
- ]-v?!f;rp-of rt rm pipes in the] ichrnl pi;vr Beholnrs a vncntion Monrlny - B#v. "Wyüys Hall, pastor of tl.r E piFfrpn) chnrch of tbia city preached in Ji'rr roe SnndfiT. - For ffirrino FiifTcrers of tlip srppn i 'o. Ft. Tliomas' cliurch contributed fi1. Pt. Lnvi renco pooirty $25. -- Aifh n ryp opon a new Iiore cnrt Prrírrí'Vn Hosn Company nnnource hop ft TTsnp-sfprfpr's Tmll l)pc. 20. - TIn stnfp njrricnltnrnl pocirty of li(li Mr. Cha. TT. Ricbtnond is Presiden, vi]] mret in filis city Jan. 20. --Evf-ning services at the Unitarian rl ■ i-rr-li nre abnndoned dnrinp TJniversity vacation. Otber iervicee aa usual. - GforpeC. Pnlmtt basopened anews rlepot in connoction withiiR retail totscoo ptoro in the oíd savings bank oorTior. - One Bnnl--R a boy of sixtppn cninp OTer froin Ypsilanti Baturday eveninpto be a ruest of ShOTifI Caso thirty dnys for ptcalinpr a pair shoes. - Arnold Clark of Albion s anncunced to addreoR tbe Reform club on Sunday. The sociil tliia evening vvill be engineered by diarios ISovlan. - An entertainment will be givpn on Friday evrninp, Dec. 26, atHiü's Opera Honsp, for tho benefit of the Germán M. 15. chnreh. Admission 10 cents. - Four tramps arreated at Tpsilanti WPre lodged in jail on Friday niglit and ronvej-cd to Iotn';i tlie followinp 1ay by dejmty ttrarifi Shcmeld of Ypsüanti. -Capitalista are invited to read an aüvèrtifeirent elsewhere inviting sealed proposals for a series of bonds about to "be Bsiied by Febool district nimiber one. - ( ne of the Chinese Iaundrymen contributed $1 to the county trensury by. invitation of Jusiiec Granger, for using his queue tco freely about a boy's headl - Cade of People vs. James Looney, thsrged with stealing a ham of the ?nlue of $2 frcm grocer Casper Rinsey do ued to to-day before Justic uff. - "Wilhina fewroonths theAnn Arbo AfiGrs has wondefuüy improvod in it Sncnl nrws, its county oorrespondence Bnd its typographical appearance.- Detroit free Press. - New novel and cboap toys manuíactured in (Jermany by his father are iatroJuerri fo ■huyere of this section by ■Georee Osius who displays them in one of Mr. Giuner's windows. -Aftor a talk tbis eveaine bv Eov. Mr.. Ahibaster of forty-five minutos bout nia trip to Europe last sumnier Tefreebnicnts will be served in the lecturo room. Adruission 10 cents. - Mkhael Tassmer of Scio was nrTsigned before Justice Grangeron Tnes!sy cbnrged with aduitery with Mrs. John Jacob Schulth of the same town, alleged to have been committcd on the th of this month. - Owing to announccments of differfDt date for the annual meeting of the county Agricultura! eoeiety, a portion of tbe members met ou Tuesday at their room in the court house, and adjourned toiwo weeks from that day. - 'n the tostimony of physiciana atImdiög- the pont mortcm examinahon of tt epieide Emil Clelï; our types made Dr. George Eay he gave deceased 20 grama of morphino to quiet hi3 nerves. Itehould have read 200 grnnjs of hydrate of ohloral, and correction made ín tucceeding issue. -In the endcavor to recovpr Lis health, impaired more or lees for many years, Mr. Joe. T. Jacobs confpniplatps a trip 4o the south or west the coming spring ïliis f .- j laina why a ohange iu his ■ is expeled beforo niany months b&il hf;re passcd away. - A trial before Justice Clark on Thorsdey of last week convicted Mollio Eotieon of keeping a houso of ill-fame. Tbe rc( that her husbaud carne frora Grand "Eapids to testify she was his fe did uot avail with the jury. A fine f $31) ws itnpofled, from which ehe apïeals to circuit court Eoger Mathews wtonnng bondsman i?i 2oa -Ot Tuesáajt about half past twelvc doek the reidenoe of Mrg. Wfceeler, corner of Orleaus and Church streetsj ught fire and before the fire entines could get there &nd in working order e flan es had gained Buch as 'o rond. r the saving of the building.impowiV,]r. every thing even the tornutest "Heles were saved. Tlie building was mpVlelydestroyed but was vvell inMred. - This advertisement is inserted in Öw A'eu-i of Detroit at regular ratea. It a grattiitously placed in this column', in the hope that in the hereafter the Geroai, lady who, Ihrough it finds a good ïusband and happy home will re-imourse us : BT WIDDLE-AGED, -I o fleighing of Wednesday, the wst of mportance of the season brono-ht ny joepie to the city. The streets we ively with bipeds, quadrupeds and iludes. Merohants transformed elonfW conntenanoesinto smiling visagee Wcsrnen moved with umisual rapidity punters were with lined customers many tei"K olüged to await their turn for ttmtion. It was the best day for trade Achanta have seen in many a montli. -Senior class of the High School "" made choice of the following classy officers : Orator, Harry Bitner, Mt. 'o. HL; poet, Besrie P. Ilunt, Ann rl)or, RJich.; prophet, Lois T. Angelí, r"Ar,Mich.; historian, Carrol M .Ann Arbor, Mich.; scnster, Millie ■nowlton, Ann Arbor, Jíich.; toastJw, Charles H. Cooley, Ann Arbor ■.; marshal, Charles Dennison, Sagi.Mich.; musioian, Jennie HcCiellan, "loo, Ind. t TAt a re-sular meeting of the Athens Se Ko. 49 A. O. ü. W. held at their 'nth,s City Monday Evoning Deo J..1879, the following offioers were r 'nimously elocted. P. M. W -Wm püoty: M. W.-C. B.Dp.víbou: C ■Densmoro Cramor : Overseer]fe'8 JJoore : H. B. Dods((- ■ F,nancier-E. B. Lewis: EeceivCC- Manly: Guido - John P. : Inside Watch-N. S. Garlingj : Cutsido Watoh-Josiah B. Case : "astee-M. Floming. -Supervisor chairman of thn comnntiee on county buildings notified ■ iifee, composed of himself, Conrad Iírnpf of this city and AYin Dansingburg of Augusta to convene in this city on Wednesday. The latter faiíed to arpear. Tlie cotiimittee mot for the pur pose of purehasing three safes as per resolution of the board for the treasure's probate and clerk's offices.- Thoy contractcd -nith Diebold's fire proof safe company of Cantón, Oliio, for Ihreo safes, prico 1? 100 for all, to bo de - ivered within thirty days at the depot in thie city. They alsó insured the eounty house nnd out-buildinge thereto i'or SCSTó the jail nnd barn attaohed in 8550. In the following companies: Hartford, $1000; Boyal, Liverpool, $1000 ; Michigan State $1060; íoino.N. Y., $1200 Hartford and Glena falla, f 1050; Etna, $1200; Ehode Islahd 51060; Dotroit $1000, nll for three years t about 2 per cent, for threo years. Costof insurance $166,40. - Co. A's Bazaar is a suocoss in cvery respect. The attractions aro numerous and beautiful and the Company is well wortly of your liberal patronago. The cañe contest is probably the most interosting feature of the Bazaar as the candidates tbrogfa their friends areworking earnestly for that beautifulgold headed cane. The following is tbe report up to Thursday morning of the standing of the four gentlemen : Messra. P. Bach, Stepiien Fairohild, M. Fleming and Joo T. Jacobs, ilonday evoninq; lbt ballot Joo T. Jacobs, 2nd ballot M. Fleming, 3rd ballot M. Fleming. Tuesday evening lst ballot, Joe T. Jacobs, 2ad ballot, P. Bach, 3rd ballot Joe T.Jacobs. Wednesday evening lst ballot Stephen Fairchild, 2nd ballot Stephen Fairohild 3rd ballot Stephen Fairchild. As the contest will close Saturday evoning it is thought that the abovo nained candidatos will individual}' strive to carry off the prize and thus make the last two evenings vpry interesting. Come one and all and assist the boys in their undertaldng to raise funds to purchase new uniforms.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus