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BUSINESS DIRECTOR!. DB. TATLOR, ATTOENEY AT UW, Chelsea, Mich. DOfíAÍ.T WACLEAS. Id. ., Physician andSurgeon. Office and reeidence, 71 )turon itrect.Ann Arbor. Office hours from S to a a. .m nd frum 1 to " r. ?'. 1,f KS. SMPIÏIA V1IH.1ND, ITT. I., Phy iTZ hícii auü fíaromu O&P4 af residMict?, 44 4nn Btrcet. Will niíend to ívll xïolesaional c;iils promplly, ány and night. Wil. UACRSO1V, Dentist. Office' oornr Mííin and Waxhimrton sírs cf'. oer Bacb & Abel'sstoie, Aun Arbor,Mch. Anestlielica adminigtered if desiml., E?f. tOOPIJR, yi. JB., Accniicheur and Gynaocologist. Office corn er Main and Huroo streots, Ann Arbor. CSEHAKB1ERI..E, Teacher of the Piano forte. Pupila attain tlie desired ski piano-playing by a Byatematie couise of inptrr.ciion. Fof lerms, apply at residence, No. 12 West jjberty street, Ann Arbor. Prompt attcntion paid to piano-tuning. CltAMEK.WTKUEAUFJ? & COKBIN, Attorneys ntj Hiíx-vv, E. K. FRTIEAUFF, Justioe of?the Pesca. All business proroptly attended to, 0 Xo. S tast Washington street,"llinsey and Scabolt's block. HENEY E. HILL, Attorney jxt Law, Iealer in Keal Kstate and Insurance Agent. Office, No. 3 Opera House Bloek, ANN ARDOR. FREDEKICK KRACSE, ATJCTICTsTEES, Vill attend to all salea, on short'notice, at re?.poBaMe cliaree.r-'For furthcr particulars ciül at the AbwsOïfics. PUKOP15AX IIOTET,, Ypsüanti, Mich. New House, First-Class Table, Clean BeOs, Low I'rices. ■'. H. Lwis, Proprietor J. H. NICKELS, DEAT.EK IN FFESH AKD SA T ?#AT, ITams, Sausagos, T-ard, etc, TA.TESTREF.T.orrosrn; northwest corKER OF UNIVERSITY CAMPUS. Orders promptly filled. Farmers haring mcats U wil give him a cal 1. THE ANN ARBOR SAVIÏÏGS BAHK ATN ABBOB, MICHIGAN. Capital paúl in 8 50,000.00 i Capital ecurity - 100.000.00 Transacts a general Banking1 Business; hm ells Excbanges on New York, Detroit and Oh llsSight Drafts on all the principal cities of Europe; also, sells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, London and Glasgow, via the Anclior Line of Steamfthips, whose rates are lower than most other firstclatt lincs. Tbis Bank, alrcady havíng a large business, invite mort liants and oihers to open accounts with them, with the assurancc of most libera.1 dealing consisent with safe banking. Tn theSavings Pepartment intorest is païd'semiannually, on the first days of Jannary and Jaly.on ' all suma ttiat were depoeited tliree montfaa previor.s to thosp daya, thusaflordiug the pcople of this ciiy and eouiiáy a perfectly iafe depository for their fi i 'is, together with a fair return in interst Mtne. JS ■ iey to toan on Approred Secnrliiea. TipwcroBft- Cbiifitlanitacï:, W'.W. Wïnes, W. D. Ifarriman. Daniel Hiecock, K. A. Beal, Wm. Drubel, and WiUard B. Siuilh. OFFICERS : CJÜÏITIAN "NTACK, V,". W. W1NE8, FvoBixinni. Vice President. CIÏJSS. E. HJSCOCKs Cashier. Druggist and Pharmacist, ü (ÏTH MAIN STREKT, ANN AIIBOIt, bas on hand a well selected stock of riEE DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, Toilet ArlicleSiShouldarBraeeo, Trames, &(t whicli hf nflt r for sale at prices to suit the times. BÍÍT" Physicians' Prescriptions carefully prepared at all 1 oura. EBERBACH & SON, Diuggists and Pharmacists, 12 Sonth Main St., Have on hand a large and well selected Etock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Artists and "VVax Flowcr Materials, Toilet Arücljs, trames, VAr. PURE WINES AND ÜQÜORS, Speti] Mtentlmi pai] to the fnrnisliinK of PhyIWans, Chemlsts, Sehools.etc., wit)! Philosophical IBil Chemical Appyratu, Bohi minn CbemlcalGlamre, Pnrcelain Ware, Pure RearentH, etc. Physiciiina' pre.5crii.tiou careftilJy r.-i.arl at Ui honro.


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