The Profession

He v.-as a slender yonng man, abont Cve feet eight inch es in hei-rht. He wore an opera hat, lavender kitl gloi i . pateni leather pumps, and a íulf dresa suit. líis vrhite nocktio looked like cream, and his diamond studs sparkled íike the evening star. As soon as he was soated in the parlor, and Mrs. Johnson canie in, he said: "I should be obliged to you ior ten cent?." " You represent an aid society, I presume." " No ma'arn, I don't." "Ah, let me see - ten cents. Are you not conneeted with some guild?" "lamnot; 1 represent ruy faniily." " YoU don't mean to say you desire help for your family?" "Ido." " You look like an opera singer." "I used to be or.e." " By your clothes," continued Mrs. Jonnson, "I should say you are well ofl'." " Tes, but I ain't, all the same. I wear these to beg in. I believe in going around dressed up. These ragged, unrefined beggars are a disgrace to the profession !" He received the ten cents solicited, and wandered out, after bidding Mrs. Johnson, good-bye in Italian. - N. Y. Star. Within tlie pa-it wcl ürnnthasrecoivrd ovationi at Columbas, Cincinnati ?ittsburgb a-irl HurrisLufSi. More await hiiu at Philadelphia Rtid NewYork. The civil-rightj liw aiuiost forgotten, reara its head to public ;:;i.-.o through he iviiisil aJ ti New Yoik tlitater ticket agent to admit a negro.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus