Marcus Stevens

1838O2d ReliahEe House 1873. Is now ofïering Drr.%ving-Room, Parlor, 1 Sedroom, Oiïice, nel Library ,...-.,. .,,.-,.., -,.... .... ....,, „;.p y-v., ,..__,. ,,,n, ,-,j ,j_ BM (ir Latest !'i':;i:i .:■;._ ';-- -■ ■ .. , ■ ,,..- j-_-: N ■■ ,. -- j Qvfi dod bot workmanahip. CüVERliSG ASI CÜUTAIS (JOODS IN SEW PATTEUXS. 5 Prices, Photos, and Samples sent on application. 15 and 117 MoniOQ -i.T7-erL-u.e, DETROIT, fiY8SCH.
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Ann Arbor Argus