Joe. T. Jacobs, The Clothier

Tl2oi-o will "bo a chango ia zny firaa. on Oar aboiit TBICUASLT 1, 1880, aad until tia&t tixaae X will sell my stock of CLOTi HING GOODS, HATS, OAPS, GLOVES AND MITTENS J. X - - - - " Some goods wil] be sold less tlian they can be replaced. I take this plan in order to close my stock as near out as possilde before February lst; and to give tlie people the benefit. DONT DELAY! SALE BEGAN DECEMBER 1. 1879. Ternas of the sale, cash, except in sums of $100 and over, 00 days' approved notes. ANN AEBOE, DECEMBER 1, 1379.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus