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A Man Of "faith."

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A MAX who stands on a dry goorls box on the Campus Martius and tells. tho public that the medicine in th 1Htlo bottles before him ia a sure cure for this or compMnt finds about two believers out of every hundred who pass. If he ouly íinds one his expoctations are answered, and he makes a good thins ol it. He began his talkyestovday with an audlenoe of one. It waa a fat, fleahy young man oí twenty-five, with a doublé chin and a red neek-tia; "íaith" was written aeross hid face in letters bread and plain. " Gentlemen," began the vender, as ha looked the yoittg man in the faca, ' do you haTe a feSing of nashua at your stomaehsP U so, otia of theso tene nt bott!e3 of ruy woiid pannersea will instantly reüeye and cure." "Jusc what I want," replied the young naan, and he laid dowa ten canta "Gttiemen," Oíttiutd tbe Tadx, - da you hav baekaoh ud ohiila? If so, I warrAut thia jax.ttarsesk to oureyou at ttvo dosss. It has been tried by ifcicjs aad etuperors, and it has given univer ." 'Been looking for just thiscure," interrupted the young man, and he paid for sl secoad bottle, and feil back into hia old track. " Gentlemen, It gives mo pleasure to assert th;t thls medicine was originally urvented as a cure for headache," softly roraarked the seller. "Wben I say that it wjü cure the worst case of headache vér known in frotu three to fivo minutes, I solemnly muan what I say. It has been tried ín ten thousand cases." " Ülight as well knock the headache whiiu l'm about it," said my younff man to himself, and he laid down a quarter and received his correct chungo íor another bottle. "Ah! gentlemen, it doea mn gruxl to .o tüai you appreciate my remedv,' said the Teuder, as he moved tho bottlos aroaud. " Are any of you troubled with Hver complaint or dyspepsia? If so, try my panuersua. It "has relieved and cured miUiona of suüering human being-s." The young man was still the only audienco. Faith brihtcned on his face, and he laid down tea cents with the romark; " My old liver is always kickmg tip trouble, and I guess I'U cure her!" " My fellow-eitizens," remarked the seller, as he mopped hisface, ■ ure you troubled with toothache, cutaneous tiiseases, palpitation oí the heart, loss of sleep or ingrowing toe-nalls?" "We are!" solemnly replied the young man, and he iuvested in another bottle. " Ainericans- -freemen - are you subject to coughs, hoarsenes3, bronchitis, quinsy, consuinption, night-mare, loss of memory, whooping couirh or fallinoout of thé hair?" " Hbbgefl if we ain't!" whispered the young lellow with the doublé chin, and he pocketed his sixth bóttle and waited for further oratory. His remarkable faith 8taggered the dealer, who ñnally sald: "Iguess you have enongh for this time. Take accordingto direetionsand you will soonfeei the beueficial efl'ects." "Yes, I will - thank you ever so mueh - yes - " stammered the young man. "This 'ere rcmedy isn't good for fits, is it?" " Well, well," slowly answered the vender - that is, it is not a recular cure for fits." ' Then I guess I'll take whatTvegot and get cured of all those things you mentioned, and then go for the fits alone and give 'cm thunder aud blazes, wouldn't you?" " Iguess so." "Yes, that's the way. If you bring out anythiug for fits I want jou to save me a gallon, l've been under the weather just as long as I can stand it.


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