
FOREIGN NEWSPAFERS. ÏHIÏ SUN FOK I83o, E SüN will dpfil "i h (lio i ■ ■. il iüHliiin. m by cwt In tly. I i n in tl. e Kngitr-li iaii-rungt1 Hiid i] :i all lliM ■■v. ■ 1 I ■ ni Dfr it ir ihc '■!■ I in hII ■ ftt will . ■ ■ : - tllilt i - ■ ' ■■ ; ■■■: . i, II now 3M= Li pjmiiafinn . n 1 ti. y o! ' . 'u speLd liti er .!1t iir llic b n tit ot' 1 ''■ of uli conditions cA Iffí ñtid:tl] ' ; ;. and M iul J UK Si v ■ f om ■ ñ 'i f ■ on buyine; bh I rem In i. - . ■ on men nnd affnirs, 1; lïfV S inon xüise. fusplrcd by frenuine Atucricun pritiri RsoTi ■ ely i;idepi;u lent of pari p, i l ;itj, o I-, :■■:■■-!. Ir ie i'V :ul, 1' of none. il wül i-.mtitiu-ï n pibíhc wl n u3 teiwobate what is vil, takine care tli;;t I to tin point sed plain, bfiyond the possibility of hfiïng misttnderstood. Iti nninfluenced by motives that do uní npjKür on tlif1 surfnee; it frna do opininiis to Bfil, sa i I h üoay be '■■■' I by any pu ■w,,ri ! WO l ■■"!■■. I I , even raon Lhn II h it a a li'M frandf pitii s ■ . e r 188 '' tn chastise the fl hucotid, ti '1 dis ouEtenan ■ iu ti, m ttb I ■ ■ ''!1 "i mtslab n. .i:"'. tof telling the trutb to ita friem itf= frienda wheue1 ■- arïses for plain i 'nkíng. are :lie DTlnciplea uron which The Sun tv i n be 'l'lie yeor IS8n wil] be one in ■■ ' i íriotlc Aniertofln etin nifyrd to ■ f in. It :■ m xagerate H of tho politi i icb it hna in store, r thu Ufccssity of resolul i ■ i (tfUittVlm dches íü ] nmciit Tli-i', ÜM fCftnfiress, IN1 utt i ■ ■ ■ cnñtests of I I now nearly i njrth thruuphonl (be tiy, the vnr , nblïc sentii Itear i ■ p 'H the twontyi i ! ' ber. Fouryeara a - - 'nibw, tïi ■ vi-ill of the nation, as expn ised at the polls, was tl ■ v, ■ iiimiijiri cun pil ■- ;", nrc pra i.-ii' -.- of wliich still hold the - stole. Wili the er] ■■ irropt, l ii ■ ■■■ toward ■ ■ nama men are now Lul rJgi ■ ■ nnd tl :■■ : : -i i ; h fch di hon ! i hi - ■ .I i hey sneceed? Th con i tu these moment ui qiiêsl ions. TheS tn i h ■ nicle i he fai ta as th y fl i ■]v and leal I r ltltioils tn ■ Thus, v th fi ha hit of pliilosophinal good humor iiKokir rti the minor nff.iirá ol lifo, and il thmfït nfslei " ights of t!ic people and tin nainst a!! :■ n truthful, inatruclivf, and en 1 Ü80. Oar ratee oi i rem Liuunchanwed. Por the daily bus, a four-pao sheet of t colum ; . - ■ j . ' ; 55 cents a month, or .S-'ï.0 h 'year : ■ pnpcr. an eig el of fifty-sis columna, th ■ pnce U6ö cents u month or ÍS7.7Ó a y:'-i paiii The Sundny edition of ; Bepflrntely al R1.20 a . ■ paifl, The price ot i, iil'tysix eohimns, i ií ten Sk-iiding: ü?10 we v. ■ ttra copy ft-ee. AddressI.W. EKQLAND, Publisltcr of thb buk, New York City. Tl!8 f orlüer 1800. WmocTats shi aW ïnform themselvea oarefuliy alike uf the action of their party th out tbe country and oí tlm movementá o Bcpublionn opponi nts. , tilur to oontributed g-i ;atly to tin loss by the Democracy of tbe frnits oí ';- - ■ i won al the polls. The year ist proraises to be one of the m t'-'c.'i'r: m-1 importani yearaüf this eventful eentury. Il will witi idffntinl election which m ly reeuTi -ü :■■ estal Goverti n - I py on the prínoiplesol Ü.-- Cóns'ii titionaí tbund tli rel:; ons of the Stat Nu intelliKÊEi man ca n wilh ii . ánily E o ir lie Ii : oí Ñew York wMch tiphold ■ Den4crbfev v:] ei e dit y voprc-on! the Democratio p:rt i ■ as. Il will do thi spirit of uervilc pai ut tempera firmly. As a L'ue o:!,, biñiii; the orqanoi" uo wan,,o cliqu and no ínter prëww the Pullesl m ft (he I I niiike of each days passing hi ■■ State, thee mntry and the world ■ mberepfi -■!, as ]''fr.:U;;ovo. : a '. Ihings ■ I] be npniiitti in that he bi 11 uti.itisi y íy i . Tuk wöB L% No ■ ui. sball silence licism oí' Tiïr Winii.n. EWrins the en its daüy cinhilati m treblod and its woekly circulation pti '.i'-! ''ar bpyoüd tbal oj au y oïh r wet Ï-- i1' m WS papfrinnme rotintry. Thi wou, Jis Thb Wou terpris anfnl tering loyaltj dtfftling wü ■ if the day. J i is out Bope unl if will beur gadeavOT thal Í record for 1880 raaj ftod the uipport i f .,■ ■ ; of tuis ïndisi iluble Union ai' Indestructible StH Our rites of subscription remain unchanged, AB'l I ' Pnih lonths, $ü.:o-, thn ■ ntonths. S2.75. Daily, wil hout Sundays, -re yeir, $3: slxmo 14.25; "three moaths, $.v?5 ; Lesa than three uuuths $1 a iriMuth. Wou ld. nne yonr, 'J. Tui I I ok Re'fii' s :ind Frlday8!--Two Dollars a ■■ nr. I uts- An exh'íi b oí' tejí ; tlu club oí tw ml yitivc. ÏIIK y ear. ; ■ - ■ ui a4 ten ; Daily frcluh ol '1'ennÉ I Son'1 fei . r reg■ r. Billa ;tt ií '+A SPECIAL OFFÍÍK, .:::' ril ■: . ■ ■ IpfioS I DoGcüvJj :■ ■ '. ;.-,KLV World truo I i iptiou Á . Trt TTIXJitCH 5, 1881. Tl::-; -v:H ; " ■■n and the ; ■ ' resident. Old för :? 6, 1881, without m tb r. Tliï.s Ofïer wïll toe AVItlidrawu Tjilj oi il ui oiHfe. 6(ubi eribe at once, Rei R THE WORl-D, - v, Voi-k. .__ _i Scrilmor's ïllir Magazine FÍÍ UTKLS AND BOYS. John Or 'pp] "Ii i ■ ' best chil'l's fterior1ic;il in i ' ■ t iscal■ by Del agrave of ' httïe of t ranalal 01 i nto Arabïe. nonl n! ■ r more [■!■■■-.■. etc.;dHM pf 1:: . ■ ; ■ . ' ■■ -. ry '■■! ■ e ones, and n ■ .l lishers announce mai y A Nfiv Serial by Miss Lonisa M. Alcolf, ent i tb ad Jill." Ik is written in tliis favoTi0 ,-iüth' r' . i m tlie Cbrietmas ; ' ■ of A mam I i will be A NEW ' - TOK Y FOR Ï3OYS, "AlTOSO THB LAKES," bj i ' .ij Kiiiaer," began in ttoü Anoi ior thia toIu ," a story of 'JiUC WOSIiÉRFVTi ChfistsTia's P ' bier Cilf't '■ ■ ■■ h-lü'il, í'"it' ni tv over me 1 ■ ■ line Aun i aiu l'.Vl V 1 ES by .T. T. Tl v. - ■■, T. W. ■ r Kel.1 -■ - - I -iVSHTTIKR ■ ■ .. verse. ; . ol N w lïork Tele■ . . .. ■ rheïw ■ SCillU.N'KU & tO.vPicw York, GROCERIES AND PROViSIONS. m ñ AT W EA81 HURÓN STREET, OASPAR RliSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the abovo location, eomprïsïnïyverythinfr is tli line 't bottom piices - aud pii - Lusively fot eaah. FröiB ft long flxpericDOO in tho trade, retnïl and . ■ ■-.-, He otm soll gooUii aa cheap ns CALL AND SEE HIS FEICES ! Al! doods Warranted Flrst-Class. Farmers pvoduoe wanted for wliich tlie highest cash prit:o will be puid. mber the place, 1G East Iluron Street, A.nn Arbor. ï IJiSBÏ & SKABOIiT'8 AND ■ FLGURP.NDFEED STORE. Wo keep constant] y on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c, For Wliolesale aixl Betall Trade. "'e shall alsi keep e. Bupply of J. IT. Swiii & Co' !:-.-it Wliito Whoat Flonr, Bye Flonr, Buelrwheat Huur, Cora Mc;il, Feed, &c, &■., &c. .At wholesale nd ret !. A I ■ 'c of GS0CEEIE3 AND PBOVISIONS constantly on hemi, whicli vrill 1 e ijp'jl on :is re:isir :■; asy olner house in ilie i ity. i aid (or Buttcr, Kg(f, and Country -.O to nny pari of Ihe city witli„ut tra charge. KISSEÏ & SEABOIjT. Aun A tbor, Jan. 1, 1879. ál IS A DülLAlt JKARNED ! ÑBW GOODS 1 Andpr!esLOWi:R THAN ETHB, I have piarchicrd in New York, for emii, '■ I am nov dniTy receivine one cl' the Irtrest ui! Utensn Ootmty, Sonslsting of a fil nnü weil otected LiiE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - ir.cludlrg upuwtiers,, Youtssr SEygons, SSj-sesis, Jajau, oíobíts, ïoriintsiis, Conccus, oisc5iou;rs, tiiid Twüiikays, Tocctlicr wit a rul] line of COFFF.KS, consistina of the followini? brandíí MOCHA, OLD KACAIB0.LAOUAYIU5, TOS ai i roíisted uvA gvoundi a full :ted s'ock of SÖGARS, $Yfln 'AND M0LASSE3, Togetber wit'a TerjtMn in tli lia cf Put 8pioe,Canned fruits. and Vegetables. We nava a fuU aud complot Une of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES nd Hosiery, AIso, ft choice assortment of I ■ C11 imd -■ ilisfHCtion. EBWAHI) DITFFY. ,ynard8 Block,-1 cox. Main and Ar.r. Aan Arbor, KSHicrhest casb price r!iid uii iarm THEATR1CAL. (Successorto J. N.Gatland) ONLY TRACTICAL f?. l TDEATEIOAL ■- ,"" ■ nd Masquerado i IN V Sr Jlanufacturer and let in Theatrical Goods and Wardrobea. Personal atiendan givcn to the prmluction of AMATEUR PLAYS AND IÍAEQUEB.ADE3. Orders by mail or tekgraph will rcccive prompt ati'.nlion. 120 Griawold Street, DETHOIT, Mich. PAiNTS, OiLS, ETC. rrmii LAtttiEüI AND BEST STOCK OF &A. KINDS ÖF Painters' MaterialSj&c, A11ER1CAN AND FEENCII WINDOW CSiASS Ail Sine. ■A.T1 SOBG-'S. 2G and L8 East Washington Street, ANN ABBOK. EVEEYBODT SATS ï II A ï S. B. REVENAUGH IS TRW Photogrphor of Ann Arbor. [ Eouitll öaot,Ea&t of Ooort Hocaü.lat flr. BEST IS CHEAPESTI til '■'"■ M [ : r ,; ■■ ■.. :, .; : _'_ _. .'-_-.■ ' . 1 CTRICTLY PURE ! Wc Vfill give $1000.00 for anti Aluin, or otjiev ailtclteraHon fntuid in thls POWDMH. f$$& Indorsed by tlie BrooMyn üonrd 4HHK ot liealth, rik'. y lUo liest ulieuilsuj tí- la the Uiittcrt SI ' . BiRi ::ï Ytast Powder ia WBÊLxi ulo won i. l i ]t NEVER FAIIS o a Jlmako lislit bread vlien ƒ .,;i,-..n (X-u ■.: :■■! ■ B-ected. [SCOMMElVIXEDbyevery ■' i '- liouikeeper who lias glven lt. a [r trial. ÊPwM itlsanentlrclylTEWTirVENil TIOIÏ, without any of the bad quall■$■ tles oí soda or suleratus, yeaat or Ia otUer boláng r:-. ?:■.L xt ta3 la lt:iolt a tin1cn"T „ ; Sj&sfcto siiBtuiu and iiouriuii llio "uu" systcia. Goiiii (ood makea good hcaltli; ernlbealtn orovcd or linpalred In proportlon astlie ive eat la uutritioi'S or otlicnvlse. LsSWiB' r:;iNJ FOWJ3LK al-vvaya ntakes can of tMs la trorth tvro of any otlier inotmtl. ':!::oa briind ■wïiiier and rieïïer. More tlian üalf tue complolnta ol üad flour from ma iso of eoinmon boMng powBrWoh oitcn make tlio best ol llour tuia out ilark bread. 1 mo delicate persons cm eat lood with ivitliout ii'.itivy. JScorly evcry otbfr batlng pewder 13 adulterated and Is absolutely lnjurloui?. T1ÜSÏ3 made from Relïned Grnpo Creasn of Tartar, nnd 13 PKRti'ECTI.Y PlIEE. It motes tlie BïfiST, lisíitciít, and most KUTÍ tiOUB BU%hO, BISGUIT, CAKE, CRULLERS, EL'CKWHEAT, INO1AN, AND FLANNEL CAKE3. A single 1 ; , , 111 provo Oio uiicrlority oí Uiis Powder. líANUM.CTDltEU Oy7I,T BT 6S9.T.LEWS3 & fê!ENLIESCO. PHÏÏ.ABELPHIA. RA1LROAD3. ■WAN' CKXTKAt KAJLBOAD. . EMBEB 16, 1879. - r . t. 3 . ax 3 ■ SS BÏATIOKS. " f 5' - " c L_ ; r_ f M_ - !w_ a. :t. a.m f.", 'i'. M. ■r.. '.lpivu. 7 011 3 33 5 SS 4 ü '; 1' 'j : 0 i. T. JuuotiOT!, 7 1:1 III 110 !; 1 i 56 s -6 KI ld W'iiyne Junction. 7 52 0 28 ( fl 4 8 57 10 42 fpaitontí, 2 il 07 8 30 T W um Albor, ■■, ' - il 00 7 85; 5 2 9 3M 11 U ol!li, 8 53 7 4o - , Jexter, 9 M 7 56 5 SSi S! ilielsca, 9 22 1) : 52 U 15 JraM ',;il-.8, 9 50, 8 55 j G 11 10 3 p. M I A.M -! 'JD;i'J !ó !) OU U 5S 1! C9 12 6fl -.i' umi. .■■■,...■ i ■ ra mu i ., ; Harulmll, 11 6 1 g 8 (Wilï JS 1 5 1". M. ? B:it,Ue Croek, 12 18 1 55 -'. ; 8 37 IS 50 ü 30 ialesburg, 12 S2 - - . ! 10 1S0 . . CalamazoOi 1 15 '2 uT 5 uü 9 30 l -S 3 02 , iwton, 1 03 5 83 2 13 Dscatur, 2 10 o. i 81 Awugiuo, 2 3S 5 H 2 57 Niles, 3 05 I O! I I -1 58 ,:■., 3 19 7 II' 3 15 1'hrtiei i ■ 7 öi i BuStalo, 4 i,3 4 5S 7 4.1 , Michigan ' iiy, i 30 S in s 10 I - . 6 55 5 is 6 a . ie 6 v, ton, i; B9 G s , j ia 0 8 18 :ve, G ij' 7 JO 1" i I 7 80l 8 SS QOIXG EADI. I M I i"1-. .S T" ?__ _ƒ_ jiíii i_l_5. Ia. M. a. m. v. .. r. 1. p. j 'h(CAjo,leaTe, 7 1 3 0(. 4 00 S la ,,, 7 60 9 .504 50 I 6 05 11} CO 1 aie, I 8 : 10 ;0 S ■: City, 9 ■-■() ;! i" " ■ 7 40: u jo [ S ; (,8 :. ;2 1 :un' ÜaVo, 10 ■■ - I Bnchanaii, 10 32 -- '■ I') 4S 12 15 8 10 !) 01! 12 48 D wi 11 13 1 10 lir, 0 ' 5 I 1 40 L'iwtiin, II M ' 9 2-' a. m.' 1 S7 . , , 23 Í 28 12 53 - - . 7 (X ■ Buttle Crouk, l 25 1 10 m M 7 40 U 10 3 IS MarshaBj M f INtllI 8 48 Alhion, 3 21 .:.i. 8 .": 11 .",9 4 12 Jaekao i, 3 ' ■ W 7 IS 9 3u '! -1' 5 (10 (irnss Lukc, 4 1(1 7 SS 9 5 i 26 leea; i -I 8 '-2 10 5 Di ■ r, 6 Uü1 s 16 10 üi S i;5 Drihi, S 10 ' s 55 Aun Arbor, 6 ?I 5 01 ■ , ■ 85 2 06 6 2fl ;, S9 S 52 1 lonti, 5 ris 6 23 a u': lü is 2 '.:o fi -il ■ e June, 6 02: 6 4 9 23 11 i.8, 2 44 7 04 , IS 9 55 I 9.1 3 80 7 45 I I 501 8 35i t pC uy aud Suminy ext'pted. tj)aily. II. B. LRDTAED, Qen'l X nvagrv, Detroit. n. C. WjiNTKoitTi!. O. P. & T. Aat., Chioajo. C ATOADA SMftJTWERN R'Y MJÍES. 1 i rican Hou ' ;uu;da i ' , B.B. Depot, Detroit, oity time, Atlautie Kxpro:!, ilaily, 100 a. ni., Wagner car to Fast Day ExpresR, daily, 12 hoon, Wagner car to . loston. ■ except Sunday, 11 H p. ,ter. e ; 5(1 n. m. exrept Suuday ; 8 10 p. m. duily : ''! ■■ ■ tdny, lyetto f 30 p. m. 49Fo Information and t lckcts apjtly toII.YV Hayes, agent II. U. R. R., A.nn Arbor. M.C. ROAC [, Pa ■ ■ :■ ■ ÏBANX E.SNOW, Gen. Pa j. aud Ticket Agt DeUoit. pilEAT WESTEHK 1UIIAVAVVS" JDeputs ioot of Tbird tind oniii si rect-í.' Detroit timo. Detroit tirae. Arrive. At.lantic Expiess, W.ftO . m. tlCOU p. m. Pay "8.83 %. in. "8.80 p. m. New York and Boston Exp ■ . ""■'" p.m. 19.15 ii.m. Detroit Expres, 1J.J5 p. m. lat txpiess, ;.00 o. m JDmly. 'Duily except Sunday. tExcept Mondar. I or intVn-iiiiuiori and tickets apply to U. W. llaves, Agent :. Ü. 11. B., Ano Arbor. W. 1I.K1RTII, WM. EDGAB, Western Paaa'i Ag't. Oe ernl 7iiBi'r Aicent DETROIT, HILLSDALE AND BOUTHWEBTBRN EAILEOAD. Ti toke eöect May 25, 1870. OOINO WEST. OOINO P.A6T. T T1ON8. MllÜ. ÜXp. BTAIIOK. :!]!. .Mll A. M. t. M. . ,, Tpailanti.... 8:26 7:10 ' TuledoJunc. 8:45 ":;' Banker 11:00 2;2. . 9:25 7:50 Hlllüiale .. 5water.. 9:47 8:12 Hinchestar.. 8:80 4:1 Manchester. 10:22 8:8) Bi g watej 9:t0 4:3 i'. m. Saline. . 9:00 4:4 Hilladale.. .. 1:00 10:2.1 Toledo Juno. 10:10 4:6 1:10 I '::. rpgüantl.. . ■ 10:3 S Titiius run i-y Cntcugo ttmn. W. f. PAKKKil. Sin -Vpsllanti. Abstracts of Titles. All porties who are desirousof ascertHininff tb coudïtion of tho titlo to theii lands, or parties wh with to loan uioney on ical esiatü wlll do WOU i c:ilt uL the ïlogister's office and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Sftid books are so fnr advanced tliut tUe Registe Cíin furniflli on short notire a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any purcel of land m Whtnaw ('ounty a skewn-by tho original Eoooide. I C. H. MANLY, Ktrfatcr.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus