
GIFTS FOK THE HOÏ.IDAYS. As the Christmas ■ season approaches, th Among the best known of these establishments is tliat of M. S. Sraith & Co., whose repiUaüon in Detroit and Michigan wel! established for these many years as one of the most enterprising and honorable firms in the country. Although the season for exchanging holiday presents has heretofore found their fine show rooms, on the first and second fioors of their store, resplendcnt aad attractive with tempt inj; and tasteful artïcles, most appropriate for presents, they have this season eicedeed all previous efforts to place before the public an alluring; array of novel and beauiiful attractions, superior to anything before presented by them. Their present collection of Parisién novelties, docks, bronzes, diamonds, etc, was purchased in the European markets, during-the past Bummer and early autumn, by the senior partner of the firm, M. S. Smith, who visited feurope for that purpose. Direct importation enables the Messrs. smith & Co. to offer great inducements to pnrehasers, in prices, asthecustomer is saved one profit. A very noticeable feature of their first-floor show room, is an elegant rosewood case, of serni-circular form, designed especially for the display of diamonds, in which this iirm deals largely. Their stock of these and Other gems is unequaled in this country, except in the case of two or thrc-e houses in the larger eastern cities. The second floor Ís devoted to th display of sterling silver and tlie platea ware of the Gorham Manufacturing Corapany, French docks, in marble, crystal, bronze, brass and other fine materials, faience and other pottery, polished brass goods, bronzes and bijouterie. The col lection of rare and tasteful article gathered on this floor gives evidence that the firm fully appicciate the growing refinement of taste, and that they have the tact and enterprise to meet it with the unique and beautiful creations of art. Purchasers of these goods are not usually very well informed as to thequality orvalueof articles such as diamonds, watches, silverware and jswelry, and must rely somewhat upon the honor of the dealer. The high character of the firm in question is a sufficient and certain guarantee concerning the price and quality of any article sold by them. The citizens of Detroit feel a just pride in this establishment, and visito are shown through the elegant show rooms by resident friends, who regard it as one of the city's chief attractions. The most cordial hospitality is shown by all connected with the house to visitors, and one cannot pass an hour more agreeably than in viewing its dazzling array of precious goods. Real Estáte fo Male. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ofWaabtennw, 88. In the matter of tb bb Marrin, deceased. Nol that in pursnauoe ■■ nn order granted to the andersinetl admiuistratoT oí' thi by the Hou. Jiuiyeof Jt'iolmle I Dty oï Wafthtenaw, ön the Beventeenth duy of Pecera ber, A. I). 1879, there wül be aoitl at Public Vndue. to the hlghest bidder, at the hile resideuce oí sa id tleI in the township of the cm aid 8iat, on Tuesdaythe day of Febrnary, A. in the foienooa of that day (subject to n!l e&cumbranceü by mort(npre or otherwiso existing al tlie ti the death of said de e&aed) the fofiowmg dea Hen] Estáte, towit : 1. The west one-third, oí t he Boutb three-eijibtbs, of tbc weet one-half, of the southwest quurter of pection twenty-ono, (21) in the township of Loei i , Washtenaw county, DlicbiftAB. 2. A Btrip of land one chitin and fourteen links w i de, and extern1, ing aexoss the northenat qunrtei of aection twentyone, in town three (8) south oL range tive (5) eaBÍ, in Waabtenaw county, State of Michigan. The west Bide of which is parnUel to ren rods asi f the west siae ot ?aid quartet sectioxi, and theeoststde ia sizteen (16)chaiDfi mul litiy-seven links west of tlie east huif quait( r line, coutainïng íour and 62 100 acres mou' or Ie. C0M6T0CK F. HILL, Dated, Dec. 17, 1S7Ö. mii.ibtmtoi Estáte of Evlin Sliepard. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT IO of Wftf liitMiiiw, ss. Ata B68slon of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at tho Probate Office in the city ofAnn Arlor, on Wed, the seventeenth day of December, ia the yearone thmi: erenty-nlne. a, ,Tudg oí Probato, in the mattter of the ■ ín Bbepard, i JiOVütus C. Allen, aditiiuislir.ior de. boniê j?n of said estáte, comea Into ooun and represe ts thai he is now prepared to rendr his fiaal acc(w ■uoh adminial r supon it la order ed, thai Baturday, te thfrd day of January next, a( ten o'clockln the forenooD, be aseig ned for pxamining and allowich account, and that I at law wed, and all other persona interested In , aro requlred to appear al a t, then to be holden at tbr Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor In sald connty, and show eau.-;1, ii' any there be, why the conni Bhould not be allowed. And il la furtherordered that bi rator glve not e lo taid estáte oí the pendencj of aald account and the hearina thi i iof, by causfng a eopy oí thi order to be publlahed ín th,e Ann AuHoii ,i ;i:i{ cireulating ïü Baid coanty, two suecessíve weeks previous tosaid day u!" h. WILLIAM l'. Si RRIMAN, f A true copy.) Wm.G.Doty, Probate Kegliter.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus