Death Of Charles Whitaker

Keaiers of tho Archjs wiil reinember that -no ïnontioned in a Inte isu; the preoarious condition in which Charles Whitalinr of Lima was, aiul tho slight hopeofrcoovery tlien existing. He ]ingered in a comatos3 condition until Friday vhon ho died. Tho towu of Lima in which Mr. Whitaker long resided has lost one of its best citizens, a beraved family a kind and indulgent husband and father, the party to whose steadffist foith lie gave unyieldiug attaohment, n oonsisteut and unsvverving fricnd. Although we had not become ao well acquainted witli the deeeassed 'as we had hoped, we hnd learnoil to admire hig franlc and matily qnalities. It w:is plainly spparent, his was a nataro that looked vith pity upor. the ogotiat, and contompi iipon the sycophant. Hypoorisy wao an utcer stranger to him. He judgfldmii aml measnres by tbeirHctioa not by thoir promises. Uo would hrvvo no aiüüation with the pretentious. He soomed tho man who sat himself up before the public as oompetent to oare fo;its interests, unless he had in souie way doveloped onpacity. Ho was a finri believor in thiugs subatantial. When his oonfldeiiOG was once aeqnired, he was a tnie friend. Policy did not enter very largoly into nis cemposüion ; fronk to a marked degree, be enliited under a banner of friendship those, who, Jika himself, froYned upon the parásito. It is HO doubt true Mr. Wt:tr-.k--r hastened hiademise by exeeswve manual labor. Work to him was a labor of love. Said he to a neighbor, in conversation conoerning the purchase of more land, " I bad rather pay ton per cent interest than reeeive it." This remark demonetrates the atnbition that rested withia him. Ati indobtednnss was the incentive to labor and frugality. He was a nonbeliover in idlenesa. Bosidos holding the office of iustice of the peaoe, he had servod the town ss supervisor three yeais, and it is believed his stardy honesty and devotion to the interests of his town, ruaïiifested by faithful attendance at tho late sossion when he was physioally unfitted to do so, would have returnod hini so long as he would have conaented to be elected. In politics he waa a whig and calied lts laat town oonvention in 1S5G. Observing its disin tegration he joined the Democratie party then tmd there, the newfound t'aith remaining with him until hia death. As evidence of theesteem in whioh he was held by Lis neighbors, there were two hundred Oiirriagoa iu the funeral procession that bore hia remains to the grave, and the attondance upon the sad rites was greater than ever known in theseotion of the town w'iere he rasided. A delegation of masons, in which fraternity he had reached the Boyal Arch degree were present from Dexter and Chelsea. He was bnried at Lima Center.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Charles Whitaker