
Moorevílle, Dec. 1G. - Social at Yüluey Diverjport's, Deo. 2G. - Mrs. Lako has gone to London, Ont. on a visit. -Mr. nnd Jira. "Win. Gauntlett- a daihter Deo. Ï2. - Mr. Sangree is just recovoring froin a very severe üluess. - An enterprÍKing siwiug tuachine gent of this place in tha cm; loy of au Ann Arbor firm latoly gold 19 machines in four weeks. - P. C. Lo ve has sold Lis interest in the store he-e to hig partner James Qauntlett. Mr. Lowe is now a traveling agent for a Ne ir York firm. - Thomas WLite of thia ,lace and Mr. Beach of Kalkaskia Co., exohanged farms about two years aa;o. They now have traded back, and both will rnove Bhortly. Milán, Dec. 16. - To Mr. Hod. Burnham and wife, was born a son on Dec. 14th. - Mrs. Davis, wife of William Davis of York, died on Dcc. 12tli aged 79 years. - Mr. Warren Keynolds has moved from Salino, into a house near Lounsbury'iS corners. -air. David Hitchoock will build a graia elovator early next seasou, at tlie railroad depot here. - ïbe first car load of livn stock shipped from Milán was sent off last week ; it being a car load of hogs. - Mr. Thoma3 Braman has gono to Massnchusetts, where he will probabiy stay during the winter viüiting a sou residing in that Btate. - Prof. J. Morse is tryinp; toorgauize ;i singing class here. Mr. Morse and Mr. Wm.McClumpliy taught a class here five years ago with success. - There will probabiy be a greater amount of building done in Milan nest year, tnan in any previous year ; there are already 7 dwelliugs to be commenced early ntx., spring.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus