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MEDICINAL. GBAï'S SPláciTIC MfiJMCIME. ' TAPlr!c"n'efl""tB!"-t''Mt SftK í' for Seminal jfcflÉf C3 ■ ' I i i f'.thnv áüP v. EsSm TaVmvPeK Ab'"e; " SKSTS ioiMcnon-.After Takin. inivcval Umltude, Pain in the Bftok, Dtoneraíf ' is n nenuitiu i Oíd Ae, aad rnany uthei diseaamutiíreOra lnsanlt. Consumption and a PrcMSf Full p.irticuhirs Ín our pumphlets, nliich we " mail to evury one. Tha Specíflo Medicine is sola by „u Oiugetetaat tlperpfu se."i iwfb,.í(.s for 5,or willbe ut Ly mail .jo rewipt of thamoney i-v addreofina '] ! ' MKDICÍNE CU ' _ „ , Wo 10 U ;-, Detroit Mioh. FT-.-nld i ti Ano Albur by li Ilrugrists, nuil by :-ftü vel ywiic; e 81 WOO WARD AVENUE, DSTEOIT. Wo keep in stock the targsst varieiy of iVkisioal MaroJ-Kïndize gatijered undsr cno roof ín America. K3 Visitors are cortfially Invltcd to vlsit our Store wlien in lietroit. riIYSICIAJíS, SÜKGEONS, STUDENTS, andSOEAXÍKS are inTüed to examine our laige and ccnijjlöte aSíOrtmnt of Surgical Instruments and nll kir.dred goeds before malí; g their seleciíoqs eise-whei-c, as va uill inake it 10 thoir aiiTuuíaQ tü ubtain tUei. tjupplíea oí u. F11EBEKÏCK STKABNS. To Ncrvuus Siifterert- The Great European Remetlj - r. J. B. Shnpson'a It ia a cure for ?pernmtorrhea, Seminal Weakncts, Imj oteney, and all diaeasea resalting r-,.= froni Self-Abnse, a El. OBI.. Mental Anxiety, aittjcb. ñíívIVv Loss oí' Memory, jfí?, (itiv.ïi'iiv ,l! Faina in Bnck or SÊ& 'uffiylsS Hiat lead to LXTJp '5 ' vyi tumption, itisanity ïSt"' JlSSi i nd íin enrly CTuve. p..' JRÍ-C The.,Speeifle S&P A v cine ia beini? ns-pd witíi word irfnl succesa. PmphlotF sent freo to all. Write íor them and get fu 11 paríiculars. Piice.Specitíp, $1.00 per pacicnge, or eíx packafes for Í5.0Ü. Address íill orders to. J. U. SIMPSON MEDICrNEOO., Nos. 104 und„10ö Main Street, Bufliilo, N.Y. For sale in Ann Arbor liy Eberbach & Bcn, unp by all druggisltj vcryv. horo. g@p -A. LBCTTJEB fi% To "! Men. Jast publithed, in a Smled Envelóle. Price six cents. A lecture in tlie Ifatnie, Treatment, and Radical cure of Hetuinal Weniaiess, or Spermatorlluea,induqi'd bv S('lf-Abu-. FmniHntarv Kluissions, Imputency, Jiervoua Debliiy. and TmpwJinients lo Marriave gtnem]y; Coiisiiraption, Epilepsy, and Fit; Mental and Pbtaical Incupacitv &c.- Bj 110BERT J. CÜLVKRWELL tl. & aüThe world-renowned autlior, ia tlus admirable LectuiB. clearly proves Irom hia own experience thru the awful consequeucca of Self-Abusu may be cül-otually removed without medicine, and without diinurous sti!','i ui oei-.ilioas, bougies, iustiuments riugs, orcotdiala; pointingout a mode of cure at Oiioecertain and cffectur.l, by which every sufferer, iitniattor voluit las condition raay be, may cure himaelf cheaply, privately, and radically. Tliis ï.ectuie wil! prove u boon tö tbousands andthousands. Sent, undtr seal, in a plain onvelope, to any address.on receipt ufsix ceuls.or two posLasestamps Adórese the Pub] Khers, TiiE CÜLVEUWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Aun St., New York Post Office Box, 45KC. ' ■■■■■■"■ i '■■MMHMMMWNMi HALLS B4LSAM Cares Colds, Pneumoula, Bronchitis, AKthma, Cronp, Whooplng Cough, and all diseases of the Breathing Organs. It xtíhci and heals the Meiubrane of the Lungrs, inflamed and poisoned by the diseasc, and prevents the niglit6weat9 and tightness across the chest whichaccompanyit. CONSUMPTÍON is not an incurable maladr. It is only necessary to have tlie rlfrht remedy, aui HALL'S BALSAM Is that remed yl DON'T BESPAIR OP RELIEF, for thlg beuign spociflc wlll cure jou, eren tkough professional aid ialls. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE the Most Powerful Healiiig Agent ever Discavered. Henry'M Curbolio Salve cures the tvors sores. Menry'a Carbolic Salve allaya the pain of burns. Henry's Carbollc Salve cures all eruntlona. Henry's Cnrbolie Salve heala pimples and blotches. Jlenry's Carbollo Salve wlll cure cuts and brttises. Ask for Heory's, and Take No Other. tF" BEWARE OP COÜNTERFEITS. Jp TOWNSLEY'S ' TOOTHACHB AWI CURES IN OJVE MINUTE. EBEY'S mOLIC TEDCHES A SÜRE TREVENTIVE OF Contagious Disensos, Colds, IlGarseness, Diphtheria, and iiooping Cough. l'lcasant to the Taste. JOHN F. nENRY, CURRAN fc CO., SOLÉ PIÍOPRIETOBÜ, 24 fJollese Place, Now York. FOR SALE BY L. S. LERCH._ 10 THE FAEMEES OF WASHTENAW! It is a well-known fact and has not been denied tli:n i lio Toledo and Aun Arbor railroad tbe past yc-ar lias put in the poclcets of the farmers of tho county, at least thrcv oents 011 all pf their wheat. Now thrce cents on 1,500. (ioo lmshel.s is 45,000 doltan; quita a saving. Now we say, brins your Wheat nnd patronee tho road where you will lind your old friends, Tmadwell & Osboksk, rcady tn pay the bisrhest possible price that can be paúl.- We trust, by fair dealing, we will receivo a fair proportion of patronage. Youra truly, ÏREADWELL & OSBOENE. Ann Arbor, July 23, WJ. ___JLEGAL NOTICES. Ealatof Horace Boalar. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, sb, At a seastón oí the Probate Court foi the Oounty of MTashtenair, holden at the L'robate Office o the city of Aun Arlior on Weduesdny, the twenty-slïth day of Korember in the TCaroiietbouiuiudtighthnDdred andseventy-nino Pro - in. Williaui I. Uarriman, Judgeof Probate In the matter of the estáte oí Horaoe Koeier deci at ed. ' Chriitina A. Rosler.adminibtmtrixof snidestnle comes Into court and represeuts that she is now prepared to vendor lier linal account is such adnnm-tnitrix. Therciiponitiaoraercd, that Satnidav, thetwentieth day of December next, at tea o'olotk in the " "■ '"■■■ siffnedfor examini)i(f and allowing such account, and tbat the heira ia la of aaid deceased, and all "Uu-r persona interested in said estate, are requlred to :i.i ar at u seulon of said court, theu to be bolden at the Probate OiSce in the city of A 11 n Arbor, In said county and h If h.iï there be, wiiy the sáid account shoiild iiot bcallowcd: And it is further onlered, Unit sa il administraliix Klve uotice to the persona 1 1' n said estafe, ui the pi uaency of said acowtui and the heariim ttiereof, bv eamtng acopy oí tbioonierto be piihlUbed In rhe Abm AmraiA newBpaper prioted and circulating in aii county threesin.ce3.-ii vu weeke previous to saiddav of buatlng. ' WIU.IAM D. IfARKtMAN, (A trnecrajr.) Jndge of Probate. Vm. li. I!i,tv. Proftate r:n-is!,-r Estáte of Christopher McOuinne. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY KJ of Washteriaw sa. At a session of the Probate Court lor the County r,f Washtenaw, holden al I he Probate Office ir. the city ol Aun Arbor, on Wedtwenty-fifth ünj of November, in the yeRlODthousnd eiifuf mndred and seventy-nine. Present, WüliamD. Hnrriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Christopher JlcGmnno&s, dcceased. On readinj-and n!ln! thepetition, duly veiified, 01 1('liii-!ii],cr .). Miüluiiui.;., pruying that a certain Instrument uow on Ule in thla court, purportin;tobe U.c last will and testament of suid dooeasert, iuy be admitted to probate, and that he and I atmk Waleh may be appointed execulors t ji reof. Th reupon it is oitlered, that Munday, the twenty. sccondduy ol December next, :it teno'clock in the foieiioon, be assined lorthe hearing of aiid petitiou, and that the derisees, legatees mil heirsatlaw of suid deciased, Kin', all other persons interested in Bald estnte, are required to appenr at a nession .r aiud Court, then to be bolden at the l'robate UtHeeinthe city of A,ú Arbor, and show cause, if anxthere be, why lúe nrayef of the pptitioner nhoulrt not be mwiuxl : Anü it 13 further ordered tlmt eaid petilioaer irive notico to the persons uiterented in said estáte of the pendeucy of said petiiion und the heariupr thereof, by eansinif a cnpy ot tliis order to bepublished in the Ami Abbob A RG ;s,u newspaper printed and cireulated in said couuty, three successive weeks previous to saidUay of htariny. WILLIAM D. HAURIntAN, ( A true copy.) .Tudge of Probate. Wm. (i. Dott, Probate Register. CoininissoTiers' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O B9 The undersigned baving been appuinted by he Probate Court lor eaid county, cominissiouers o receive, examine and adjsst uil claims and of a!l persons agai nst the estáte of William M.Calkin, hite of said county, deceased herebv give notiee fluit aix uiontlis froui date aro allowe'd, bv order ol said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased and that tlicy wil] meet at the office of Geonze W ïurn Buil, in the villaje of Chelsea, in said county, on ïnday, the twentie;h day of February, and on Inursdiiy, tlie twentieth day of May next, at ten o'cloek a.m. of euch of said days, to receire, examine and ad.iust said claims. Hated, üoveiuber 20, A. D. 1879. JAJ1KS I,. GILBERT, M. J. KOYhS, 43wi CommissUiners. lístate of Peter Tuitc. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waahienaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court tor the Cnunty of Washlenaw, holden at the Piobale Oifice in the city of Ann Arbor, on "YVedttcaiiiiT, the nineteentb day of Kovember, in the yeir onethousand eiht hunaredand &eventy-nme. Preaent, Wüliaro D Harrimun, Jndge otProbaie In the matter ot the estáte of I'etei Tuitu, decensed. On readin; and flling the petition, duly Terifled, of Catharine Tuite, praying that administraron of the estáte of said deeeased may be granted to her. ïhereupon it is ordered, tbat Mouday, the tifteenth day of DeceiDber, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aasigned for the hearins of said petition, and that the heil'8 at hiw of Baiddeceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at :. seasion of said court then to be holden at the Trobate office in the city of Ann Arhor, and show cause, if auy there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to tlic persons lnteregtcd in said tstate, oí the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causirif? u copy cf tbls order to be published in the Ann Arhor Aihius, a newspaper printed and circulatecl in said county, three suecessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARKlMAIi, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Dotï, Probate Register. Estáte of William Myers. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of WashtimiW, lll:,(l on thö toathday DfXü--t.iihpr A. D. 187!, six naonths from that date wore aUowerf for creditors to present their elnima agilinst the estate of William ïlyers, late of said county, deoonsed, noil thfc oll cicditorsof said deocased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Artjor, foi e.xamination and allowance, on or bcforo the tenth day of May next, and that liiims wil] be heard before said Court on, the teuth day of February, and on Monday, the tcuth day of May next, at ten o'cloct in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Novt-niber 10, A D. 1879 WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, 6t4 Judae of Probate. Estáte ot James Morris. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COTJNTY oí' Washtenaw, ss. At n session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Olüce, in the city of Ann Aibor, on Satnrday, the eighth day of November, in the yeaï one thonaund eiirht hundred and soventy-nine. Piesent, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jamts Morris, deceased. On reading and filingtho petition, duly verifled, of Mary C. (ioodspeed, praylng that partition may be made of the real estáte -whereof said deceased died scized ainonjjhia heira at hiw. Thereupon it is ordered, that "Wednesday, the tenthday ofDeecmber nest, at ten o'clock in the assigned for the hearing of Raid petition, and that the heirs ut law of said deceased, aad all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appe;ir at a sension of said court, then to be holden nt the Probnte OfHco in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, it' any there be, why the prayor of the petitioner should not be ííranted : And it is fmther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causinjr a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Abbor Aegu, a newspaper prinled and circnlated in saitl county, th ree suceessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM 1). HAKRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge oí Probate. wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte f James í. Daneer- minor. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ of Washtenaw, ss. At n session of tlio Probate Courl for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in tho city of Ann Arbor, on Mon(lay . the tenth day of November, in the year one thousand eiffht hundred and seventy-nim?. Present. William D. Harriinan, Ju'dge of Probate. In the matter of the estato of James G. Dancer, minor. Sampson Parker, tlie guardián of said ward, comes into court and representa that he is now prepared to reDder his annual account as such guardián. Tbereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the sixth dayof December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon,be assigned for amining and allowing such account, and that the next of kin of said ward and allother persons interested in said estáte, are reij 1 1 iied to appear at a session of said court, thento holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show cause, "if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is furthcr ordered, that said guardián give notice to tho persons Interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof, by causillg a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Amor Argos, a newspaper printed and circulatiug in said county, three successive weeks prerioua to said day of bearinii WILLIAM D. HAERIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probato. Wm. G. Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of Maria Forti. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COTTNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the twelfth day of November, A. D. 1879, six months from that date were allowed for creditora to Diesent their claims aainst the estate of Maria Ford, late of said eounty, deceased, and that uil creditors of said deeeased arerequired io present their claims to sajd Probate Court, at the Probate Office in tho city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or befare tho twelfth day of May next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court, on Thursday, the twelfth day of February, and on Wednesday, the twelfth day of May next,' at ten o'clock in the forenoou of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor. November 12, A. T). 1879. WILLIAM D HARKIMAN, 46w4 Judgre of Probate. Real Estafo tor Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. In tho matter of the estáte of Samuel Axtell and Sarah Axtt'll, insane persona. Notice is koreby given, that in pursuance of an order granted u the undenigned gnardian of said insane persona, by the Hon. Judsn' oí Probate for the county of AVashteuaw, on the first day of Novem. bar, A. I). 187'J, tliere will be sold at public vendne, to the highest bidder, at the east í'ront door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the eountyof Washteaawin said itate, on Satuuiíay, thb TWK.VTIETH DAY OF DeCKMUKK, A. D. ISTü, at tWO o'olookin the afternoon oí that day (suhject to all encumbranoefl by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the sale) all the rifrht, title and interest of said insane persons in tbe followlag described real estáte, towit: Lot uuinber forty-three and the nortli one-fourtli of lot number forty-two, in Smith'a addition to the city of Ann Arbor; also a curtiiin triangular pioce of land ituated in the snid Smlth's additioD aforesald, boundsd west by lots forty-tliree (48) and forty-four (44), northwesterly by lot fiity (50), south by land deeded to Elljah H. Pilcher (not incliKfinw any land heretofore deeded by R. S. Smithj, tho aforesald Iota twlng In Sniith's addition to Ann Arbor city, in Wasiitenaw couuty, Michigan. Noy. lst, 1879. FBANK L. AXTELL, Guardian. Handsome line of Black Caahmeres and Paisley Shawls, just reoeived at Baoh & Abel"s. LEGAL NOTIGES. Kcrtlce r Mortgage Sale. T) Y A MüKTüAGE BEARING DATE ÍJ OetobíP ISth, A. D. 1872, and recordcd la the office ol Ihe Etegiater uf Dueds for the county of WashUna, átate of Michigan, on the 21st day of October, A. U. 1872, ut Dina o'eíoek and thirty minutes a. m., ni hbur 40 of mortgages, o paeo SOJ SyWapu. Whippleduly mortgSSl to JohS A Wat' liní; AU thoíu certaiu picce or panels uf land 1tng and toiiiK m tlie county oí Wwhteasv d state of Mu-Ligan, known and desorilied s follows DamelT : 'llu; nortb half ot the norlliea.t quartoi ol secimu thiny-lour, and tlio euulh hlf uf the nertheaai quartei of said Bectlon tliirty-fonr jn township foursouth of tanxe Bren easv, togethr wiili llie tenemenls, hereditament and arpurtotbereunto beloogiog." Defaulthasocc.irred in the conditlonsof said rtgage.bywhieli defni the power of sale conlaimd in sald mortRaí-e h.s beeome operatiire. TheBiwmnt ejalmcd tole dm pnBiamortuageatth date ol Ihis ótico is two tlH.ii.iand two bundred and fortT-three dollar beBides 'he attomey lee ofthirty-áve dollars proTldfd rorJUBHidruorigage. And uouitorprocedioihTIngbeen InülitutedatlnirtorecoTertbedebtnoiri. maiumg.seettred by ittjd morlgsge orany part ib. of. Aottcehilierebi KirenthatiaidmortKagewtUb foreclojed i,y „ .,,i,. „r „„,[ mortgagádi lands ud prcmist-s wlii'.li ule wfll be made at public rendo. tothe higLtBt biddeTonthe l-'n ■ieisth dato DsCEMBjt,A.D. 1879, at ten oolock ii. thc foreDo.B at the outh door of ihe Court House in ie cily of Ann Arbor ittsaid cniinty. Dated, September 18 1879 t.xaS' WATI'INGl Mrt8ftSW MortRime Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE ntheconditlonsof acertain mortgige, cxecnteil by C'hrisliaii Ook of Wauhtenaw roiinty Stat 01 Michigan, lo Thomas G. Speer, on ibe scTenth dayo i-ebroary, A. L. 1872, and r corded in tho RegisUn oí Washtenaw conoty, Michiran on the 17ih day of Febniary, A.I). 172 in Libei 47 of morlgages, on page 13S, whieh moitgage was on theSthiayot Marth, A. I. 1,172 awfenedby said i h, ,iim ( i. Speer to George S. Kriih of the cili "1 Ann Arbor county alareMÍd. whnh assiünment was reeoraed on the same day at :).O8 oVlock r. m 111 líber 9 oí of Mnrtgages, 00 page 366, and iwain :ignn] l,y aid ReoTRe s. Brnsh o Robecca IlenrinufK on the VJtli day of , A. D ltwu, and reconrea the -Ith diiy of November, A D 15, at 10 la ..iliK-k a. id., In Liher 4 Assignmont dt Mortses. on j.age 715, by which delnnlt the power ot salp contnined in unid morlgüge has becomc opi Tative ; aml thtre is tlaiintd to beduest the date heTeol the sum of Sbven hundred and sixty-nine dollars, aleo m attorncy fee of thirty-flT dollur ahonld any prooeedins be taken to foreclose tlns moHgage. And noproceedint-s at law or ju chaneery havini been mstitutvd to recover tbe (lebt seinred hy s:iid mortgua or uny part thcreof. KotioeisherebyRiTsn th:u hy virtne oi the powor 01 sale oontainea in sak] morlRasennd thostatnte ín such case made and providnl, J shall pe]J at publio auetmn, lo the highest bidder.on Sntiirdav the24th day of Jiumary next, at tno o'clock F', ie. ai said fliiy, at the sou th door of the Court Houw, in the city of Ann Albor, in suid cuurty. (kimt being th place of holdinc; H'e Circuit Conrla) the premiéis dtscribe.d in sakl mortgnti to natisfy the amonnt elaimed to be dne, with the rliarees of sale and ttorneya fee provided for in said morlRai-e, the foliowmg deacribed preniises towit : The west onethird of the west half of the sonthwest quarterof section thirty-fonr in town three, somïi of ran nve the stnte of Michigan, eontaining fwnty-seven acres of land, more or lesa. 1 Pated Cciober 22, 187!l. ,r„T t , KEBECC'A BEXRIOUES, JOHN N. GOTT, Assignoe of MortMgee. Attorney for Assignee. Mortgage Sale. TEFAULT OF PAYMENT HAYÍNG -"-- lea made of a eertain mortgBge made bv August Koppniid l'uuline kopp his wife o Alonio Clark, dated March 20, A. D. 1876, and recordea in the Hegister of Deeds office for Washtenaw county Michnjan, on tlic 2:id day oí Mareh, A. D. 1876 il Coclockp m., in 51 of murtgiiijes on mee M, and on whicü mondige there now remains duo nnd ovring the siimof three hundred and teventytwo and Ki-liiO dollars, the lurther sum of thrte hnndred dollars of principal with the interest thereon acenunft irom March 2, A. D. 1879, at ten per cent. reafter tobt'Ccimedneaccoidingto the term of utd mortgage, and no proceedinsB at law or equitj haviii!; been taken forthecollection theieof: ot;e s therefore lereby given that by rirtueof the puwer and provisions in said niort(,-age containef, and for the purpose of Tealixing the payment of the moniea nuwas afaresaid due and owiog on said niortgage, ti'ircüier with the inletest to ecrue ttieveon a! ten percent., and costa nnd chrm of Ibreclosnre, indndÍBg rd attorney fee specirfed in said mortgage, luhall, on tii e Twknty pouBia day OF Januaky, A. I). 8S0, at 12 oVloek m., wil kt pabilo vendue to the htgheiit biddtr at thè front door ot the Court House in the city of Arm Arbar, Wnshtena-w County, Michigan, subject to th r. maininR principal, and interest unaccrued, not yet due, all that certain tract or parcel of land being and lying in the township of Bridgewater, county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, kuown anil bouiided as follows, towit: Cornnieneinu on the mkldle of thehighway in the quarter scitioaliae iu settion niimbir tiventy in township number fonr south of range number tour Mist tnenty two ohaias and twenly-two links south fiomth quaiter post in north liie of s;iid section number twenty; theuce south alonz SBid qoarnr line sixteen rod and six links to a stake; thence northeasterly twentv. three rods and Ure and ODs-haOl links to a stake ;"thenco north to center of mili road sixteen rods and wx links; thtnee southwestwardly tlic center of ïnill road to the jilace of beLÍnniní, containii threo aerea of latid be the same more or leas. Dated, October 2(!, 1879. ALONZO CLARK, Mortgnee. E.B. We, Attorney for MortgnKee. Estáte of Charles K. Bnilingame. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenau-, s. At a sebsion of the Probóte Court for the County ol Washtenaw, holden at the Prohate Office in the city ol Ann Arboi, on Friday. the seventh day of November, in the jear one thouaand eight hundied and serenty-nine. Present, William D. llarrimjin, Jud"-eof l'robnte In the maller of theestate oí Charles E Burlingiiiue, decensed. On readingand filingthe petition, duly TeriSsi of l'elcr M. Burlingame, praymg that he mar bè licensed to sell the real cstatü whereof said áec'nnrA uií'fl seized. Thereuponit is ordered. that Tuesiiay. the ninlh day of December next, nt ten n'elock in t íwenoon. be assigned for the hearing of snjd petHioa and th:.t tlie hcirs at inw ot said lÏMeused, asd all ether persons ínterested in said estute, are leqmred to appear at a stssion of said Court, tbea to be holden at the Probate Office i Hw City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, ií Bj thL-re be, why the piayer of the petitionet should not be srranted: And it is furtfier ordered thüt sairt petitioner give notiee to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of sud petition, and tlie hearing thereof, by canninr a copy of this order lo bepubliBhed in the Axil Akbo Akrus, a newspnper prinled and ciienlnted in said connty, three SHCCessive weeka previous to eaid áay of hearing. WILLIAM D.JTARRIMAN, (A true copy ) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Dotï, Probate Regisier. Estáte of Togjrenbiirger-inijior STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of "Washtenaw. At a sepsion of the Probate Court for the Cocnty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. on TVeiVnesday, the nineteenth day of November, in the yer one thoupand eiíht hundred and seventy-nint. Present, William D. Hurriman, Judcre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Sophia Toggeaburer (now Wetzel), minur. On readingandüline the petition. dulv" LeonhardOruner. guardián, praying that he may be licensed to sell certain real estáte belonging to saiil minor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesdey, tbe seventeenth day of December next, at ten o'elock ïn the f orenoon, be assigned f or the hearing oí said petition, and that the next of kin oí sudé minor, and all otherpersoninterested in said eatate, are ifrquired to appear at a session of sai tl Cowrt then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city erf Ana Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it ia further ordered that said petitioner gire notiee to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of said petilion and the heaiinp thereof, by cnusing a copy of this ordei to be pnbliuhed in the AxnAriïou Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three suocessive weeks previous to eaid day of hearing. W1LLIAMD. HARRIMAN, CA true copy). Judge ot l'iobate. Wm. G. Xoty, Probate Register. Kstato of Sel den Marvin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, m. At a session of the Probate Conrt for the County of "Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, oa Wed nesday, the uinL'ti'enUi day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, Williana D. Hai riman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Belden Marvin, deceased. On reading and filing the petition duly verified of Comstock F. Hill, adininistvator, prayirg that he may be licensed to sell the real estáte wbereof said decpaseil died seized. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the sixteenth day of December next, at ten o'clock in the f orenoon, be as&igned for the hearing of said petition, and that theheirsatlaw of eaid deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of aaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner ehould not be gmnte; And it ia further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendeney of said petition and the hearing thereof , by Civusing a copy of this oxder to be published in the ABM Akbok AbgüS, a newapaper printed and cii'culated in said county, three euo cessive weeks previoua to said day of hearing. "W1LLIAM D HARRIMAN, ( A true copy.) . Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty. Probate Resrister, lístate of Thomas CulHnane. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, sa. At a sessionof the Probate Courtfor theCounty of "YVashtenaw, holden at the Probate Ottice, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the fifteenth dny of November, in the ye;ir one "thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, William 1, H arriman, Judgeof Pr bate. In the matter of the eatate of Thomas Cullinano, decensed. On reading and filing the petitioo.duly veriflea, of Mary Cullinano, praying that Oeorge C. Page or sorae otlier suitable person may be appointed adiufniatrator de boms non witfa the will annexed of ;iiil estáte. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Monday, the fifteenth day of December next, at ten o'clock in tht forenoon,beas8igE9dfortlie hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, legatees, and heks at law of said deeeased, and all othei persons interested in aaid estáte, are required to ippearatasession of said court, then to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and ahow cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be gr&nted: And it isfurtherordt-redthat said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency oi said petition, au? the hearing thereof, by aanving a copy of this ordei to be published in the Ann AEöob Abqds, a news. paper printed and oireulated in said connty,thre succesöive weeks prpvioua to aaid day oí hearing. WILLIAM D. 1ÏARR1MAN, (Atruecopy.} Judge of ProbaU Wa. U. Doïy, Probate Register.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus