipplu duly QiüitgHrfeti tü John A,TVting "AH ttoie certain pie'eei "I land ?yng and beinj; in the county oí Wutthtepanr and ate of Mihigaa, knowu and dL&ciitied na follow, túnel y : 'J he north hall' o) ti -nurícz f section thirty-ipur, and the emilh half of tho ortheast quarter oí a thirty-four, iii rtfnshjp í'our BOnth o i s m eust, tü.ct'thcr íth the teDements, h'T(ditanieits anfl appurte" Default lias occuraed i the conditi u e, lfywhich dcf;mH ie power of sale tontíuned in aíd raorlgofe hn% opi r.ilivc. The umount claim ed to fie dw ol ins IiolfCfi is lwo red aad forty-three dallar, bp dea the aítorn ■ . ' y uve doliera provided orinaaidniortífare. A ná uusuit orproceedingb&rn luwt o recover tlip deM noir imaininc,s4eui ortgage orauy purt üidvëf. it l.i ii'V gi7-n ttiiU üid uiortLríiL' -vñU b á iiy a sul-; oí' sai'l nrortgítged tun-ia and it iiihlic vt'ndno o the li i i on the Pïptïïkth dayovT)kemuer,A. I. 179, at ten o'cloek in the furtjnoon, t tbe nouth door of the Court House in tLe cttj of Ann in sail eöflnty, lhiied, S-pïemlK'r 18, Yï7'.. JOHN A. WATUNG, Mortgne;eei T. Nind ALtoriiey. ■ - - ■ -- ..- Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT HAVXJG BEEN MADE intJiecouditionsof acertain loortgage, e-xecncd by Christian (ïoofr of Wnübtenaw coiinïy,ytto oí M,ichigaD, to Thoxaas O. Speer, on the 3fvenE2i aj of Febrnarr, A. I). 1872, and rteonïed in the rs office oí Washtenair county, Michigan, on the 17Lh day of Fefefoary, A. I). 1872, ïq EJbr 47 of mortgases, on pLe 138, which raortgage iraa on the tvth duyoí March, A. i). Í872 assigned by Baid TbomteÚ. Bper to icorgc S.Biu3Í oí the city il Ann Arbor, eotuiiy aioresaid, which assïfinmeBi was recorder! on the samte day at S.ftS oTeïo4t p.m., in I.ibt-r ; (f A. iL'.niiKMit.-: of MortgAget o-a pftg ÖGii, and Itgail) aaeigñeá hy BaM fíftorííe S. Bïtrsfc to Rebecca HeixriquciB oa th ï-ih day of Juii, A. D. 1875, and recorder! the iili day of NoVeinbei; A. I. 1875, at 10 Já o'cloc-k a. 3., in Jjiber 4 Atgnraent of Mürtfitiges, on.pnge 7i, by whifh default the power oí' sale cootaioed in :iid mortgag iiasbecome operative ; and thevt Ia ciainipd to bedueaï bovoof btwh of sfcvon hnndred 1 fxty-nine dollars, alao an attornt-y fee of tJiirty-ÖTQ dollars should any proccwlinps be tn&pij to5or close ífiÍH moxtgago. And do procee li Dg ai ïaw or in chimcery haTÏOR heen institated torccoTPïthe dobt secttrea by said mortgae or any pitrt thereof. i i hereby p;iven tbat by virtue pi the pover of file eöntained in nairi mortgaeand thestatuteia - Hueh case m&iJ ;m t provided, I shall sel] at ytiftüe, auction, to the hipliest bidder, on Satnrday the24tFi day of Januaïy fluit, ;it two oeloels p. m. oí' aaid, diij-, ut the south door of t3ie Court Honse, in the city of Ann Arbor, in suid cotirty. fihrtt beinff th pl:tcc oí lioUUni? tiie Circuit Court a) the pri-rnïse described in said mortgago to satisi'y the Hniowat cltiimed to biïdue, witb tfie í-fiurea of .saleandattorneys fee proTided for in said mort ííage, the folIowlng described prenifses to-wst : The ircstonethïrd of the west httlf of the southirest quarterof eectïoB thirtj-four ín town three, sonth of rang tive east,in the s.ate of iliíiüíg;tn, coïitainingtwety-sêrfeq aeres oí land, moreorless. DatedOctober22, I KEBECCA HEXRIQTJKS, JOHN N. GOTT, Assignee of Mortgagee. Attorney for Assignee. Mortgage Sale. TEFAULT OF PAYMENT HAVINS jlJ been made of a eeriain mort ca ge made by Aagust Kopp and Pau line Kopp his wife to Alom Clark, datert March 2D, A. I. 187B, a ml reeorded ïo (be Riïgister of Deeds office for Washtenaw coanty, Michigurf, on the 23d day oí Mnrch, D. 187fi, at 6'4 o'eloei P. m., in líber 54 of fwortgrfges on pg BO, umi on which mortrtge therts now remaros duO and pw$ng the sumof three hundred and seventyt wo and 10-100 dollars, the iurther sum of tb ree huncïrod dollars of principal with the interest tnereon accrninjí í'rcm March 2f, A. 1. 187Ï, at ten per cent. hereafter tü become duo aceordiDg1 totheterm ot' said niortgage, and no proceedinLs at Jnw or equity havi:iR Wen tafeeu tor tliv; CoUec.tioo tlieieof ; Kotice is therefoxe hereby gïven that byTirtueof the powev and provisiooa in smd mort gage eotainèd, and 6r the purpqee of reuï the pay1ment of the ïnonies now s nforesaid dne ad owing on said luortgage, tugether with tbe iuieiebt to accrue thtreuD at ten per cent., andoiats and charges of foreelosua-, iucluding an a.tUrney fee specified in lald mortji.nge, 2 shaïl, oï the TwENTT-rointTH Aï of Januaky, A.ï. 18S0, at 12 oVjücí; M.r sell %% public vcnüüc to the higheat bidder at the front door ol tho Court House in the city of An Arbor Wftshteniiw County, -Michigan, sabjeet to the remaininfi princi[t:iL nnd iiiterest nnaccrTied, not ye duo, ;;11 that certain traet or parcei of land being ;i4 in the towDsliip of Bridgewateri county of Vaíhteaaw and state of Michigan kiiown and bonndeil is lollovrs, towit: Couimeucïi' on the middle of the higïway in the QiaaffieT svt-tion liït in socii! ■ i mmhftr fooT south of range Bumber four east twertty-tiro eïiainB and twenty-two links sonth trom the quaiier post in north lire of s;iid seetiort rmniber twenty; thetice south alonir-said ijuarter line sixteea rod5 and six iïnks to a stake; theuce aortheasierly tweniy-three rotls and tivc and ooo-haH linies to a stake; ttoeseo north to center of mili road sixteen roda and sax Unies; thtnci! sou th west wardly altn the center of mili road to tho place of begimiins containing three acres of land be the same more or leua. Dated, Octobor 26, 1879. ALONZO CLARK, Mortgagce. E. B. "Wooií, Attorney lor 51 ortgag-ee. nf fTltarliBH E. Etírfíníríiine. STATE OF MTnmfïAN, COUKTY erf M'ashtenmr, ss. At n session of tkeProbat Court for the Counly of Waalitenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arïior, on Fiiilay, tbe evnth day of November, in the yeai one thousand eight hundrod and seventy-nme. Present, Williaml). llarriman, Judge of Probate, In the rai'.tter of the estáte of Charles E. Burlinpam, decenaed. On refldlne and filing the petïtion, duïy Terified, of i'etfrM. Butiiiigiuiip, prayiïi tbat he may be UcenBed to sell the real estute whereof said deeeased dierl seized, 'l'horcupon it Ís ordered, that Tuesday, the ninth day of Ieeemix.'r nest, uè ten o'cloefc in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law oí eaid deceased, and all other persone mterested in aaid eBtate, are lequired to appear at a wssion of said Conrt, then to be holden at the Probate Oiïice in the city of Ann Arbor, and show caase, ií any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is furtlier ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of Mud petition, and the hearing thereof, by caueing a copy of this order to be published in the Ani? Abbok AR43T76, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three succeasive weeks previons to Baid dny of hearing. WILLIAM D.HARRIMAN, (A tme copy.} Jude of .Probate. Wm. O. Dotï, Probate Register. Estafe of ToggenTmrfrer- minor. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUBTTY IO of ■Washtenaw. At a seesion of the Probate Court for the County of "Wssbtenaw, bolden t the Probate OÜice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wediir -(hiy, the nineteenth day of November, ró tke year one thousandeight huno red and aeventy-nine. Present, "YVilliam D. Harriman , Judpe of Probate: In the matter of the estáte of Sophia Toggenburper (now Wetzel), minor. Onreadingandnlingthepetition,dulyTeTifid,of Leonhard Gruner, guardián, prayinf? tbat he znay be licenaed to sell certain reul estáte bclonging to Baid minor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesday, the seventeenth day of December ne.xttatteno'clock lp thef orenoon, be assigned f or the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin of said minoT, nd all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a eession of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Olfice in the city of Ana Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it ib Eurther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of said petition and the thereof by cauaing a cupy of this order to be publiiï;L; pievwusto WILLIAMD. HARRIMAN, {A truo copy). Judge of Probate. Wm. O. Doty, Probate Register.!tto of Scldcn Marvin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, C0UNTT of Washtena-w, ss. At a session of the Probate (Jonrt for the Coimty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, theninetcentli il"y ol'Noyeuiber, in the yeax one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, ■Villiam D. Hairimnn, Judgeof Probate In the matter of the estáte of Selden Marvin, deceased. Jn reading and lilingr the petition dnly venfiea of Comstoek F. Ilill, administrator, praying that ho niay be licensed to sell the real estáte -whereof said deceased dieil seized. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tnesday, the sixtinth day ol' December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of eaid petition, and that theheirsatlaw of Baid deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, ata required to appear at a sesaion of sftid coart, then to be holden at the Probate Office in tho city of Ann Arbor, anl show cause, if any there be, why th prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner grre notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the peudency of said petition nnd the hearing thereof , by causing a copy of this order to be published in t!ie Ann Aituou Argos, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three 10 cessive weeks preïious to said day of hearing. W1LLIAM D HABEIMAW, CA trne copy.) Judge of ProbaU. "Wm. G. Doty. Probate Eeicister, üstate of Thomas Cullinane. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN, COTTNTY Ö of Washtenaw. sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden t the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, tlie tifteenth day of November, in the yeur one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, William D.H;'.rriman, Judgeof Pr bate. In themattei of the estáte of Thomas Uullinane, Onreaáingandfllingthe petition , duly verifled, of Marj Cullinane, praying that George C. Page or aorne other suitable person may be appointed udniinistrator de bonis non with the will annexed of b;iiil l , .. . -, . 1V -, Thereupon it is orderea, that Monday, th 8Tteenth day of December next, atten o'clock in tn forenoon.beassigE el for the hearing of Baid petitiOD, and that the devisees, lósateos, and heirs at law of said deceased, and all othei persons ïnterentea In Baid estáte , are required to nppear at a session of sad court then to be holden at the Probate office in the citv of Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, whv the prayer of the petitioner should not be irrantcd : And it is further ordered that said petltionevive notice to the persons interested in sud estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and tn hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this orde to be pubUshed in the Ann Akbob Abgos, a newoaper priuted and circulated in said county, three sueceSB1veweeks Vg-S% hIrAÍSaS?" (Atruecopy.) Judae of Probate. WM. Q. 1otï, Probate Register.


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