A Baby Held For Debt

Soreral months sinco a kerosene lamp exploded in the bouso of Lewis Allen, on Parish, ncar Winchester 'stroet. Mr. Allen' s wife was in tho room, holding her baby in her i and tiio blazing oil sr badly bnmed the mother that she died tho next day, tho littlo ono, howevcr, escaping without injuvy. The ehlld was taken by a neighbor named John Brooks to his homo on tho night of tíio explosión, and now turns up as soureo of lltigatio. Allen makea a statement that the night after his wife's funeral he went to Brooks' to get his child, but he alleges Brooks refused to givc it up üi'iila previov.sly contracten debt of ■ n dollars was paid. Allen went ■y and consulteil with his frii who advised ii!m to try again a few i later to get his baby. lie did this; bnt, accordinst to his statement, Brooks rcfuscd to allow him to seo tho littie one, although assuring him it was reoeiving the best of caro. Allen told Brooks that he could not pay themoney btit must have his child. The creditor, however, Allen relates, ren linn, and to repeated demaüds for the infant positively refused to yield it up to its father, who at last consulted lawyer Euddel about the case. The fesult w:is that yesterdayiDondngMr. Kuddel took Allen before fadge Brown, in the Court of Common Pleas, when hc re' his story and prayed fora writ oí habeos oorpu&to require Brooks to ]roduec the chiiTl iii court on Saturday mornjng at ten o'elock. Tho writ was issned, and, armed with il, tho griefstricken father proceeded in soarch of the man who had tho child in his pos■■n. The littie one is named Lizzie Allen, and is about fivo month's okl. - Ualtimorc Gazette. ■+--+ - AmQDg tho checks sent out on the lst from tho Treasurv inpajment of tho quarter interest on the United States iour per centum loan was one of $50,000 to the order of Wm. H. Vanderbik, being the quarterly interest on $5,000,(OD United States f our per eentvuo bon da registered in his name. Mr. J. C. Flood, of the firm of Flood & O"liricn, of San Francisco, also has ï?.'), 000,000 registered stock of tho five per oontnm Kinds which havo not yet been called. These e;itlcnicn are !!i two largest ■ Kolders of United States registeis ed bonds. --í- - A London eorrespondent of the Boston Post says !!-.::! '.i','. VVoo and T( unie C. Claflin ure soqii to m;:rrv ''loading ractnbers of tiio ['rltish BHstocracv-"
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