Shelter For Swine

Pig-s that hare always been kept Inrta!)l(j nana, are very suseoptiblo1 to cola, aña uny unusual exposure win bo likely tü induce distase. We giioo knew a filie herd, that liad been carefiiU' ly fitted for the autumn shows, alniosfr ruined by bing turned out when t.ho' íairs were over, and left to shift lof themselves, without shelter oí any kind A cold rain-storm coming on, nearly" every ho in the herd coniriictod a se Tere ooltl; iu many individuals this tor nünated Lu rheumatism, while, in oth-' 6rs, a chronic coiigh and a gradual de-1 diñe, ending íaíally, was tho result. It' w :us eminently proper to turn the hogs out after the fair, but the neglect topro-' vide suilable shelterand protection front stornis was a piece of folly that meritadthe punishment whit-h the losaos -■ filoted. Whüe on th.e subject of shelter for swine, it is weü to cali attontion to th iiaportauoe of socuring good ventilatioa in their aiaeping apartuients. Wo har not the slightest doubt that many oase of the so-oalled hog cholera originattd ín blood poisoning1, the result of erowd-' ing large nurabers of swine together in close and badly-ventilated quarters.The ntniüsphere perforras the sume of-fice for the blood of swine that it doe for human beings; and the heart anl lungs, the veins and the arteries, perform the same office in each. Oxygort is inhaled, and carbonic acid gas is given off; and without sufficient means for' the admissior of f resh air, and for thtf escape of that whieh has been vitiated by having been once inhulod, diseasc Is qniokly engendered. Pens may easily' be so constructed, that, while thoy ' warm and comfortable, and aft'oril tuu- ple protection from cliilltag winds, the veutilation v.ill alsobe thorough. - iVtLive- S toch Journal, Chicago. ■ - A disastrojis result attended a tria! of a patent safety ail'-cushion at t he l'arker House, in Boston, the othor aftornoou. The hotel clovator hal been fitted with one of the now applianecs, and quite a companv had assembled to seo1 es v.-orkings. Ï !h; elevator was hoisteií to the top nóor, about elghty íeet hijh.i and, with oight persons, ivas droppedi The car descended with great velocity until near the bottom of the wull, wheii the frame of the door and the doof Uself, leading into the hall, were binfc i y the tremendoüs prassure of thii conCned air, aad the ear brought up at tho bottom of the well with a terrifii; crash. All the occupasts were badly shaken up, aa well as frightned, and t'.vo of them, De Young, of NewVorV, and C. H. Parker, of Boston, ret.'eivr,d injuries wiiic-li are quite likely spinal coaous.sions. - The daughter of Jolin Lathor, oí Dorsey Coimty, Arkansas, uUÍMÜt lost her voice and hearing whcn sWi was a Httle girl, sonríe fifteen yeaw vi. One night lately Mr. Lathor wás piui's room when he hearrl a voice. With his wife, he oropt in poiselésslj, and they heard her talklnsf ia hor sleep. But when she awóke h'o was dumb ftgain. Sihoe then she h? ag-ain beeaa haard to Uilk in her sleop. A deaf-and-dumb lover of the rrl was nwob distressed on learntng tïiat sho oould talk. The Comte de Uhambord la atioiit yeara old, Btraight, sfoutn handsome, Umie and lazy. When ronKistrated with, some months ago, bedf his inaetivity, ho repliodt "My life wil! not havo boen a uhbIpm one. I miht have done less than I have done if I had tricd to do more.' His (léveteos address hiaa as " Monar" and "YourKoyal Highness," but, in accordance with his roqqest, never as " Your Majosty." - ♦-♦■ - Perhaps the fences net-d Jooking aftet and renpvuting, for if pasture is ffètting short, breachy stock will be tryïng tho strength of the inolosurc tliait Burrounus the
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