"our Next President."

-The dell Dillon Combinatioa ap]jored t the Opera House, last nigbt, to a snoall autlienoe, on account of the nolenjPDoy of tlie weather. " Our Next Presideat" was received with delight and applause. The ctmraoter of Bilaa Potühouo affurded John excellent scope for liis Yütntility, and at each appeaiMnco he was received with rounds of applause. The play is a good ono, and abounds with sentiment 6uited to all classes of pcople. If they want fun, it is thore ; if they want pathos, thoy have it ; if thoy waat excitement on the tented nold, they cnn have that, too, orif they desirs lovo and ilcüimstic happiness, they cn have their flH of tbat. - Dultuque Daili Uerald, NoV' 18, 1879.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus