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Official Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors

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Mr. Krapf presented the petition of D Cranier, Frederick Sorg and nine otbers asking the use of the court-room for th yearly convention of the Grand Bncamp ment of Michigan of the Independent Or der of Odd tfellows, on the 13th and 14th of February, 1880. On raotion of Mr. Graves, the petition was grauted. Mr. Ball, from the special comiïiittee to setüe with ex-County Treasurer Gensley, reported progress, which, on motion of Mr. Burch, was accepted and action deferred. Mr. Young, from the Committee on Public Buildings, to whom was referred the matter of the duties of Janitor, reported as follows : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Waslitenaw County : The committee who was appointed by the Board to define the duties of the Janitor of the court - house, have had the subject under consideration, and would report that, in our opinión, those duties ought to be : 1. To keep clean the entnes to the courthouse from the stone steps to the house ; to have the charge and keep clean and in order the boiler room, all the halls and spittoons placed therein ; also to keep clean all unoccupied rooms and his own, and see to it that they are well ventilated ; also keep the floor of the water closet clean, and see that it is well ventilated, and keep on hand dust or earth for the use of said room. To assist in filling coal bin and place for wood for use of the several county offices, and take care of the Supervisor's room during the session, and keep it clean and warm, also to prepare steam for the Jieating of all the occupied rooms in the court-house, and shut off the steam in unoccupied rooms. Also to have charge of the tower and clock room (and wind the elock), and not to allow any visitor to enter the clock room or dial room without his permission and presence, and not to allow any person to write their names or anything else on the clock dials, (for that obstructs the light). There may be other duties which we have overlooked which the Board may add or direct. All of which Í3 most respectfully submitted. Ann Aebob City, October23, 1879. THOS. YOUNG, COXRAI) KRAPF, WM. DANSINBURG. P. S. Also to provide the hall, in warm weather, with good cool water for drinking purposes. Mr. Depew moved to amend by adding the keeping of the court room in order. Mr. Young moved to lay the whole matter on the table. Carried. Mr. Rose, from the Committe on Criminal Claims, reported in favor of allowing the bill of J. S. Case, Sheriff. Adopted. No. Name. Claimed. Allowed. 770 J. S. Case. Sheriff. Í419 66 S-ua Cö Air. Case made a verbal report of the Committee on Print ing: The committee received the following bids: Ans Akboe, Mich., October 22, 1879. Boarö of Supervisors : Gentlemen: - I will publish the March session of your Board, and the present session, in the Courier, and print, bind and furnish you 500 copies of the said proceedings in pamphlet form for 125. Yours truly, E. A. BEAL. W. Ann Aebor, Mich., October 23, 1879. To the Committee on Printing of the Board of Supervisors, Wastiteimw Couuty, Miciiigau : Gentlemen : - We will print, bind and deliver 500 copies of the proceedings of your Board, for the year 1879, including extra session in March, 1879, of the same size, style and quality of paper as those of 1878, for the sum of sixty and 17-100 dollars, ($G0.17), and we will publish the same in the " Ann Aubor Register " for the sum of twenty-five dollars, ($25.00), additional, provided our first proposition is accepted. Tours, veryrespectfully, ANK AlíBOR PTG. & PUB. CO. Per DEAN. On motion of Mr. Purtell, the bid of the Ann Arbor Printing and Publishing Coinpany was acoepted. Mr. Purtell moved to take from the table the bilis of Drs. Kapp and O'Toole. Carried. Mr. Krapf moved to reconsider the vote by which James Hudler's bill of $20.50 was passed. Carried by the following vote : Ayes - Bal], Burch, Dansingburg, Feldkamp, Foster, Graves, Gregory, Jedele, Krapf, Warren and Young - 11. Nays- Case, Depew, LeBaron, Purtell, Rose, Sage and Snyder - 7. The bill was allowed at $20.00, on motion of Mr. Burch, by the following vote: Yeas - Ball, Burch, Case, Depew, Jedele, LeBaron, Purtell, Rose, Sage and Snyder -10. Nays - Dansingburg, Feldkamp, Foster, Graves, Gregory, Krapf, Warner and Young - 8. Mr. Foster introduced the following, which was adopted : Resolved, That the several Supervisors be allowed to correct any defective descriptions in their respective assessment rolls. Mr. Krapf moved that there be a committee appointed to confer with the city in regard to lighting the town clock. On motion of Mr. Foster the matter was referred to the Committee on Public Buildings. On motion of Mr. Case, the board adjourned to 2.30 p. m. AFTEROON SESSIOU. Board met. Roll called. Quorum present. Mr. Sage, from the Committee on Rejected Taxes, made the following report : October 24, 1879. To ',he Hon. Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Your committee to whom was referred the subject of rejected taxes respectfully report that they have examined the communication from the Adjutant General and find charged to the several townships and wards the following sums, which they recommend to be assessed upon the several townships, wards, and property in accordance with the discriptive list furnished by the County Treasurer and Auditor General: Ann Arbor City- flrst and second wards...$ 2X2 07 Third and toiirth wards 108 16 Fifth and sixth wards Shortage on roll of 1878 78 40 Rejected tax 281 29 Bridgewater 2 45 Lyndon .'.'.'.'.'. 257 86 I.ndi 12 97 Manchester 109 84 Northticld 39 21 rittsicld 1 ös Palera 4 41 Bylvan 14 :!1 Superior 1 -t-} gcfo '.'.'.■.■..■."■.■." 23 01 bahne 4 2 siiaron... 88 04 psllanti 9 40 Yp.silanti City- flrat district 31 f Second district [] 115 Northfleld uncollucted poor tai 8 Ü 1,474 1 All of which is respeotfully submitted. Dated Octobcr 24, 1878. JAMES SAGE, W. B.DEPEW, I.N. S. FOáTER. On motion the report was accepted am adopted. Mr. Yaung, frora the Committee onPub lic Buildings, made the ibllowing report : Ann Aiiisoi!, Octobcr 24, 1879. To the Board ofSupervisors of Washtenaw Countyp The undersigned committee, appointed by the Board to oonfer with the city authorities aboutlighting the clock dials in the tower of the court-house would respectfully report that we have eonsulted with the Mayor and liave cumic iu uu unders tanding. We would offer the following resolution: Resolved, That Washtenaw county wil] ceep the reflectors (four of them) in good order to light the Cour clock dials if the city of Ann Arbor will agree to pay lor the gas used for that purpose. Resolved, That a copy of these resoiuions be sent to the Recorder of the city of Ann Arbbr. All of which is most respectfully submited. THOMAS YOÜNG, Wil. DANSINUBURG, CONRAD KKAPF. Committee. Accepted and adopted. The Chairman called Mr. Young to side. Mr. Rose moved that his motion of the 14th instant, relative to printing the proceedings of tliis Board, be taken from the table. Carned. Mr. LeBaron resumed the chair. On motion of Mr. Rose, the Ann Arbor Argus, Ann Arbor Courier, Ypsüanti Sentinel and Ypsilanti Commercial were avvarded twenty-five dollars each to pubhsh the proceedings of this Board. Mr. Whitaker, from the Committee on Equalization, made the following report: -o o . Towns. á I 33 S = L g" gg Augusta íli)7,260 Í31.170 S228.43 $233,00 Aun Arbor Town 380,210 47,430 427,640 418 90 Aun Aroor City Istand2dw'd 553,583 200,513 754,096 800,000 Sdandlth " 37X.020 76,956 465,575 446,200 5thand6th" 208,085 32,113; 240,216 235,30 Bridgewater 388,550 37,570 370 120 368,40 Dextor 243,170 39,050 282,220 27(),0U Fredom 267,965 29,685 297,650 291,500 Lima 323,060 48,280 371,940 361.400 J.yndon 14fi,150 21,670 167,820 1S1.20. lAdi 846,480 68,885 410 315 400,001 Manchester 403,070 96,240 559,310 558 300 Northñald l7vtG ai,:o Ctoijzo sji,ioo Pittslield 445,546 53,74(' 499,292 487,000 Salem 316,150 52,70,' 308,855 301,300 Ücio 479,245 119,226 598,470 580,000 Superior 418,520 40,680 454,150 410 000 Saline 410,270 58,810 499,080 473.500 h'im'n "til'n í-730 407,190 460 000 ojiaron oUvJ,8.iO oo Jnn q"-, oía oíc km Webster 346Í710 m', %Lk2B láS,-á89 York 383,050 48,040 431,690 430,000 Ypsilanti Town 8m;,170 K!,690 440,160 440,800 Ypsilanti, Ist D 479,950 80 37:. 0,325 683,000 Ypsilunl.i, 2d D 21IÍ.250 56,31)0 272,550 254,600 On motion of Mr. Purtell the report was received. Oa motion, the report was made the special order for to-morrow at '10 o'clock A. M. On motion of Mr. Young, Mr. Brown was instructed to assess lands in his district, omitted last year, at three and onehall per cent. Mr. Young moved to reconsider the vote tnakiiig the report of the Equalization Coramittee the special order for to-morrow at 10 o'clock. Oarried. Mr. Brown moved that the report he made the special order for to-morrow morning at 9 o'elock. Carriud. On motion of Mr. Burch, the Board adjourned to to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Saturday, Octobcr25, 1S79. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Roll called - quorum present. The reading of the journal was dispensed with. On Motion of Mr. Whitaker, the report of the Committee on Equalization was taken from the table and referred back to the committee. Mr. Warner, from the Committee on Civil Claims, reported the following bill and recommended its allowanceat the sum stated : Xo. Name. Claimed. Allowed. 771 John Kapp, M. D L21 00 821 00 On motion, the report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Warner, from the same committee. reported the following bilis and recommended that they be referred back to the several towns on whose account the services were rendered : P. W. O'ïoole, M. D., for services for Ellen Smith in Northfield ; John Kapp, M. D., for services for Christopher Frank, of Scio, and for Ellen Smith, of Northfield. Report accepted and adopted. Mr. Rose oflered the following as asubstitute for the report of the Committee on Equalization : lo -o a Towns. S .2 S i I il !l 3 s gg gg Augusta.... 8197,260 S 31,170 $228,430 $ 210,400 Añil Arbur Town 380,210 47,430 427,640 439,900 Ann Arbor City ]stan(12ilw'd 5!)3,SS3 200,518 754,096 820,000 8dand4tb " 378,620 76,955 456,575 421,500 SthandClh" 208,085 32,131 240,216 260,000 Bridgewater 338,550 37.576 376,120 838,900 Pexter 243,170 39,050 282,220 263,000 Freedom 267,966 29,685 297,660 323,000 Lima 323,060 48,280 871, 40 350,200 Lyndon 146,150 21.670 167,820 198,000 Lodl 846,480 03,835 410.315 424,500 Manchester 463,070 96,240 559,310 510,000 Northflcld 270,420 31,300 801,720 320,000 Pittsfleld 445,546 53,746 499,292 500,000 Salein 316,130 52,705 368,855 892,200 SciO 479,245 119,225 598,470 61K.4IKJ Superior 413,520 40,630 454,150 410,000 Saline 440,270 5C,81(i 499.OS0 521,000 Sylvan 319,460 87,730 407,190 896,000 Sharon 800,880 55,100 355.9; 3-10,000 Webster 316,710 59,090 405,800 384 000 York 888,060 48,640 431,690 ;i90,000 ypeilautlTown 886,470 153,690 440.160 489,900 Ypgilanti, lst D 479,950 08,875 660,325 618,600 Ypsilantl, 2d D. 216,25o1 56,:íO0 272,550 811,500 10,266,541 10,200000 On raotion of Mr, Whitaker, th e substitute was accepted. Mr. Depew moved Üiat the substitute be adopted. Mr. Purtell moved that the substitute be laid on the table. Lost as follows : Teas - Brown, Foster, Krapf, Lane, Purtell, Sage, Shutts and Young - 8, Nays - Ball, Batchelder, Burch, Case, Dansingburg, Depew, Feldkamp, Galpin, Graves, Gregory, Jedele, LeBaron, Rose Snyder, Walkoe, Warner and Whitaker- 17. Mr. Purtell moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. K. Lost as follows : Yeas- Foster, Krapf, Lane, Purtell, Sage, Shutts, Wallace and Young - 8. Nays - Ball, Batchelder, Brown, Burch, Case, Dansingburg, Depew, Feldkamp, Galpin, Graves, Gregory, Jedele, LeBaron, Rose, Snyder and Warner - 16. i Mr. Brown oiFered the folio wing resol u ! tion : Resolved, That the Supervisor of the Sixth Ward of the city of Ann Arbor add to his tax roll two dollars and eighty cents, the same to be placed to the credit of the contingent fund, and that an order be given to Mary S. Chaffee for the same. Carried. On motion of Mr. Depew, the Board authorized the Supervisor oí Sylvan to levy a tax on au omitted parcel of land of James McLaren at the same por cent. as last year. Mr. Gregory offered the following preamble and resolution : Whereas, At a session of the Board of Supervisors, held October 28th, 1879, areolution was adopted by said Board Cxing ,he compensation of the Sheriff for boardng the prisoners confined in the county ail at fifty cents per ,day for each prisoner o confined, and Whereas, Since the adoption of said resolution the oost _of proviaions has inreased, and Whekkas, The number of prisoners béng confined at the said jail is certainly ecreasing on account of the action of said Joard by making the Ypsilanti city lockp a receptacle Ier prisoners who would otherwise be sent to the said jail, thereby in causing said decrease making the relative cost greater lor boarding said prisoners, therefore, Resolved, That the Sheriff be allowed sixty cents per day as recompense for boarding prisoners for eachprisoner during the time of his or her confinement in said jail for the year next ensuing, the payments for the same to be made in the same manner and under the sanie restrictions as in the year last past. Mr. Lañe moved to amend by inserting "forty " nstead of sixty cents per day. Mr. Rose moved to amend the amendment by inserting forty -five cents n lien of fortij cents, which motion did not prevail. Tlie q ucstion then being upon the amendment offwed by Mr. Lañe, the same was lost upon a cali of yeas and as fol!ows : Yeas - Case, Galpin, Lañe, Purtcii -4. Nays - Ball, Batchelder, Brown, Burch, uULiaMgbuig, Jjepo,., leniip, Foster, Graves, Gregory, Jedele, Krapf, LeBaron, ïose, Sage, Shutts, Snyder, Wallace, Warner, Young - 20. Mr. Krapf moved to amend Mr. Gregory's resolution by the insertion of Jifty cents. Mr. Purtell moved as a substitute for the resolution the following : Resolved by this Board that the rate of recompense for boarding prisoners in the county jail for the year next ensuing be and the same is hereby íixedat the sum of Gfty cents per day foreachprisoner during ■the time of his or her actual confinement in said jail, and that payment be made quarterly for the auiount of such board by uounly orders ia the usual form on adjustment wilh the Clerk of this Board upoi proper vouchers and verification on the lg days of January, April and July, and witi this iioard in the month of October neit ensuing ; provided that the adjustmert aforesaid with the Clerk of said Board sha.ll be subject to review and readjustment by this Board upon its deinand at the October meeting thcreof. Adopted. On motion of llr. Depew, the Clerk wa uthorized to furnish.copy of tthe proeedings to the printer, his compensatiai lierefor to be üxed at the next meeting of bis Board. On motion of Mr. Rose, the bill of Edar Warren, Deputy Sheriff, for pursuing Delf et al., was re-referred to the on Criminal Claims. Mr. Foster moved to adjourn to 2 'clook p. m. Lost by the following vote : Yeas - Brown, Foster, Krapf, Lañe, Purell, Sage, Shutts, Wallace, Young- 9. Nays- Ball, Batchelder, ïuroh, Case, Dansingburg, Feldkamp, Galpin Graves, Gregory, Jedele, LeBaron, Rose, Suyder, Varner - 14. On motion of Mr. Depew lor the committee's report ofequalizationwas adopted j the following vote, Messrs. Lañe and hutts being excused from voting : Yeas- Ball, Batchelder, Burch, Case, )ansingburg, Depew, Feldkamp, Galpin, Graves, Gregory, Jedele, LeBaron, Rose, uyder, Warner - 15. Nays- Brown, Foster, Krapf, Purtell, age, Wallace, Young - 7. Mr. Rose írom the Committee on Crimnal Claims, reported the bill of E. Waren, Deputy Sheriff, and recommended an dditional allowance of eight dollars. Adopted. No. Name. Claimed. Allowed. 7l]4 Edgar Warren S8 00 ïs 00 Mr. Case moved that Mr. A. L. Feldamp give a bond in the sum of $8,000.00 as Superintendent of the Poor, and that Jessrs. Wallaee and Krapf be a committee o receive, approve and deposit said bond. Carried. On motion of Mr. Rose, the Board adourned to 2:30 r. m. AFTEKNOON SESSION. Board met. Roll called. Quorum presnt. Mr. Feldkamp, from the Committee on 'er Diem Allowance, presented the following report: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Per Diem Allowance would respectfully report the attendance, travel, per diem allowance, mileage and total compensation of the respective Superifisors for the present session of this Board to be as follows : I 5 ÑAMES. g 5 g ,-j JLJLJLJL Conrad Krapf. 11V. 1 :n Su la (34 62 A. A. uregory la 1 36 00 Vi 36 H U. Hrown la 1 „ü OW l'i se 12 I. N. S. Koster 13 4 3(00 48 36 48 WlB. laitslngburg U 15 36 00 1 U S7 SO üimii'l LeBaron m zs :jü w 3 (Xi au oü F. K. Snyder 12 ae 36 00 40 :,- lu John O. Feldkuilip Ui 10 U6 (X) 120 W 20 diarlea Whitaker 12 20 36 o 2 40 38 40 Jiiuhs Bage Vi 10 36 00 1 20 87 20 Thos. Young 12 'i S6 00 1 S 88 lluraiio Bureta l 37 G6 Of 4 44 40 44 Patrie S. l'urtell vi i 3 00 so SU J6 Morton F. Cuse 12 7 36 00 81 SG m Thoü. 1. Lane 12 13 [X 00 1 W 87 56 K. W. Wallace 12 w 86 00 120 37 20 Jacob Jedcle. Jr 12 tí 36 00 72 3G 72 David ti. Kose 12 37 30 00 4 44 40 44 V. K Galplll V2 7 M 00 81 88 81 Wf. E. Depew 22 18 36 00 2 10 88 1U L. Dow Buil 12 lj 36 I 1 80 37 80 Jesse Warner 12 17 36 0o 204 38 04 Hirain Batcheldar 12 j :6 00 1 08 37 os M. I.. Shutts !i2 i) :iü 00 1U81S7.(W i Alhert R. Gruyes !12 12 8ti 00 1 441 37 41 All orwliicli i riispuctluily submitted. Ann ABEOK.October, 1879. J. Q. FELDKAMP, Cimiruian. L. I). F.AI.L. THOMAS YOÜNG, Cüinmittee. On motion of Mr. Gregory, the report was aocepted and adopted. Mr. Purtell moved that wben tliis Board adjourn it be until Tuesduy morning next a; 10 o'clock. Carried. On motion of Mr. WaBace, aiijourned. D. LkBARON, Chairman. ADJOÜRNED SESSION. Tuesday, October 28, 1879. Board met pursuant to adjourntnent of October 25th, 1879. Called to order by the Clerk in the absence of Cbairman. Roll called. Quorum present. Cn tnotion, the Board adjourned to 2 o'clock p. m. AFTERXOOX SESSION. Board met puriiiant to adjournment. Called to order by the Clerk. Roll called. Quorum present. TheChairman stillbeing absent, Mr. Galpin was ehosen temporary Chairman, on motion of Mr. Brown. Journal of October 24th and 25th was read, corrected and approved. The Clerk announced t'.io fbllowing bids received by him for medical attendance on prisoners át the county jail : Ann Aebok, October 27, 1879. To the Clerk of Waslitenaw Couiity : Sm : I hereby agree to attend the sick anü surgical cases oi all pnsoners in the county jail of Washtenaw county, and to furnish all medicines for the treatment of such cases for the period of one year, for thesum of forty-eight dollars (48.00). Very respectfully, A. R. WHEELER, M. D. Ann Aebok, Oetober 27, 1879. County Clerk : Dsab Sir: I will attend prisoners at the jail and furnish medicines tor oue year for ibrty-four dollars. C. GEORGE. Mr. Foster moved that the offer of C. (Jcorge, il. D., be accepted, with the undej-standirig that the proposition shall inanee upon the same. Carried. Mr. Rose, from the Committee upon Criminal Claims, reported the bill of II. 13. Daley, J. P., and recommended that it be referred back to the claiinant for c-orrection. On motion the report was accepted and adopted. On motion of Mr. Depevv, the Board adjourned till 0 o'clock to-morrovv morning. Wedncsday, October 28, 1S79, Board met pursuant to adjournment. Cailed to order by the Chairman. Roll ealled. Quorum present. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Warren, from the Committee on Civil Claims, reported the lbllowing bilis and reoommended their allowance at sums stated : No. Ñames. Claimed. Allowed. 772 Wi nes & Worden 8 2ti 18 Í20 18 77 Herman Krapf 8 DS a US On motion ol' Mr, G-iegory, the report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Whitaker, i'roin th C )mmttee on Equaüzation, presented the iollouing amended report : To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors : Your Committee on Equalization would most respectfully report that we have amended the rep irt referí ed back to us and report as follows, hoping that it wili meet with your approval : PerEquall- Rea.1. sonal. Total zatlon. Augusta $197,260 $ 31,170 } 228,430 í 215,000 Aun Arbor Tuwn 380,210 47,130 427,610 434,000 Ann Arbor Gity lst District... 553,583 200.MS 754,0! 820 000 2(1 District... 378,620" 455.57.", 425,000 Sd District... 208.UN. 82,131 240,21li 2o,000 Bridgewater 338,550 :;7."7 ".71U2O 339.000 Dexter I 243.170 SU.O.'d 282,220 263,000 Freedom 267,905 29,68 I".l7.t;."íi :. Lima 323.600 48,2Sv 871.94H 851,000 Lyndon 146,150 21,670 167.820 192,000 Ludí 346,180 63,8&' 410,315 424,000 Manchester 463,070 96,246 .".'.), 310 510 000 Northfield 270,420 31,300 301,720 ;: I'ittsfleld 44Ï.546 53,740 4),2U2 f.00.000 Salem 816,190 52.705 368.855 891,000 Scio 479,215 119,228 698,470 610,000 Superior 413.020 40,630 451 1"0 410,000 Salino 440,27(1 68,810 499.080 516,000 Sylvan 8W,460 87,730 407, 11)0 424,0(10 Sliaron 300,830 5100 355,930 340,000 Webster.. 346,710 59,090 405,s i() . York 383,050 48,840 4S1.''1 8'JOV'OO YpsilantiTown 386,470 53,090 440,1.0 415,000 ïpsilanti City.. lst District 479,950 180.375 60,325 640,(100 2djl)itrict 216,250 5C300 272,550 2110,000 1 10,200,000 CHAKUÍS WHITAKER, Chuirman. T. I). LXK, K. W. V A 1,1. ACE, 1. BBOWN, M. L. SHUTTS. On motion of Mr. Purtell the report was accepted. Mr. Whitaker ofiered the following preamble and resolution, whieh, on motion of Mr. Case, was unanimously adopted : Whkkeas, Peter Tuite lstelv and lor four sucoessivo years Clevk of I he Boanl oí' Supervisors of this county, has in the prime of life and in apparent faealth, been suddenly removed from our midst by an insoratable Providence, whereby we hve lost a ftiend, and ourcounty a useful, honorable and upright eitizen ; therefore Resolved, That we extcnd to the wltlovv and íatnily of the deoeased our sympa hies in their bereavemetit. Resolved, That this preamble and rvsoluü Spread pon our journal, an 1 the Clerk of this Bwd be directed to tra it-mit a copy to the fdinily of the deotased. On motion of Mr. Brown, the Board adjourned to 2 o'clock r. M. by the follo'ving vote: Yeas - Ball, Brown, Burch, Case, De w, Feldkamp, Foster, Gklpin, Gregory, Ja-lele, Krapf, Lañe, LeBaron, Puruli, Sae, Shutts, Suyder, "Wallaee, Whitaker and Young - 20. Nays- Batchelder, Dansingburg, Gravea, Warner and Rose - 5. AFTEUNOOH gKgglOS. Board met. Ciilled to order bjr the Ckirmu. Ruil called. Quorum present. Mr. Case prescnted the claim of F. K Owen, whieh on inotion was rel'ened to the Committee on Civil CMaiins. Mr. Warner, fiom tlie Committee on Civil Claims, reported the folloNving bilis, and recomniended their allovvance at sums stated : No. Xames. Claimed. Allowed. 774 Wines & Worden 85 sö 77.3 V. Stíhmta 87 y4 7 yi Accepted and adopted. Mr. Rose, from thu Committee on Criminal Claims, reported the follow mXïujfe anU leeoiimicadiid their ajlovranoe ajns statud : No. Nanies. Claimed. .. 770 J. S. Case, Sheriff. 25 S5 Sir 86 777 John OregB 2 üü 2 (K Accepted and adopted. Mr. Young from the Committeeon Public Buildings, offered the following report, whioh on motion of Mr. Shutts, was aeoepted and adopted : Ann Ardor, Mich.,Oct. 29, J879. To the Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Wa-htenav Cuunty : The undersigned Committee on Public Buildings would respectfully report that we have visited the county jail, and find that the wells peed to be cleaned and the pumps repaired. We estímate the cost to be $12. A.JSO that the locks in the upper cells in prison room need repairing to inake the eells secure. We estímate the cost $15. We also iind that both entrances lo. the basement in the court-house need the doors. We would recommend that the door be made ofpine and painted to imítate iron. We estimated the cost for those doors, all completed, at $58. We find that the stone tops of both pórticos, norlh and south, need plumbing to stop leakagc and prevent damagfng those pórticos. We estímate the cost at $25. The Probate office needsome strips put up to hang the necessary newspapers and pictures (or likenesses) of ex Judges, if preseuted to the county free of' cost. We estímate the cost at $4. We also need tlnee inore reflectors (or hand-lights) iu the tower to Uluminate the dials of the cloclc. We estímate the cost at $39. The door leading to the tower needsanother, for soine unknown persons enter the tower unbeknown to the Janitor. We estímate the cost at $1.50. We also iecommend and approve of the changos in the court-room (the jurors suits), and estímate the cost at $45. We also have had in consideration of bringing coal and wood to the coal-bin without dufacing the lawn, and came tothe conclusión that men and wheelbarrows are the cheapest, laying plank to and from the bins, and use them as paths to walk on ; and we believe it would not cost more than' $25 per year. We have consulted and have taken advice how we can keep clean and in good order (without a very larga expense) theprivy, but find that we better do as we have done and let the job to the lowest bidder to keep it clean in 1 ■ ■ n'.. . - :..r i that it can be done as low as $50 per year. We would approve of that plan. The County Treasurer thinks he needs a larger safe, for he has not room enough to h'nd place for all his books, whiuh it is necessary to be protected. The Judge of Probate also needs a small safe for the protection of the valuable papers and books in his office, and the Detroit Safe Company have ollered to furnish a nevv and lurge safe (to be as large on the inside as the present safe is on its outside), except heighth and deptli, and (iuished in the modern style, bv receiving from the county $225 bonus, kud the committee thiuk by paying $i00 or $450 the county could procure two good safes, one for each of the offices named. The County Clerk needs a new desk, for the present one is too siuall lor the use oí' the office. We would reoommend tliat a new desk be procured for the Counly Clerk's office. We estímate the cost at 60, and that the old desk be placed in the that the room now occupied by the Washtenaw Insurance Cftmpauy be rented to theru for thesumof $50per year. Alsothat the other rooms now uuoccupied be rented (ifwanted for office use only,and at theprice of the insurance conipany, and that it be nndeistood that uil such offices be closed at 9 o'ulock r. M., so that the janitor can examine the whole court-house and sec that all is riglit and safe before retiring. We would ilso recommend that the Judge of Probate. County Clerk, County Kegister County ïreasurer, SberifiF, Prosecuting Attorney and Circuit Court Commissioner be requested to clean their respective offices twice a year (in spring and fall), and i harge the costs to Wasbtenaw County. We also find a room in the third story of the court-house occupied apparenlly as a lodging room, and the gas tapped, and we beliavu used. We don't know who occu pies it or who rented it, or gave possession. We think it very dangerous on account of' fire, etc, and we hope that no sueh kxlging-rooms will be tolerated in the court-house oí' Washtenaw County (except the Janitor's room). All oí which is most respectfully submitted. (Signed) THOMAS YOUNG, CONltAÜ KKAPF, Wil. DANSINliBl'RG. Cominittet-on i'ublic isuikinigs. Messrs. Welsey and Duffy addressed ihe Board in relation to the insauc of this cDiuiiv cared for at Pontiac. Mr. Brown offered. the l'ollowing resolution, which was aüopted : Resolved, That a commíttee of three be appoiuted by the Chair tb coüfer wlth Lhe Attorney General in regard to certain persona now in the Insana Asylum whose expense is charged to this county, wuich the Superintendent of the Poor claini do not belong to this county. That two of' said committee be from this Board of Supervisors and one from the Superintendent of the Poor. Mr. Lane offered the following, which was adopted on motion of Mr. Shutts: Resolved, That the Sheriff of our county be and is hereby requested to visit the court-house at night and arrest any and all persons who havo not a legal right to oocupy the building alter seansonable business hours lmve closed, and clear the building of ali unnecessary furniture and bedding. Mr. Bal!, from the committee to settlc with Mr. Gensley, presented and had read a communication from Mr. Gensley, which on motion of Mr. Burch, was ordered to be placed on file and published with the proceedinga of this Board : T. the ll"iior.ille üourd of Supervisors of Wuhlettaw County : Gentlemen - I was elected County Treaaorer iu the fall of 1S7G, and entered upon the dulies of the ollice the tirst of January, 1877, giving the outgoing Treasurer niy receipt for , the amount ibund in his hands belonging to the ( ty by a committee of the Board of Superrisors. Ou the 18lh dy of October, 1877, nine and a half nionths fter I had entered upon the duties of tbe office, a eomuiktee of the Board of Supervisors eiamined my accounts atid Te me the foltowing receipt : TATK OF MICHIGAN, ( IV'fcshkíniiw Connty, J We the undersigned, a committee appointed by the Board of SuperTÍsors to settle with the county offieers, respectfully report and certify that -we haTe uttled with Matthevv Gensley, Treasurer of Washtenaw Oounty, and have examiued the vouchers in bis hands and the bookx in bis ofiice and ünd tbem trut and correct, and abo Lnd tlie bulauce due said couuty ii-om the said Treasurer to be the suia of seven thousand fbur huudred and tweutytwo dollar and sixty-niue cents Dated October 18, 177. CONRAD KRAPF, N. K. SUTTQN, W, K IIATOU, CumniiUeo. Jnst one year after thls settlemeut, on tbc I8U1 day of Üctober, 1878, the coinmittee of the Board agdin setüed with me and gave the Ibllowing reeeipt : STATE OF MICHIGAN. ( Waslitcnaw County, j ■ We the undersigned committee appointed by the Board of Supervisors to settle with the county officers, respeotfnlly report that we have settled with Matthew Grensley, County Treasurer of the County of Washtenaw, and have examined the books and vouchers in his office and find them true and correct. This report is signed by the committee. LEE YOST, EGBEKT V. HARPER, KANDALL aCHüYLER, Commiuee. This report was made to the Board the first day of November, 1878, and may be lound on page 37 of' the proceedings of the Board for that year. About two months alter this, on the 3d day of January, 1879, my books and accounts were examined by another committee of the Board, who gave me the following reoeipt: STATE OF MICHIGAN", County of Washtenaw, ( We the undersigned, a committee appointed by the Board of Supervisor?, to settle with the county officersrespectfully report and certify that we have settled wilh Matthew Gen&ley, Treasurer of Washtenaw Couuty, and have exatnined his aocounU, thö vouchers in his hands and the booko iu his office, and ñnd them trut and correct, and also find that the balance iJue the county f rom said Treasurer to be the sum of $34,510.13. LEE YOST, 1). LeBAKON, lt. SCIUUYLKK. Dated, January 3, 1879. On this same day I vacated the office, turned over the books and papers to my successor, taking his receipt for the above som, as lollows: $34,510.13. Received of Matthew Gensley, late County Treasurer of Washtenaw County, the sum oí $34,510.13 in ftill for balance m his hands as such Treasurer as shown on settlement thifi day with the cominittee of the Board of Supervisors. BTEPHEN' FAIRCHILD, On eaeh of these settlements vouchers and reccipts for moneys paid by me to witnesses, jurors and other persons to whom the county was indebted were destroyed by the committee. No stubs were preserved for these payments. I am not au experienced or practical book-keeper. I kept the books to the best or my ability upon the systein which I had obtained in the office fop many years. he books of the Treasurer, kept during my term, have been examined by diflereut persons who ibund en-ors both fur and agaiust me, but no two of them have urrived ut the same ainount claimed to be due from me. On account of the dentructiou of üio Toucher above refeired to I am not in a positioo to protect myself agaiust any demands you might uiake upon me. I am cümpletfly at your mercy if after burning up my vouchers you repudíate your own receipts deliberately given after repeated and thorough examinution made by yourselves. I am infm-mpri hv nnnipeteilt attomeïS tliat upon this state oi.tacts the couuty couia never recover a judgmeiiL sniwimt: in a court of law or before a jury. And tliat litigation upon the subject requiring the examination of the books of the Treasurer by experts ior two vears and perhaps lor niany years befbre my time commeneed would be very expensive, costing the county much ruore than the amount they claim eveu if they received a judgrnent at all. I cannot aflbrd to litígate this matter with the county of Washtenaw. I am poor. I know that I have not asingle dollar of the coimly's morjey. I cannot conless myselt guilty of' einbezzlement and crime by a voluntary payinent of any sum. My character for honesty is about all I have left. I must leave myself eutirely in your hands, trusting to the reeeipts you have given me and to your sense of justice aud expcdiency under all the circumstances. But I submit whether the county of Washtenaw might not waive a doubtl'ul and uncertain claim rather than to extort a single dollar, because they have the power, from a citizen deprived by the county of the evidenee necessary to hisdefence, and prevented by poverty also from defending himself. Respeolfully submitted, MAÏTHEW GENSLEY. Octobcr 29, 1S79. Mr. Purtell, from the Finance Comrnittee, asked for instruction as to how much of the county indebtedness sliould be provided for in the estimates for this year. Mr. Dansingburg moved that the amount of county taxes levied this year for all purposes be fixed at $05,000. Mr. Rose moved to ameud by fixing the amount at $75,000. Lost. The original motion of Mr. Dansingburg was then carricd by yeas and nays as follows : Yeas - Ball, Batchelder, Brown, Burch, Case, Dausingburg, Depew, Foster, Feldkamp, Galpin, Graves, Gregory, Jedele, Krapf, Lañe, Rose, LeBaron, Purtell, Sage, Shutts, Snyder, Wallace, Warner, Young -24. Nays- Whitaker- 1. Mr. O. H. Richmond addressed the Board in relation to granting the use of a room in the basement to the Washtenaw County Agricultural and Pomological Society. Mr. Krapf moved that this Board give to the Washtenaw County Agricultural and Pomological Society possession of the room next west of the Washtenaw Insurance Company for one year free of rent. Carried. On motion of Mr. Case, the Board invited Mr. Gensley to come before them aud give his views in relation to the amount claimed to be duo from. hiin. to the county. Mr. Genaley appeared by Mr. Harrimaii, his attorney. Mr. TcHiog presented the followlnj raaolution ad mored its adoption : Jiesolved, That Mr. Gensley b rel4 trom aQ obligationa whicb Wahtonax coaatj bolds againat hirn. Teas- Batchelder, Brop, Burch, í.ldkamp, Jedele, Krapf, Purtell, Sage, Shuttg, Snyder, Wallace, Wbitaker, Young- X3. Nays- Ball, Cw, Dansingburg, Depew, Fostsr, Golpin, Graves, Oregory, Laue, LcBaron, Rose, Warner - 12. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Purtell the Board proceeded to consider the subject of equalization. -Mr. Purtell moved to adopt the amended report of the Committee upon Equalixtion, made this forenoon, which motion the Ghair ruled was out of order. Mr. Purtell appealed to the Board from the decisión of the Chair, and the appel was nut sustaiued. Mr. Purtell moved to rescind the ota taken on the í5th instant, by whioh the substitute for the report of the Committee on Equalization was passed, which was lost upon a cali of the yeas and naya, as follows : Yeas - Brown, Foster, Krapf, Lane, Purtell. Sage, Shutts, Snyder, Wallace, Whitaker, Young - 11. Nays-- Ball, Batohelder, Burch, Case, Dansingburg, Depew, Feldkamp, Galpinr Graves, Gregory, Jodele, LeBaron, Rose, Warner - 14. On motion Mr. Dansingburg w"as excused from attendanoe for the balance of the session on account of sickness in hia family. On motion of Mr. Case, the Board adjourned to 9:30 o'clock to-morrow morning. Thursday, October 30, 187. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Iïoll called. Quorum present. Jourual of yesterday read nd approTed. Mr. Warner, from the Committee oa Civil Claims, reported tbs bill of F. L. Owen, M. D., and recomraeaded its llowanoe as claimed. No. Name. Claimed. Uloired. 778 F. K. Owen, M. D 55 00 (5 0O Keport acoepted and adoptad ou motioa of Mr. Case. Mr. Gregory offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the Committee on Publio Buildings is hereby authorized to carry out their several recommendaüons in their report and present their bilis for labor and material to the County Clerk, nd he to draw orders on the County Treasurer for the amounts ; but those bilis shall be sublect to review by the Board of Superyisors oi' 1880. Adopted. Air. Case moved to add, if necensary, forty dollars to the amount recommended by the committee to purchase a desk for the Clerk's office, and that the Clerk bo authorized to buy the same. Adopted. Mr. Snyder, from the Committee to Apportion State and County Taxes, preented the following report, which, on Kon, was accepted nd adopted : To the Honorable Board of tiuuurUo mt fn teimw Coanty : The Committe on ApparíoaiEí oí State aud Couuty Taxi rpctftit2y ubmjt the following report l l-SU!eTx.Couafj 1. Augusta-... f 1,30 k 11, uo 78 AuuArborTown S515M iini t Ann Arbor City, Firet and Seenml wards i,tS'i .ÏJ 49 Ann Arbor City, Third üd .ffiff ■=■---.-,■ Vio 7 m ■ ÍSS8 301 S.l.itf 63 Dcxter .„ l,ñU5 Oü l,7ó 98 Frcedom 1,8-17 S7 2,058 3 Lima 2,0(12 SS 2,?!1 "O Lyndon 1,188 +4' 1.51 7 Lodi 2,427 fft J,7i 14 Miuichester 2,916 I,SM 00 NorthlielJ 1,830 2S! S,03 11 Pittsfleld 2,85 7 ,1M 7f Salem 2,243 15 2,41 (1 Scio i,Ht 07 l,84 7 Superior. 2,344 5 212 14 Saline 'A97U SO 3,02 0 Svlrao 2,t l ,17 15 Sharou 1,914 60 t.lM M Webster 2.1! 25 1,47 08 York 2,230 5 ,4KS 2 Ypsilanti Town 2,515 WS J.80Í 08 Ypsilanti City, First District , 3,588 01 1,842 09 Ypsilanti City, Seeond District 1,78158 1,M M Total 858,337 77 865,000 00 All of whichis respectfully submitted. FREDERICK R. 3NYDEK. L. D. BALL. F. P. GALPIN. Mr. Snyder offered the following resolution, whioh was adopted : Resolved, That the different Supervisors are hereby ordered to assesa the several amounts as reported by the Committee on Apportionment of State and County Taxes j also the amount due the county house for the support of the poor ; also the several amouuts appropriated in the seTeral supervisor districts as provided by law. Mr. Case moved that the County Treas urer be authorized to borrow such sums of money as the financial condition of the county may render necessary. Csrried. Mr. Case offered the following resolution : Resolved, That each Supervisor of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to fill out the certilicate to be attached to hia tax roll with all the township and other taxes, and attach the same to his tx roll Adopted. On motion of Mr. Burch the Bord tljourncd until half-past 1 this afternoan-.


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