Winding Up A Horse

Rev. Dr. Ch "■', in a letter l Mi idnapilly, India., g ilowingsü i sperience he had with a balky horse: "Ni ao" s:'.vs "ie Ten" erublc divine,'" L bought iii Madras a peculiar kind of horse. lic hadtobe to make Mm go. It was not i, but i vcritable live horse. feing hiin to jo in the ;'.!- ■■1. Au red ii I the iii'at lirown and hnrt !. H made him timid; afraid ri. Afterhe had oncu started he ld never bal iken out of the caninge. He woulcl ■ ; stop and as niiiiiy times as you pleased. '(■uit to get him Srat eaeh time tewashart; d to the i ■ He was all rigbt under the i . llent ; horse, an i woü'.i carry me I riet work, so that I did .11 ■ dispose of him; but I eould not ■ ■ o: '.. hal 1 had must go in carriage as well as ;nd I determined that I would conquer. " llow I have worked over that horse! At Srst it sometimes took me l him started from my door. At last, af ter tryi: r heard of, I hit upon an exI d. I took a strong feet L nd over . A stout coi-il loop was ■ ■ Erom ': i f. loop we v ■ orer . and ü;;1!: the stick round and round and twist it up. " It is said that a horse can rétala but one idea at a time in lta small Drain. Soon the twisting would berrín to hurt. HU attention would be abstracted to the pain in his ear. He would forget all about a carriage beitig iitched to him, be:id down his heao, Mid walk ofr as quiet as a lamb. When hc had gone a rod the horse boy would begin to untwist, soon off would como the oord, and the horse would be all right for the day. The reraedy never failed. Aftev having it on two or three times lio objected to the operation, and would spring about, andrear, and twitch, and baek, anything but shirt ahead, to keep it from bcing' applied. We would have, two of us, to begin to pat and rub about his neck and He would not know which had the key. All at once it would be on his ear and winding up. The moment it Bëgan Eö Êïgtaes KB would bo quiet, stand and bear it as long as he could, and then off ho would o. [ tever took thirty seconda to get him off with tiio key. It would tako an hour without. Aftor a little ho ceased objeeting to have it put on. He seemed to say to himself: ' I have got to givc in, and v,v,y as well do it at once,' but he would not start without the key. In a few rnontiis hegot bo that. as as we got into the carriage, he would bend down his head to have the key puton,andono or two turns of the key would be enough. Then t!io key beeame unnuce-ssary. Ho would bend down Iiis head, tipping his left ear to the horse-boy, who would vake it in his hand and twist it, and off ho would go. My native neighbors said: 'That horse must bc wound up or ho cannot run.' And it did socm to bc so. "When he gofc so that tho 'windmgnp' was nothing but a forra, I tried to break him of that, but could nofc suo! w iiJd pat him .-. ■ liim, ■. iiim si ! i i : o salí, or sagar, or c. aaá then step (tuiotly into the carriage and teil him to go. 'No.' iiim. 'No.' Wliip liim. 'No.' braced, cvery muscle tenso for rcace. A genuine balk. Slop and keep füi,i foï an instant, and he would bis head, bend over liis car, and look around for the horse-boy appealingly, saying very eamestly by his ac.' ■ i:, please, wind me up. I eau" t pi without, but I'U go gladly if yon will.' The moment his ear was touched and one twist given, off he would go as happy and contented aa evin' horae could be. "Many hearty laughs havo wc and our friends had over the winding r.p of that horse. If I were ont on a tour for nth or two and he werenothitched carriage, or if he stood in Iln stank: wit!) no vork for a week or two dttring the monsoon, a real winding-up had to talie placo, the first time he was pit in. We kept him six years. The .. eek I owned him I luid to wind him up. I sold the patent to the man v„ the horso, and learnedfrom ,.. iuiü to use it as long as the horae livcd." -♦-► A cektain M. Drillon has íonnd that the number seventeen b. rings bad luck to the Imperial dynasty. The Trinco Imperia! had seventeen assegai wounds. There are seventeen letters in the name Napoleon Bonaparte. The addition of the tigures 1808, the date of the birth of Mapuleon II L, numbcr.s soventeen; so does the addition ;' the figures 1S26, the date üf Èmpross Eugonie's birth, as also 1863, the date of their marriage; from date of their manto 1870, the date of ihcir fall, seventeen years. The Prinee imperial was seventeen years of age wheu his father died; there are seventeen letters ia the name of Lo Lieutenant Garey, and the addition of the figures 1862, the date of Prinee Victor's birth, again produces scveuteen. --Stephen A. Dónelas, Jr., of Illinois, :ind Robert M. Douglas, oí Ñorth Carolina, the sons of Stephen A. Douglas, have ; oame into possession oí tibout 8200,000 by tho decisión jn Iheir favor of a suitin the Court of Claims for the recovêry of the proceeds froni a quantity of cottori belonging to their iathei' and oonflscated in Washington Cotinty, Miss., by the Federal troops during the war. Mr. Douglas was ;i slavenolder, through his iirst wife, and furnished the labor on a plantation owned by James MoHntton in Washington County. V-O- - The following recipe for a lemon ]ie is given by a correspondent of tho Cincinnati Enquirer: Jüice and gVated rind of one lemon, one teacupful sngor, one tablespoonful flour, yelks of th.'eo . one cup sweet milk; when bakcd :uld the wrhites, beaten to a stilï froth, with Bugor, for frosting; bake to a dclieato brown.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus