The Ann Arbor Argus

Fl lïLISIIK EVERY FKIDAY MORXDïG In the third story of tho l-rirli biock corner of Main and Jluron streeta, AKN A.RBOB, - - MICHIGAN. intráneo on Hurón stroet, opposito ihe Gregory House. JOHN N. BAILEY, EDITOR AND PUBLISIIER. TE11MS, S1.50 A YEAR IN ADTANCE. Il ATES OF ADVmtTISIKG. 8Pi.cs. Iw. ISw. 8w. tv, la. Sm. lyear 18QU''; ' 7S W -"' t' 'l0 Í2 60 S;1 5 K5 "0 f8 00 S ,'ilr 1 50 2 00 2 50 8 5 0 12 00 3snu rei 2 0n 2 Ml 8 50 6 00 7 80 10 50 1-5 c l'n 3 50 4 00 4 50 6 00 10 00 15 00 26 00 1 po"mn 4 00 5 00 6 00 8 00 12 00 20 00 30 00 Ucol'mn 5 00 7 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 24 00 88 00 Ucol'mn 7 00 10 00 12 0(1 15 00 20 00 8 ' 00 55 00 lcol'nin !0 0 15 00 is ■ . ton oo INreive linca ot les eonsídered a square. Cards in Di ■ ■';■ Uaeper year. Buriness or special notíoee 10 cents a Une for tne first insurtioD, aüd 5 cents for eacfa subsequent inertion. Yerly advertís rs have the prívileco of cliaTiinpr their Rdvertisements quarterly. Addi ing will he chara Advertlsenienca iinficeompaind ly writtcn or forbul dlrections wil] Ui published three uiout'os, and cli:irgc1 aerordinly. Legal advertisiiv-r, nrsi ÏDsertion, 70 eei folio; 3" oeuts jKïr folio for encli iibscqnont ins srlion. When a jxistponemení is aldt'd io an advertismeut. the whole wil! bo charged the saino as the first insertion. Paniph[efstVostenstHan1!lN, Circulars, Cnrds, Ball Tickets, Fbeta, Blank, Bill-Ueads and uther Mirietios of Plain and Fancy Job Priuting cxecuted trith promptneas, and in tb e best possible style.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus