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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DB. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cheisea, Mich. DONALD HIACLEAN, ITT. I., Physician and Sureeon. Otfice and residenee, 71 Hurón ittoet, Ann Arbor. Oflice hours from 8 to9 a. m. and from 1 to 3 p. m. MBS. SOPHÏA VOIXAND, TW. ., Phy sieian and Surgeon. Office at residence, 44 Ann atreet. U'ill atlend to all professional calis promptly, day and night. WH. JACKSOTV, Dentist. Oflice corner Main and Washington streets, over Baeh & Abel's stoie, Ann Arbor, Mich. AnestheticsadminUUred if dfsireil. Elf, COOPER, IW. ., Accoucheur and Gynaecologist. Office corn er Main ud Huron streets, Ann Arbor. CSCHAFBERI,E Teacher of the Piano forle. PupiJs attain the desired skill in piano-piaying by a pystematic course of instructioo. For tenns, apply at residence, No. 12 West Liberty Street, Ann Arbor, Prompt atteution paid topiano-tupiug. CRA3EKK, FKUEAUFF & COKBIN, Attorneys at Law? E. K. FRUEAUFF, Justice of the Peace. AH business promptly attended to. Office No. 8 Eut Washington street, Rïnseyand Seabolt's block. HENRY E. HILL, Attorney at Law, Dealer Sn Real Kstate and Insurance Agent. Office, No. 3 Opera HouHe Block, ANN ARBOR. mEDERICK KRAISE, AVCTIOüTEBB, Wül attnd to all sales, on short'notice, at reaponable charges. For furtíicr particulars cali at the Abous Office. PUROPEAIÍ HOTEL, Ypsilanti, Micll. New House, First-Clnss Table, Clean Beds, Low Pnces. W. H. Lewis, Proprietor H. NICKELS, DEALER líí FRESH AMD SA T MEATS, Hams, Sansagis, l.sird, etc., BT1TE STREKT, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST CORNER OF UN1VE11SITY CAMPUS. Ordrs proniptly fllled. Farmers having meats ifl aell gire hiui a cali. THE ANN ARBOR SAVHTGS BAITK ANN AEBOB, MICHIGAN. Capital paid In ... 50,000.00 Capital security - 100.000.00 Transacts a general Banking Basiness; buys ana ella Exchanges on New York, Detroit and Chicago ; ellsSight Drafts on all the principal cities of Eutope ; also, ells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, London and Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of Stearashipg, whose ratcs are lower than most other firstclaM Hoes. Thii Bank.already having a large business, invite merchants and ethers to open accounts with them, withthe assuranceof most liberal dealing consisent with safo banking. IntbeSavings Department paid semiannually, on the first days of January and July.on all uras that were aepositod three months previous to those daye, thue aöording the people of this city and county a perfectly safe depository for their funda, together with a fair return in interst for the Mme. Money to loan on Approved Securitlcs. Dieectoes - ChristianM;u:k, W. W. Wines, W. D. Harriman. Dan il Hiscock, R. A. Beul, Wm. Deubel, and Willard B. Smith. OFFIC15E8 : CHRISTIAN MACK, W. W. WINEB, President. Vice President. CHAË. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. EMANUEL MANN, Druggist and Pharmacist, fl".SOETH MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOI!, has on hand a well selected stock of PÜEE DEUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, Toilet Articles, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, &c, -which w offers for sale at prices to suit the times. KT Physiciana' Prescriptions carefully prepared all hours. EBERBACH & SON, Druggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Main St., Have on hand a large and well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Ajtists and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articlág, Trusses, Etc. PURE WINES AND ÜQÜORS, Special attention paid to the furninliinii of I "Mns, ChemlsU, Schools, etc, with Philosophical ■ia Chemical ApparatuR,BoheinlaD Chemical GlassPk' I!or'e'ain Ware, Pure Reneento, etc. rnvsicians' prebcriptioua earefully prepared at


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Ann Arbor Argus