Found Dead In Bed

Levi F. Shaw, a member of the literary department, registered from Cheboygan, Mich., 24 years of age, a man of fine pbysique, retired as usual excepting slight complaints of feeliag unwèll, on Monday evening. Eefore rotiring, ho wever, he responded toan alarm of fire in such baste that it was with somc offort that he regained bis breath after reaching the engine houso. Eetarnina to the residence of Mrs. Bal], on State Street, Lis boarding place ind where ho officiated as steward he retired n aeold room, undoubtedly experioaoing a chili which hastened bis deatb. The following mornina; he was fouud dead in bed. Coroner Clark reoently appointed to iill vaoancy croated by the resignation of WiU lerry, summoned Messrs. Aretus Dnrm, Oliver Martin, Jr , T Porter A. L. Noble, Géorge W. Cropgey, Jasner linus, jurors. Several itnesses occua of the house testifiod to find him dead in bed, to exemplary habitnof sed, but no faotswereeliciteJtendmg to establish the canee of bis death. An exaiuination of the iuternal orfrans by several pbysicians showed the lungi to bo in a badly diseased condition. Testimony to this end ndttoed tbe jury to ronder this verdict :- Deoeased died from congestión of tho lungs Mis body was removed to Cassonolia, Wednesday for intermout.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Levi F. Shaw