The University

- There are now fourteen hundred students onrolled at the university. - ïhe University o loses to-day in all departments for the rogular boliday vacation. - Dr. Worden gave a very intoresting lecture one day last weok in the absence of Trof. Macleau. - The Students Christian Association are distributing printed cards of invitation to their meetings. - Tlie riiarmacy department is enjoj-ing greater prosperity this year than ever before. The present Junior class mimbrrs fifty. - Prof. Pettee has rcturned from California where ho has been engaged in soienlifio work. The bojs are glad to sec him again. - The oommittee appointed to secure a taxideraist havo employed John Hobson to set np tho Beal-Steero colleotion in the university. - The Univcrsity made ita debut Saturday evening. Judging from tho numerous calla for it at tho bookstores it was well received. - Prof. Felch of tho ]aw dopartment haa kindly consoutcd to nreside at tho meetings of the " Feloh Courfc," a recent organization of tbe Junior laws. - There is talk amoug soine of tho students of securing if possible the great orator and lawyer, Col. Ingersoll, to delivor the law commencement oration. - Ten or twelve students of different departments enjoyed a pleasant hour at Professor WincheU'j Saturday evening in a conversation onreligious topics and views. ■ - Iïemenj'isaye the acoustic qualities of Univorsity hall are not cqualled by any hall in America, the nearest approach to it being tho academy of music in Philadelpbia. - Professor Palmer, while in Europe, Í8 speaking good words for our University, and also gathoring material for hi3 book on " The öeience and Practico of MeJicine." - Quite a nuruber of the law students are taking lessons in Germán thia term under professor Hennequin. A numbor are taking lessons in Phonography from Professor Jenkins. - There was a very gooi attendance at the meeting of the University tempéranos association in the law locture room Saturday evening. Professor 01ney was re-elec.ted President. - Judgo Campbell coratuenced quizzes on criminal law this week. Prof. Wells of the law departraent is improving in oealth, and may be able to rosurae bis leotures the latter part of next terra. - A number of etudents rooruing on South Ingalls street wore about to leave their quarters for others when the proprictor of the house appeared upon the scène and struck the drayman who was aiding in the removal of the trunks. Eeault, a law Buit set down for Saturday. - Female suffrage is under discussion by ladies of the several departinents. Of thü iifty-three in the literary ment fourteen are in favor of women voting, whilo the rest are oppose.l and undeeided. Of forty-nine lady medical studenta thirty-two are ia favor, the relaaiudor baipg opposed or indifforenton the subject. - Di. Frothingham since the opening of the session has treated a hundred and t'.venty-eight patients at bis clinio and Dr. Maolean eighty and thus far without a single death. When the gravity of the operationa porformed by tlielatter and the faot that patients only come to the clinic as a last resort is taken into account these figures reflect very hoi.orably upon the surgery praeticed at the University. - The Kemenyi concort is the general theme among students. It. was the best concert of the season. In addition to the ovalion tendered Eemenyi at the hall, at the close of the performance he was, with other wembers of the ny drawn in a hack by nearly four hundred stmlents to bis hotel, where he ad dressed the etudenta, protuising bou sí ter the holidays to return and give a concert for tho beneiit of the gymnasium i'and, which proposition was enthusiastically received. - At tbe meeting of the naturalist club onSaturday morning Dr. Wiuchell was appointed a comniittee of one to try and provont tho extei-mination oí' certain rare planta on a lot south of tli# city and Prof. Harrington was in like rnannnr delegated to seeProf. Davis and request the latter to prepare a typographical map of the región about Ann Arbor. The paper of the morning was by Mr. D. J. Higlay on thegrasshöppers aud butterflie3 of this viciuity and contained a large amount of original and oareful research. - Some six weeks ago there carne to the clinic frora the western part of the state a patiënt who has been unablo to ao any work for over two j-,, ana who during that time with bis family has receivo'l support from the county. Since coming here he has been undor treatment by Prof. Maelean and on Tuesday last retarned to his home a comparp,tively well inan who will soon be able to take care of hituself and family. To gay nothing of the humanity of the thiug but looked at as a mere matter of dollars and cents it paya for a county to provide for the hoaling ofits sick where that is possible rather than for their contiuned support.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus