Chinese-american Marring

KlGHTKEN months ago Lnm Sing Loo appearod in Newai'k, N. J., and ustablished ;i ctalg nianufactory, in whieh do : blue-bloused, i namen. .1!. was noticeil that ' iMiiized a fftshionable tiülor and maker, wore diamonds in his sïiirtfront and liid his queue, lic w:is i i"r;!M rjnh. aai] hia liabita in Newark i no admittance to hi 'tory, and i his shipmciits of gooda to China indicated that he had a large trade in drugs. Americanized in appearance, ané gentlemanly and prospcrous as he seemed, several Newark girls cast an eye on hira and liis factory. He ! ited severa! American families, gave tea partios to his ncqnaintances n retnrn, and finally feil inlovewith Miss Alice Dodd, an American g-jrl eighteen years old. Hia guit prosperad, Alice wns willing (so wore severa! other gii'ls) and Loo and Aliee were ensjragcd to bc married with tho consent ol her motlier, who is a widow, aml several family friends. About this time Loo's unele, Chock Fan Loo, who super ntended the factory, quarreled with Loo, and ldït becanse, as ho put it, his nephew wanted to "mallec Melican gallee." But the drug factory went on, and so tiid the matrimonial preparations. Lum Sin Loo built a. fine th ree-si ory house, fumished it elegantly, lighted Aliee's beauty up with diamonds, married her by Methodist Episcopal ceremony, quietly, in the niinister's room, in the presence of throo ot four witaesses, and installed her as mistress of that ncw house. Wken the news of the marriage was out it made íi little social sensatioa. Therc was interest to know what manner of man Lum Sing Loo is, and how it all came about. He was born in Cantón, China, twenty-seven years ago, liis father being on Influential merchant. When Loo was fifteen he ernigrated to California and joined two mieles wlio were in business in San Francisco. He attended public school for two or thrce years, and learned to speak, read and write English. He then learned the drug business with his úneles and returned to China. His father gave hun a large sum of money with wnich he came back to San Francisco and opened a drup; store, and also became a partner in a tea store. Then he went. to Xewr.rk, as above stated, took an unele with hini aadgotmarri id, as aforesaid. As several Newark girls bina ü opinión of One ■■'i af ter is mfm-inj . Lnserting, sspeciaUy as while delivering it she sat in the bay window of a Freneh-roof cottage on a fashionable street: " Mr. Loo is a real nice man, and all of ua girls down herc had set our caps fbrhim. We likod his tea partías and his presenta, but we liked his company the best. He'sgotlote of money, and he used to spend it on the girls, too. Ain't it too bad that Alice Dodd eut us all out? Ho used to escort us to the Methodist Chapel in Houston street, treat us to ice-cream and soda, and his pretty jjigeon English is just too sweet for anytliing." Mrs. Lnm Sing Loo also carne in for an interview. She was in her own house, which spoke for itself, but she said that out of respect for her religión Mr. Loo had refrained from embellishing the with Chinese pictures and idols and other things foreign. Ti'iK lic is not a Christian and ncver will be, but she adds: "He never swears, never drinks anything stronger than tca, nevcr gambles, and is never, never cross to me." Some good in him, even ií he is a
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus