
TTILL'S OPERA HOUSE. OKE MISHT OSÏI..V, WSD1T33DAY, D3C1M3S3 21tfc. Tbe FaTorïte Comedian, n and THE BLAISDELL COMEDY CO., . In i;n eu ■ ..t in íi act., eul il Ie ï Our Next Ix#essid.ent, Olí, TUE VAHK HOUSE. 1 . Sent. oan be .-■■- cured at J. C. WatU' Jewelr) store without ex int obarge. JjJ.-.S ■ ■ I ■. JLh ing. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Kj of VYashtenaw, bs At a seesion of tl i Wiï'ïm siUy , Pre it,1 ; I ■ ;:üiute oí Abrara Laing, ■ ' ■ ■ tor fff said into cotirt and represente tïiat he is tn.w render hts final account as su ,.t ■) it ia orderecl, that Satun'ay, tbe third day of Jaiiuary next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoo ■ írexamining ana allowicg snch account, anti that the heirs at law of 9Mid deceased, and all otherper&ons interestedio . uve required to appear at v, seeaionof Bid court, tlion to be lioldcn at tbe I'robate Oflioe, ín tho city ot' Ann Arbor, w Bftid connty, uid show cautie, if any tl) ere Ie, T;by the ■! 1 not be alloweá. Aña it is furi her ordered, that eaid admihistrator pive TioticG to the pesoTis interested ;n said Osi the peadency of Baid account, and the hearing a copy oJ thia order to bo pub■. Aboiis, a new i ■ ' prinled and circuí ating in said conuty, tw ceösive weeks previona to B;iid dny of henring. WILLIAM D. HARK1MAN, (A trne COpy.) Judge oi Probate. "Wm. G. IíÓtjt, Probate Tleïster. 3;rti:'íe of Iytlee-miaors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY of Washtenaw. At-a B?sion of the Probat Conrt for the County oí Waehtenaw, holden at tb Probate Ütiice iu the city of Acn Arbor, on Tuea day, the sixteeoth day of December) in the yea onethonsandeihthundred and Beventy-nint. Present, WilliiiruD.Hrnraan, Judgeof i'robate In tbe matter of the estáte ol Carrie L. Lytl and Ad'i E. Lylle minors. On readmgiiïidilli:ic the peí ilion, duly verifincí,o Alton A. Lytle, guardián, prayinf? that be mny be licensed to bcII certain real estáte belonging to the PorenooB,beaBsinedforthehe&TJDgoi aaidpeti . id that the next of kin oí said minors, anc ler persona interested in said estáte, are re : to appear at a session ol Baid (Joint, then to be holden at the Probate Otlice in the city of Ann ArborT and bow cause, if nny tbere be, why the prayer of the petitionershould not be granted: Anc it i further ordered that anid petitioner give notice to the peraqne interested in saiá estáte, of the pftndency of taid petitioo and the heaiinj? thereof, by cauinfï a cpy of this order tobe published in the Akn Arbob Abgüs, a nwspaper primed and ciiculated in amd county, thtee Bucceseive weeks previous to Baid day of hearing. VVILLIAMD. ÏÏARRIMAN, f A true copy). -Tudge of Probate. Wm. tí. Dott, Probate Huister. Movígnge Sale. TEFATJLT HAVING BEEX STADE JlJ in Ihe condltionsof a ceríaín mortuage exeetíted by Frederick Euoffand Wilhclmme Runf b i w fe. lo Frederick Schmid, Sr., dated the eighth day of May, A, 1. 1875, and recorded in the oifice oí the llegïster of íeeda lor the counly of "Washtenaw and stilte of Michigan, on the twvlfth duy ol May, A. D. 1875, at 5 o'clock p. M., ia liber 51 of morlgagea o page 502, and by reason of said default jui'I tlie elecnon of said mortgagee to have the wbole sum becomedue nccording to the tcrms ol said mortfrage the power of sale oontained in said mort gage having bocome operative, and nopn iogs bavinjïbeea instilutea in law or eqaity to retre&oy sui1 mortoageorany part ■ f and í he sum of ten hundred and twenty-six E 1-100 f$1026.81] dollars bei tig now ciaiincd to bedue om Bald mortgage and the ■ - ■ . ing the . ney ï-e oi twenty-ftve dollars as therein provid : en, tbat -.ii.l mor gag will be f the raoT'gaged p emïses tnerein describèa or to mach thtreof asmay be neces3ary, viz : Joiethree, seven, ':',ir uu! unie in block number ten in Ormiby &. Pa w city) of Ann Arbor ; al-o another plece of land comtuencing at apointinthe aection line bet ween oections Dumber tventy anti tweDty-uine, between the e:;s córner conimon to said Bection and the f the village of Aun Arbor ia flrst laiil out and at tlie soutliwi'st corner of a pk-ce of land deeded to Andrew Nowland by Anaon BrowD, and runninril-encenorth to the center of a road formeriy running east and west nortb. of safd Beetion eorner, thence east so far th;it the land lying between said oM road and th'i sou.h and west side of said )and by said IJcowu losuid NowLind shail conlaiu one-fifth ot' an :icre of land ; al 80 lote numbw one, Lve anil si v in h:( block, at public vendue to tlie bigheat bidder at tbe south of thj (Jourt in s.'iid city of Aun Arbor (that being the Por holding fhe'CIrenlt Oourt for the county of Washtenaw) on 8atdhay, tuf. '- DA Y OF MAROfl, A. D. 1880, at 11 A. M. of B&U Said preïnises will be sold io Bntisfy the fot amount with accruing interest togetber wit] at;orn alt costa and expenses uil.,-., law. IVc. 17. 1379. : DERXCK.9CHMID, Sr., Mortgagee. Crami:u, Fri ■ bbin, Att'ys for Baid Mortgag Estáte - Smlias M. Klchardaon, QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ►O ot Washtenaw, 88. Ata Bession of the Probute Courtfor the f.'ouiity of Washtenaw, holden at tlie ProbateOffice in the city of Ann Arbor, ( n Friday, tbe twelffch day of December, in the year one thonsnnd eit?M hna i 7enty-nine. Present, William D. Hurrimuu, Judreof Probatet In the matter of the estáte ol' EmiHia MéBichurdson, cleceased. Ou readint? and filine the peliiion, duly verified, liardson, prayinjjtbat a eert ai n instrument now on flie in thia Coutt, puipoitiBfr to be the bist wiit and teataniPnt of said aeoeaaed, may be adto probate, aud that lie may be appointed exeouior t lnieof. eupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twelfth day of January nt:xt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be apsigneí for the hearing of said petition, and tha1 I á heïrsatlaw ol s:ticl deceatiftd, and all other persons int eresi 'il i;i Baid estáte, are rquired loappearat a Bession oí Baid (Jour', tlien to be holden at the l'robate ofHce, in the Cily ol' Ann Avbor, and Bhweause, it ;my there be, why the prayer of the petitionor should not be granted: And it is l'urther ordered that saidpetitioner girenotice lo the persons int?rested m Baid estafó) of the pendency ot said petition, and the hearine tliereof, by cauainir a copy of tliis order to be publifehed in the Ann Arbob Akgub, ti newspaper prmted and oirculated in saidoounty, three suceessive weeks prüvious' to said duy of hearing. WILLIAM: D. HARRIMAX, ( A trne copy.) Ju ige of Probate. Wültam iï. DoTY,Probate Register, Beat Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wb bti oaw, bs. In the matter of the estáte of i ' . lïiultnframe, d : in pursuance of an order gran the undersigned ad mi nistra tor of i t said I i couutj i ■ iaw, on the ninth day of Deeem. ndue, ■ bidder, ml ! 1 -..--, in I :í: towii hip of Ann Arbor, in the eounty of w naw.insald wtate, on Bj e Twewttfourïiï daï ojp Jahuaky, A. t. 1880, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day fsubject to all encum& or otíierwise existí ng at the time of the death of eaid ■ " :ia raUowing Bd real estáte, to wit: Tbe southeast qu of the northeast quarter of section numbersls in townahip number two Bouth of range number t (Ann Arbor), oontaining forty acres according to the retan eyor-GteneraL In Washtenaw CJounty, Michigan. Dated, ;■ PBTEB M. JU"i:LINGAME, Administrator. THE ANKUAL, MEETING - nx tiik "Waslitenavy Cottsiiy Asrietiltural aiiö IHortieuitnral Society, For tho eleotion of , hfis ! ."■n uljoiirncd to Ttip duw Dec. 80, 1878, at lOo'clock A. m. a full meeting i; : PSON PAEKEQ, President. Byhon Gbëkk, Secretary. School Bonds for Sale, SeaTed tred erg are invited by the unflrrBÏgned 1 uutil fi o'cloek in tbs afternoon of December" tli ' ':' '. 1879, ior tbe pon hse of 17,000 (sevea thema of 5 percent, bo&ds of School Distrii No. l o Anu Arbor, qb anthorfzed by tl nua] Bcnool mwtingbeld i 1,1870 in denoraination of S100 and 8500 eacli, bearis date of FeDrunry 1, 1880, and payable as follows; $2,000 (Iwo tboueand dollnra) on February I, 1 Ï83 82,000 (two thousand dollars) on February 1. 188 ! $5;000 (two thouxand öo lars) on Febrwary 1, ]8b3. ' Slj';OO (two thousaod dollars) on Febxuary 1, 1881 Interest payablo annually. Both principal and Interesi payable t the office Off the Treasurer of the said district. The riglit oi' rejectiug ny or all buis is resorved. By order of i!i? Boar of Fducation. Aim Arbor, December 9, L. ORUNKR, Treasurer. OF ANN ARBOR. ANH Ait rob, Mtcir., December 10, 1879. The anmial meeting of the stockbolde.-s of ihis Bank for thé eleciion of Directora will bt hrld at tbeix banking house, on Tueaday, tbe JSth day of Jannary, 1Ï8U. ioHa wiil be open f rom 10 to l' o'cloek a. m. J. W. KNIGHT, Cashier. Prices of Lime Rcduced ! Kelly Island Ume, 25 ets. per busli. Mocrso Linie, 2ö cents per busbel. Macón Liine, 23 cents per bustiel. FOR SALE. Caloined Piaster, Water Lime, Cement, Plaaterïiifj Hair. and Land Piaster, at in y Líme-Kilnnear I entral Deot. lOtf JACOiB VOLLAN. ISSO. Tli in popular periodical ispre-emincntlyo journal for the houseliold. Every numbor furnishes the latest information in regard to Fashions in dress aud ornament, the newest and most approved patterna, with descriptiye articles derived from authentio and original sources; while ita Stories, Poema, and Essays on Social and Domestic Topics, give variety to its columns. The Volumes of tbe Bazar begin with the flrst Xumber for January of each year. "When no time is mentioned, ii will be understood that the subscriber wishe to commencc with the number next after tho recoipt of order. Harper'8 Periodicals. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year, Í4 00 HAP.PER'S WEEKLT, " " 4 0D HARPER'S BAZAB, " 4 00 ïiie TH ïïEJS above-named publications, One Year, lo 00 Any T.WO above named, One Year, 7 00 HABPEE'S YOUNG PEOrLS, One Year, 1 50 Po' inge "Free to all snbscribers ia the United States or Canada. The Anmial Volmnea of Harpf.k's Bazas, in nc;t doth bindinjr, will be aent by mail, postale paid, or by expresa, free of exreosfl (profi'led the i does not exceed one dollar per volume), for each. A CompltteStt, comprlsiug Twelm Velitmrs. tinü on receipt of c sh at the late of $0,25 per vohxmB,freigld al expense of purchaser. Clolt Ciiscs for each volume, Buitable for biiiditv, will be sent by mail, postpaid, ou receipt of Í1.00 each. R emitíannos slioiilil le ma lebyPost-OfEceMoncy Order or Draft, to avoid chaiice of loas. Nnos}in})ers are no i : con Uu's adveilisement wültoul the express order of Ha'rpkr & Brothers. Address HAItrEB & BKO l'HEK, New York. I88O. Harper's Young People IU.ÏSTHATED. Theevila of sensaüonal lilerature for the young are well known, and the want of an antidote has ong been feit. This s supplied by Harpek's Youno Pkoi'I.k, a beimtifully illustrated weekly oumal, which ia equally devoid of the objectionable features of sensational juvonile literature and jf tlut moralizing tone wbicli repela the youthful reader. The Volumes of the Young PeopU begin with the irst Nnmber, publfshed in November of each year. Y hen no time is inentioned, it will be understood hat the subscribe! wishes to commence with the Sumber next after the receipt of order. Harper's Periodicals. IIAEPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year, 84 00 lAiinai's WEESX-Y, ' " 4 oo UARPEB'S BAZAK, " " i 00 The THKEE above-named publications, One Yaar, 10 oo Any TWO above named, One Year, 7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, One Year, 1 50 Free to all subscribers ín the United States or Canada. Inducements for 1830 only. 3-Thirteon Xumbera uf IIarpek's YOCKG Pico't.e will be furnisbed to every yearly subscribe to [ARPKB'S Vi:KKLY foï I88Oj OT, UaRPER'S YoiMl 'rnvLio and Harpee'3 VVeeklt will be sent ti)nny ddress tor one year, coniiiienciug with the flrst lumberof HABPER'S Wbekly for January, 1880, u receipt of $ï0Q ibr the two periodicals. Mancos ghould bemade by Post-OfliceMoney hrdex or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. :'ptrs arp.vot to copy thit advetHtmmi n-i'.hui the txpreu ordi y of Harpkr & Brothrbs. Addrcss HARPF.K 4 EROTIlEEf, New York JEWELRY. JACOB HALLER &. SON, DKALEKS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry Spectacles, PLATEO WARE AND GOLD PENS, 24 South Main Street, jisruT aeboe, isdcicn. 4QF Special attention gïven to repairing Tratches docks, and jewelry. J)ON'T READ THIS! ïour TOBACCOS & CIGARS ■ ' Tip-Top Cliewing for 40 cents. CIGAES CHEAP THE BOX ! Corner Main and Hurón Streets, ANX ARBOR. NOTICE. Tbe nnderalgsed haa pnrofcaeed tlie interest of oergc H. Winslow in tin1 Mime and pioture bwAess, No. 80 Etvst Huron Street, and will continue ie DusiDeas at the same place, giviog prompt, atmtioo to all orders foi frames, pte. A line stock f Chromos, Engruvings, and Photographs on hand nd for sale ohea p. All debtsdue the late firm of "Wicslow A HcMiV an are p:iyaV)le to the untlersigned, and any debta ontracted during his couuection with the flrin ill be pald by him. Ann A rbor, Üct. 14, 1S78. 1710tf D. McMILLAN. The Universal [Batli. ! ? im BATHS %%, a g; ;;- mdfrGmtan. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mich. For smle al the Drug Séow of L. ti. Leich, Cook'a Aitel block ; alo by ( ■. Ebi rbaob & Sun, South Main reet; undalsobythenaanufftctureri E.J. Kiiowlon, No. 24 Xorth State f treet, Aun Arbor, Mich., i o whoui all correspondí u -e should be addressed. ZDO2ST"IX PAIL To try the acMkvxs SewiDa Machine BEFORE TOU BUY. ït is Simply Wonderful IT IS SOLD AT J. F. SCHÜH'S Hardware StorellöLMfttfil tUiUrAli. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losses Paid in 55 Tears, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including Ee-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. iet Surplus over Liabilities, including Ke-Insurance and Capital Stoek, $1,735,092.86. C. JIACK, Agent, Ann Arbor.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus