Mack & Schmid

are offering uuprecedented bargains iu BLACK kM COLOREO SILKS, BLACK AND COLOEED CA8HMEEES, PLAIN AND FANCY SATINS, VELVEÏS AND BEOCADE SILK& Magnificent novelties in FANCY DRESS GOODS Buttons, Ribbons, Laces and Emlmmleries. The most extensive selection of DOLMANS AND CLOAKS all of new and elegant designs, at prices that cannot fail fo be oppri.iatsd. rhenewest designs and choicest styles of FA18LEY SHAWLS, t priees ihat will always insure a satisfactory purchase after coimmrative ex.minaüon. iheir lable Linons, Napkins, Towels, and House-Furnisüing bOOCls speak for tliemselves. Special B&rgains in Elankets, Flaaaels, Wooloas, aad Dosaostics. On wliich they mean to place figures as low as any vholesalo house in lh otate sell tliem by the piece. tW Market reporta speak of an ad vanee of all classes of goods, but they positively affirm to hold their goods to-dar as cheap and „dl them at a lower price than at any time sinc they bav-e been in business. The immense amount of coodi they sellcan only be accounted for by the fact they always LEAD iu low prices.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus