Dry Goods

It was our intention to give to tho public in this issue sotnething of an idea of the large ainount of business done in tho varioua branches of trade in cur city, but as spaoo and time forbiil win only say a few words concerning the leading dry goods house in the city, that of Bach & Abel. In entering this large establishment the artioles which first attraoted our attention was their large display of black and colored silks. We wore shown handsome silks at 62 1-2, 70, 80 and 90 ets,; very heavy dress silks at f 1.00, 1.20, 1.39 and 1.47; heavy olored silka at 1.10. We will admit hat they were the cheapest line of silks we ever sawv Certainly no person in earch of süks ought to think of going o Detroit or Chicago. Our attention was next called to their display of dress oods. We wero shown dress goods of all styles, prioes, and qualities. We saw black and colored casUmores enough l'or a wholesaler's house, and asked how long it would take to se'! n3 we were told vcry much to our surprise that by February 1, 1880, they would be all goni?. Cheapest cashmerea wo ever eaw, all wool, was a small pile of twenty pieoes at -lóc per yard. Their $1 cashmere they guarantee bet'erthan any $1.15 oasbraere in the city or refund the niohey. We think it impossib'.e to buy dresa goods cheaper than Baob & Abel are selling them. Their display of handkerchiefs- silk and linen, lace ties, bows, fanoy ribbons, real and imitation laceg, hoeiery, ruching, etc., the largest ever shown in the city. Their oloak and ehawl department occiipie3 the second floor. Boing requested to step up stairs we found their display of cloaks, dolmans, circulara and shawls the largest our eyes Lave observad for many nionths. We ware shown cloaks from 82.50 tü 430. AJftO Boliuans BDa Ciroulars as high as $40. Their Camels Hair and Paisley Shawls at $18, $20, $25, $30, $40 and $00 were very handscme. The founding of a mercautüe house is the most diffioult aehievement in the business world. It is not a thing of a year or of ten years. Capital alone will not do it, even when empJoyed under the most favorable conditions for trade. So keen and even reckless has been the competition, and so unpreoedented the fluetuations in values and in domand during the past fifteen years, that only houses founded upon a rock, have been able to stand. Abundant capita], unquestioned credit, iutegrity proven by years of trial, tlie experience of a life time, and plenty of first-elass brains directing aud oontrolling affairs i'rom tli e largest enterprise down to the smallest details of the business- all these have been required, and nowbero has this science received a more perfect developmeut than in the house of Bach & Abc!.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus