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- BenJHíjiin JI irshall uf Wuj-n viilage, an 1812 peueiontr died oa Kday, aged 81 y pars. - Postiuuter Hiñe has aatuinpd ihurgfl of unció Saiu's muil bajrs for inutUci four years term. - John MuGraw and Chas. DiGros', convicio, ábput to pnter n miue m ift al Jaokaon took to their Sítela nuil raí avyiy. They were soon tukri. - Ex stiitt' Beni , . Y. D) Land, reverme oollootor of ti iriot. has oimsBil the arrest of thrH Qemeti eouiity men t'or lliuit rtiatilliiig. - The quality of w -í at Marshall from August I, ioota iii nearly 90,0 to tlio producís Tif:i! y - SergentFrodCWk,hVHnt militinman aocidoiit-.!ly ahot by oomuMie or Thanksgiving dsy, is r&pKlly rDoverinc. Ho never wnnts tu be a bulls-eye ü.;síji- A Piilmyn boy kuow forhndo tho teachfr f rom puuisbing ;m uiidurtuok to run t!:o school. The ambitious youlh wus íined $0 fur disordar ly oonduot. - T-.vo tempéranos reformen wh" went tu Plymottth to shirt a. Uij)Ik rn'nx revival, wbiah was to wind np witb benniit concert by looal tulen t, "gotlefl ' by the talent and L-ít ia diggtist. - Mr. Skippertou, i . r.ickson oounty, called at the Juckson jail and waüted to be locked up, biv.l killed n luun. The otfbr th , lio lied abcut it, but looküd hila ap jus; to pleaee bim. TB.mj.riin P. Bírg- OÍ 3kln : has bit!;i (irrosted for i'or_-ry. It is a!leged tlmt ho made quito a buainesi of it. lío íh a i:tona masón by trril, but s:iys bo hiie, been in thu forgery bu.í'or Home time. - ïhe Ailrmn papar rn advertising largely fox (i. Hil .n's, who runs a tbroat and ! nte ín i-,.troifc. AVe havo an aioount of vio for advertising Bguinst Wüliaiiis, ,. will Bell for 15 o - Josoph G.r ii di '. encfl of bis son at Bine Buah rncently, aged 108 yeare. He was born uoar Detroit, but moved to Monroe couuty" whm he was 12 years oíd, and hnslived thoru eer siuco. He vnu a soldier iu tho wnr of 1812. - Rov. Mr. Ilaskell of Ann Aibof unite'd iii utivrriage ;t Mitson, lutety, Rev. Frank E. Arnold of Oorhaui N. Y., a gradante of tbe Universiry, clups '71 and of Eooheater Theological Baujiury in 1S77, to Miss Idello Ii., liugutur of Judge A. E. Steele of Masón. - Tho citizpüs of Tfecuraseh have off'jred a reward of f ó )0 for the capturo of tbo ilion who robbo 1 and tried to kill Dr. C. Iluusf, a few uights iro. Tbp way the proolamation reads it isinferred that they would about hs soon havo the ráscala' deid caroasses as to have theni aliva. - Irwing Powers died nt Madifton, Lenawee connty, on tho 12th, from injuries received it tho gre;it deadfnll ii'aster at Adrián, last Ootober. At the time bo was tbought to lmvo been mortitiiy wounded, but be has lingered two moiitlis, although the lovvi r part oí' hia vertebrte was fractured and the spinal cord dricd np.


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Ann Arbor Argus