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- Joseph Seybold has been appointed a priest to serve at Stony Creek. -The senate has confirmed the renomination of Postmaster Spencer, of Ypsilanti. -The lease of the Ypsilanti Commercial expiring in March Mr. Pattison will resume its management. - The annual eleetion of officers of Manchester Lodge, No. 148, P. & A. M., will take place on Deo. 2-id. - Mr. James S. Gorman of Lyndon, gradúate of the University contemplates opening a law oiHce in Dexter. - The annual election of officers of Meridian Chapter, No. 48 R. A. M., of Manchester will tato place on Dec. 2 Ith- Wnshtenaw Lodge, No. G5, P. & A. M., will give a "Bull and Festival" on Thursday evening, Jan. 1, at Costello's Hall in Detroit. - Messrs. C. S. Gregory, Supervisors Wallace of Salino, Young of Lyndon, and Comstock F. Hill Esq.of Lodi were íq town Wednesday. - The Universalista of Manchester propose to erect a tree fiom which joy in the shape of prcsents will go fortk to ohildren oq Christmas eve. - Wm. Campbell has exchanged his property in Ann Arbor with John Falconer for his farm in Sharon, and the latter will remove to Ann Arbor. - A social, oyster-supper, nnd dance, for the benefit of R. E. Frazer, at the resüleuces of Mrs. N. C. Goodale and F, W. Goodale, cf evening-. - Manchester's taxeg for 1879: State $2,916.88; county $3,315.00; rejeeted f109.84; township $0,826.21; contingent $890; road and bridge $100; dog $171. - Fred Krause, auctioneer, will sell to the highest bidder, on the Richard Glazier farm in Ann Arbor township, on Tuesday, Dec. 23, at 10 a. m., personal farm property of George Wagonhood. ■ - Such of our subscribers as reside out of the county are notified that pre-payinent is positively required. Subscriptions expiring with 1879, will be discontued unless remittances for tho year or six months to come are received. - It may seem a smart triok to tho dyspeotio old granny who issues the Ypsüanti Sentinel, to take an extract froin the Akgus, and by the omission of a word destroying to eoma extent its meaning, critioizo our gramuinr. The diseourteous act isprobably characteristio of the ninn. - Washtenaw County was representod at the annual meeting of the state granee held in Lansing last week by J. Webster Childs of Ypsilanti, member of the executive cominitteo, Mr. and Mis. II. D. Platl of Piitsfield, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wood, E. M. Cole of Superior, and J. W. Wing of Scio. - At the annual meeting of the Southern Wu.shtenaw Farmers Mutual Insurance Corupany, supervisor Daniel LeBaron and Junius Short of Bridgewater were unaminously re-elected directors for fiill term. Directors eubsequently elected J. Short, President, and D. W. Palmer, Secretary. - Hereafter the Ypsilanti department will forai a permanent feature of the Argus. Mr. Clarence Tinker, a young lawyer of high standing and gradúate ot tüe Uuivorsity, wi have it in charge. A column of space, or more if necessary will be devoted to local naws of our sister city, so that our readers may be fully postod as to events transpiring in the eastern portion of the county. Any mattera entrusted to Mr. T's. care wil! be duly respected. - Mrs. Malcom McDougal, one of the pioneers of Bridgewater, whose death was noticed in the last issue of theAltars by our Bridgewater correspondent, was bom in Duanesburg, Schnectady County, N. Y. She was the daughter of Rev. Alexander McFarlane. Besides two daughters, deceased leaves three sisters. Mis. George L. Hull, Mrs. Horatio Bartlett aal Mrs. R. D. Robison of Detroit. Sho came to Michigan in 1837 with her parents her father dying two days nitor the purchase of the farm wero MeDougal resides. - The annual meeüng of the stockholders of the Detroit, Hillsdalo and South-Western Railroad Company wiü bo bold at the office of the Company, ia Ypsilanti, on Tuesday, Januaryl,3, 1880, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the following purposes: To elect niño directora for the ensuing year. To oot upon the question of authorizing a mortgage upon the road and the issue of mortgage bomls thereunder to the atuount of 750,000, or such other amount as the meeting may determiue, and foi the transaotion of sunh other business !is niay proporly come before the meeting. - Mr. Charles S. Gregory of Dexter, whose bank was lately entered by burglara has reason to feel grateful for the süght loas he met, the would-be robbers although laboring several hours to enter the inner safo whore monoy was deDOsited. failed to seeuio anyuiins oí' valué. Such papers as were reached were discovered strewn about the floor in a back room to whioh the safo was removed in order to avoid noise and notice from the street, all of which save two have been found in good condition. This unsuccessful raid is the best : bla evidence of the safety to those doing i business with the bank. - Prosccuting attorney Emerick will picase rise and an3wer the following queetion proposed by Watson Snyder in the Ypeilanti Commercial: On the 18th of August, 1878, Martin Eckrich, jr.,was arrested for robbery. The evidence against hirn was that he stopped a man who was riding through our streets in the night time, and robbnd hiin of what money he posseased. Young Eckrick was examinad and bound over to the Circuit Court. It is now sixteen months since the offense was allegod to have been committod, and he hag not yet been brought to trial. There 'is no good reason why thiR case should be put ovor from one term of court to another for so long a time. If tbe joung man is guilty he should be pumslied; if innocent, he should be honorably discharged.