Michigan Matters

- An old squaw tigad 108 yearí recen tly died t tho Ooeanacounty poorhouio. She has been an inmate of thg place for 'our or five yeara. - C. Post, salomiist of Rockford, has ieen guod by Mrg. T. A. Brker for seling liquor to lier husband, and was assessed $100 damagos nnd 59 oost. - Mr. Wilson, ci'Fyfi; Luke, writes to ;hè effdct that be has got ini'orination of lis loaf wife, and til'Uoiib he does not say wiiero sho is, he thinks stie is eii'e. - John J. Biglny hus resignect his osition asa mombnr of the oommissiou ;o looate tho new aaylura for t!e blind. lis timo is eugaged in locating thnexi senatership. - Tlia Riithbun botel property at ïrand Bapida h:ts boen goU to Hon. S. II. Eandall for $30,000, tibjnct to a 'earR1 lesise to Mr. A. ïi. Autiudale, who 3 kcepins; the hotel. - On Duo. 8, Ouvernor Croswoll pnrdoned Gaylor;! Hobbg froni tho Miobijan state prison. Ho was convicied i:i Jaihoun ooun.tyfor rape ou May 6, 1873, and sentenoed for ld years. - - Two rowdies undertoo'-c to whip minister while ha was con lucting burial ervices iu a cemetery noar Shelby recently, bnt when they attnoked biru h cnocked them dovTn anl caluily proceeded with his services. ■ - The out of luraber by tho Mnnistea milis this year was 212,552,000 feet, 60. 000,000 feet more than lagt yoar. The hiñóles asrETrst 3CG,G81,00l, which ia 25,00,00(T muitt lUHU nsi },. 'iire about 60,000,000 feet of logs on hand. - A man is trying to raise a colony 'or Texas, in Gratiot connty. It is ou ecord that a Michigan man once went o Texas, and on returning said thut if ie ownedone farm in Texa and another D holl, he wouldrent t!ie Tusas proptrty and live on the other.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus