
MEOICINAl . : MEDICINK. TRADEJK.T!i, Great Kn T R.' I t' v Kus!" Kcmeily, .'■ 4 ' " ■ fe iv Hcimmii ■ We:!r.( r, St.rf V jLlj ■' BeforTaki ,)AftGr Tking. . Pain in the Back, Dimt) ÍMO71. , : lend to Insnnit, ConsomptioQ and aPre. ets, wliich wo 1 t'ree by raailto every oiitj. ■ ' _ ■■■' -,■'■ i ver p for Í5, or will le . TH : No : i rit Wiob. Polil in Aun Albor by 11 Dniggiats, and by : 5 WOODWARD AVENUE, DjLTEOIT. We keep in stook the largest variciy of Medical Merchandize gaihered nder one roof in America. E3 Visitors are cordia'ly invitcd to Tisit (mr Store when in lïelroit. rnYsiciAxs, sur.m:oxs, siüdbïtxs, and.l)l]AI-T-KS ?re invüed to exiiciine our laie axid '■ ompleto tiBsortmAnt of Iwgïu ïnstnuoonts I kindred gtxxls before tbeir seieitions t'lReishere, as ve wili make it to thcir ad van tkge to obtaïn tiidr suppLifs of FREDERICK STEARNS. toNervous Suffcrers- T!íc Great Eiiropcan Keiuetly - Di'. J. H. Simpson'a Speciiin MedicinaTM i posHivt1 ciire tor Ppermatorrbea, Sfminal Veakm sy, lm ■■; all diseases resulting iroin italf-Abuse, 113 icïobk. T.lMilal Auxiely, aftee. r Loss of Memory, in Back or M, .Si. li and diseasea fe that lead to ( ■ Sv'--SRAaiimptioii, iiiBanity JtëëNVi. xvn' :in enrly ijtüto. , The Sptcifie ' - rinn is boing ns with wonderful sncceas. Paraphlete entfreetonll. Write for them and get full particulars. Price, Speci&c, $1.00 por package, or six patkagcs or $5.00. Atftlre-ifl ;i]l orders to. J. I!. SIMPhON MEDICINE CO., Nos. 101 and IC5 Mi in Street, Buüalo, N.Y. For salo in Ann Arbor by Kbpibae'i & Öon ly i'U ■.:):! ;gistBverywharB. . x.jkctz'ttirie: Jusl pubïixJie.'?, in a SeaUd Envetope. Price six cenf.v. A IccUire on the ".i!".r, Troit:v_eiit, anti índiciil cure of öeminal Weakni .-Kttorrlutía.induccd by Selí-AbiiíC, Involuiit;iry ions, Iinpotcncy, Nervou.-i Dcbiliiy, and Impedínent.s (o M,:rtia-_rt; penerully; C' epsy.and Fits; Áíental and Physical inca LVKKWELL, :i.L., auhor oi I ïho w rld ronowned Riitlior, ín thia actmimMe 'jccture. cl avly proví á trom Ki own ov-.-rtence ihat tho rwÍüI con - r tay lo ííFectnally r( moved wUhont medicino, and without líintr.'Tíuiü piirfíii'iil i i, instrumenta ings, or cordial; paintinfrout a m;lo of cuve at once sertüin and effectn 1. by wbich every sullerer, ■D( raiítoT whftt his couiHtion m;iy bo, raay cure lima lf cheaply, pñvat ly, and radlcaJly. jKÖ5 Tbia Lecture will prove a, boon to íhousands aurl :lioi: Beit, undereeal, ín aplain cnvplnp, to any aildress. on reo :ts,or two postage stamps. Address thü Publ the cu],yixiva:iAj medic vl co., 41 AnnSt.jXew York; fost (ÜHeox, 4530. -- y"7 -" ": ■ ■■'-.- ■- - - -- ■ mh --■; hp r--. .- -, ■■!-.. ■ Cnrcfi Olds, Pnenmonla, Bronchitis, Asthnia, Cronp, Whooping Cough, and all diseasea of the Breathing Organs. It soothes and lieals the Mombrane of the Luügs, inflamcd and poisoued by the disease, and prerents the niglusweats and tisrhtnoss across the ehest which accompany it. CONSUMPTION is not an incurable malady. It is only ïiecessary to iiave tho right remedy, and HALLS BALSAM is tliatromedy. DON'Ï DESPAIR OF KELIEf, for this benign specifle Tvill ciu-o you, eveu thosigh professional aid fails. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE the Most Poivevful Healing Agent ever lïiscovcreü. Henry's CarÖolio Salvo cures the tvorse sores. Of bUTilS. ïlenry's Carbolic Salve cures all crtiptions. Henry's Carhoilc Salve heals pimple3 and blotches. Henry's Carbolic Salve will cure cuts and bruises Ask for Henry's, and Tako No Other. LF BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. jL3 TOWNSLEY'S ' ïMTMEi MM CURES ÏN ONE MINUTE. mri mm trocees A SURB PREVENTIVE OF Contagious Diseases, Colds, IIoarsenesií5, Diphtheria, anti ïï'ltoopiag Congli. l'lcasant to the Taste. JOHN F. IIEM1Y, CÜBRAN & CO., bolb riioraiETOtts, 21 ÍJolleco Place, Now York. YÖU 8ALE BY L. S. LÉEOH. rpO THE FAEMEES OF WASHTENAW! It hi a srajl-koo1 ■ is not been flenieá that the Toledo and Ann Arbor railroad the past y ear has pat in tlie pockets of the farmers of tht county, at least three eeuta on all of theiï -whcat. ent ■ on 1,600,1 I Ia 46,000 dnllftvs; (mie n savtng. Now we ay, brinff your wheut and ] . road where you ■will fln-i your old frlendfl, TbkatwkiIi & Obbobne, ready to pay the hlffhest jxweible price that oan bc paid. - We trust, byfair dealing, wc will reeeïve a fuir proportion of i! xoura TiiCADWELL & OSIïOItNK. Ann Arbor, July 23, m LEGAL NOTICES. EntateLof Horac OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY fO o f % ('oui-i i at the L'robafc i icityof Arai Arbojc, on Wedp, the twenty-sixtn dayof] In the ■ ■Sato. In the matter of the ELosier, ■ trlx of said estale, ito court ai ■■ I i now ount as such ad■,'rix. tieth da ■ ; q the 1 . , ; oing and allo I tal;1, are required t ■: 'nr, in said i ■ ■ should ooi bi . copy ■ 'B Au' ■ : ■ ■ ; d d a y Ing, WILLIAM D.nARRHTAN, (A truocopy.) Jttdge of Probate. TATE OF ! ■ ! dei of Wííliani theircli ín ■ that tl: 1 May oext, at tcu ; i days, to receive, i . November 20 A. D. 187Í). I - GILBERT. M. .}. KüYKS, 4Sw4 ' ■ toners. 35si;r i '"S Zuhn. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CüTJNTY V _J of Wasni ' m of the Probate Court for the Courity of V? tolden, at the Probate Oiiiot1, in the city oí Ann Avbor, E day of November, in th one thon j -nine. ')i l'robate. In the matter of the estáte of I n, de■adingand filingthe potïtion, duly t ■ . ilüara I ■ ■ lut Thereupon it ia ordcrerl, that l ■;- of Janaary next, at ten o'clock in the . ' ! potitioïi, and that the heira at law of saiil deci and all othei p to be h ie Probate OtBce in the city oí Ar.ii Arfcor, ai se, if iny there fco, why lyer of the petitioner ehould not be granted : A ná it is furíber ordered ! ■ ard tbc hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thia order to bepublisned iri the Anx 4EBOB Abgu, ft" j i printed and oirculated in h-ií1 county, three succenaive weeke to saiil day ot' hearing. WIIjLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, {.V true copy.) Jndge oí Probute. wm. Ö. Doty, Probate Register. Real Estáte for Sale. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY KJ of Washtenaw, ss. In tbe mattexof the wtate of Batnuel A Notico ishereby given, that in ;■ :n order granted to ■ ■ couoty of Washtenajfj on : I at public v of the i . Ann Arbor,iu the coun■i-ite, on Satürtiay, thk ■ ■ . ■ , A. D. 1S79, it two o'clock in Ihe afternoon of that day (subject to all ntnee - by . at the tirao of the sal ight, title and i ;i 'eres t of s&id inaane peraons ín the foUomii real estáte to wit: Lot ■ I y-three and rth one-foorlh of lot number forty-two, in Sraith's addition to the city ofAnnArbor; nlso a certain trmnnlar piece o1 : I d in the aaíd Smith' l, bounded west by lots forty-tl ' I -fnur [ 14), northwt :i II'. ■ (not including any laïid herei by E, S. Smith), the ■ in Smith'a n to Ann Arbor city, in. Wushtenaw county, Michigan. Nov. Is!, 1879. FEA2TK Ii. AXTELL, Guardian. flenry Vinkle. OTATE OF MICH1ÖAK, COUNTY K3 of ' 'i ss. Notice is bertby :■ that by an order of Ui e Probate Court for ihe oouoty of Washtenaw, milde on the second day of December, A. I. 1879 aix montha froni that dal allored for crédito] ■ against -ito of Henry Vinkle, late of fd, all ereditors of sn are rrnírt-l to present their c!íiím3 t:i . Oourt, at the Probate Otñce in tlie citj bor, for examination and allowance, en or before - laims ■viil Ve hcitrd beföre ; :;i'.i Court, on Tui oud day of Alareh, and on day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenuon of snil days. Dated, Ann Arbor, December 2, A. D., 1879. V1LLIAM D. UARRIMAN, Judere f Probate. Scribner's Monthly. Po irreat hfis been tho tiemand for recent numbers ot tliïs magazine that the monthly ciroiilation has lucreased inora than 20,000 copie witfcin the ■t the edition for November, 100,000, wis exhausted witbin tyro weeks aftex issue. The English edition has reoently donbier), and the azine has everjirh i handaomely il in the Englitsh langi . contributiona from the beft Ar. autnors and from 50 to 100 wood entrravinge. Tbe pul liahera caH att i . ing ANNOUNCEISENTS IOHT i38o. Tlio Kcifiru off Pefr tïae tïrenï, by Eugene Schotlee, will begin in nu earlj number, and continue tnrough two years. It -will be a work of :reat histi tlloance and of rare graphic and dramatic interest. Bureaus of ïtVa stration have been eatablïshed in Paria and St. Peter&burg.Bpecially foi the execulion of the pictorial I part of this enterprise - an enterprise mvolving a f outlay thüii any previoubly undertuken by i popula r mai i 'JTtarce$es-iïi3s in r.ri'ï-scT's Itlontlily by Ainrl(:;}ii Wrlter-TMi I ■ Cable, author of " 01 d Creóle Days." '( I ia-; 'w'1 im ■■■ o vel' tteof American Life, by Frunces 11. ' " That Lass o' Lov. . i r , begun ia the : tolidny (August) nui Cutxad;. VïctsïvcscjHe.-A nnmbeT of paprs by Ptiocipftl Grant, of MeOill Uuivcrsity, Kingston, and W. O. Boers un Chn iré in courso of preparatJon for Sgribser'S, wlüch ota of the historical, politica!, piotureeque, and other pbases of the country. Piipcrs en Art. - The growth of i ifc necessary lor tho modern magazine to considerable attention to 1 1 respect Öckibher'b Monthly will continuo to ocding place, both in the judiciotis soleetd ia the artistic cxecuiion ot the subjects eb osen. i'oats au 1 S'oetry.- Edmund ('■ man wlll contribute to íckibueb's JIosthlï du bject, .ncimlir.:; the I C ;'rt in this country, and i -y. RichardHenl:ul will furaish stndies of si nected with Ënglish poetry, the being on " Tli; Snuntcrillffs'willïlïiclïcris.- A number of unique papera lo bu ctratnbutcd to Scribnsh by Alfred Hinin] the iltustration ol these, }r. Charlea A. Vanderjoof haabeenseni ')d. Practical Papers on Slome Su3.jects. Thia da Bumber of flnely II ïed papers on "ömall Fruita and their Culture," tty liev. E. F. T.'oo, oí Cornwall, N. Y. most snocessfnl of bortieultnriats. Papen on Chnxcb acoa- iribated by Russell Stnrgi ■ íípijrtíi ap.d - In nddition fo nu ülnstratod account of the recent excurtion of ho Tile Club In a canal-boat, there wül lie i num5er of sj'eiïial papers during the year, opon odd , ! experienct se-Knootinic, Walrus Uunting, Lobster-Flshins, Canoeing in tlie of the lludson, and scTeral papers oí a novel character. Otlicr Features oE Scrilïncr.- "Extracts froni the Journala of Henry .1. ltaymond," editcd by liis ?on, II. W. Bajmoiid; Accotiiits ot tbc South Taps Jetties, Anierien Arms and Ammnnltion in Europe,The U. S. Coast Life-Savinf? Service, The New Albnr.y Capitol, Child-Saving Work, etc., eto., Sketches ot Louisimia Life and bei New York City a ■-, Life in Fit. Kanaaa Farxúing, California Mountain Sheep and Foresta (by John Huir), Honse-ounting i.'i Sheep Ranching In the West, nd man j olher interestinK subjcc'ts. And there will be the usual variety of essays, poeros, and hort storic. Prioe, 85 cents a number, $4.00 a ytar. Tor sale and Bubscriptiona rec ived by allliookseller, Kc.h,:,!,;( Postín :nt poBt-paid by the pubïishers on receiptof price. 8CBIDNKR & CO., 743 Br'divay, N. Y. INSURANCE. GET YOUE Pit OPEET Y ENSUEED BY C. IL MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Stroot, ANÍÍ AREOR, - MICII. The okiest agency in the city. Establislied aqnarterof n century ago. Bepresenting the foliowing first class comnahiee; Home Insiiraiice Co. of N. Y., Assets over 56,00,000 Continental ]ns. Co. of N. Y., Assets oyer S:i,000,000 Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., As,oi Pa., Assets uver il,000,000 Oriënt of Hartford, Assets $700,000 Kates low. Losses liberally adjusted and . tlv paiO. C. H. MLIXE5. LEGAL NOTICES. Mort&age Sale. DEFAÜLT II A VING BEEN MADE In the conditionsof ueertain mortgnge, exocuted by Chri tlan Uook oí' Wasiitenaw colibly, ttato oí Michigan, to Thomas 0. Speer, on the seventh dayoí" J'oliruiiry, A. D. 1872, and recorded in the Registers office of Waahtenaw county, M!cbiffan( 1 iy of February, A. D. 1872, in libct 47 of morlga'ca, on page 138, which mortgage waS on the8thdayof March, A. D. 1872 assigned by said Ti Georgo 8. Brush ot the city Arbor, county aforesaid, which ftsalgnnMOt orded on the same day at 3.08 o'clock p. m., in Líber 3 (.f Assijínmenta of Mortgages, on page ! again assigned hy said George S. Brush to Rebeoca Henrlques on the 1-th day of June, A. D. 1875, and recorded the 4th day of November, A. D. 187.rt atlOK o'clock a. M.,in Liber 4 Assignment of Mort&ages, on page 715, bywhieh defoült the of sale contained in said roorigage haa becoirn; operativo ; and tht-re is claftned to'beduoat hereof the sum of gbven hundred and aixI llars, also :m attorneyfee of thirty-flve shonld any proceedings be taken to foreAtkI r:o proceedinga at law or Doery havinjn been instituted to recover the ured by said mortgage or any part t hereof. Notiee is hereby given that by virtueot tin; power ootaínediánaaid mortgage and thoatatute in sueh case made and provided, I aliall sell at publf anction, to the highest bidder, on Saturday the 24th day of January next, at two o'cloek p. m. of said day, at the south door of the Court House, ín th city of Ann Arbor, in said county. (that being the plaoeof holding the Cirenit Courts) the premisee : aid mortgage to satisiy the amoatft lite, with tne charge! of sale and at fee provided for in gold mortgage, the foïi :l premisei to-wit : The west one. tliird of the west hftlf of the aouthwest quarterof d thirty-four in tOwn tb ree, south of range ; . ie : be stilte of Michigan, eontaining tweit■ b of land, inore or less. Dated October 22. 1879. REBËCCA I3ENRIQTJE3, JOHN N. GOTT, AssigncofHortgugee. Attorney for Assince. Mortgage Sal. TEFATTLT OF PAYMENT HAVING _L- bieu madeof a eertain mortgage made lar &+. opp and Panline Kopp hia M-ife in Aloaao 0, A. [). 1876, and reeorded $m theReg office lor"Vn.hteiuw eoiraty in, on the 23d day of Mnrcii. A.I. Ï87S, nï I of mortgages on pag on wliicti mortgnge there nw ïemaftis du taáieé and sevíntytwo and 10-luO doïïars, the turtfcw sum of three d dollars of principa] nitfi the imttrtewt tliereaing írom March 20, D. lS,y, &i ten pej cent. beveafter to become dae aceording tothtïTms ediaga at law or ■ for theeoilection theieof; Notice ís therefore berehj gires that by virtueof the power and provi lona ia said raortgage containei, and for the purpoee of realiing the payifo aid fine and o-wing on said n tviili the Interest to acerae thereoo at ten percent., nndeosta and charges of ibrecloanre, inclnding an attorney fee ppecified S THE TWKJJTY KOïBia by, A. T). I8i 0, at 12 o'clock M., aeli fc pnblie vendue to the highest bidder at the front door of the Court Bonse i;i the eitj of Ano Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, subject to the re; principal, and interest unaccrued, not yet due, ;ill that certflin tract or parool of land being and lying in the township of BridgewHter, county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, known and follows, towit: Comraencing on the middle of the highway in the quarter seclion line in section nnmber twentyin township nnmber four south of range number foureaet tweMty-twoihafnn Dty-ÏTro links south from the quarter port in north line of said section nnmber tweoty; thence senth along said quarter line aixteeo rods and six 0 a stake; theneenortheasterly twenty-three d five and one-halí línk a to a stake; thenco north to center of naill rond sixteen roda and six ; henee eouthwostwardly aloiig the center of mili road to the place of beginning, containing throe acres of land be Mío sanie more or leas. I, October 26, I l ALOXZO CLARK, Morigagee. K.B. "Wood, Attorney for Mortgagee. ï-;si:i.te of Cïtristoplier McGuiimess. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw sa. At a session of the Probato Court for the County of Washtennw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wet?nesdity, the twenty aixth day of November, in the ■ f bousand eight Imndred and seventy-nine. Present, WilMam D. Ilarriman, Judpe of Probate, In the matter of theestate oí Christopher McGuinness, deceawed. Ob roading and ttlinp the petition, duly vetified, il ( hiii tophei J. McGuinnes?, praying that a cerminentnowon file in this court, pnrportng to bo tfce last will and testament of said de may bc admitted io probate, and that ho and Patríele Walsh may be appointed executors horeof. Thcrenpon it is ordered, that Tklonday, the twentyninth day oí December next, at ten o'clock in the orenoon, be assigned tor the hearing of öaid peti;ion, and that the devisees,legateesand heirsatlaw of aaid deceased, and all other persons interested n said state, are requiredto appeax at a session of sald Court, then to bo bnlden at the Probate Drfice Ín the city of Ann Arbor, and show cauee, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner ihonld not bo granted : And it Í3 further ordered ;hat said petitioner five n oí ice to the persons ntereated iu said estáte of tho pendency of snid aetition nnd the hearing thereof, by causing n fchis order to bepnblished in the Ann AbbOr i newspaper printed and cireulated in gaid county, three successive weeks provioua to Boid day of hearing, WILLTAM D. HAKRTMAN, ( true copy.) Judge of Probate. War. G. DoTY Prohato Register, 188O. lying the Bubjeet objeotivcly and! froni tho edncfiüonal poïnt of Tiew - seeting to provide that which, taken altogetner, wül bo of the most service to the largeat miinLer-I long agoconcluded tïiat, if 1 have but ons work for public library, I tete set of Harjicr's Mfmthiy"- Charles FnAKCis Adams, Jr. lts contenfs aro contributed by the most eminent authors and artists of Kurope and America, whilo the long experienco of its publishers has made tbtia thoroughly conversant with the decires of the public, which they willepare no effbrt to gratiiy. The Tülvmes of the Mngoxive begin with the rs for June and Decembe of each yesr. "When no time ia speclfied, it, will be understood tha the Bubscribei wishes to bígin with the tnrreci .-11 ! tl. Uarper's JPerioiJicls IIARPEE'S MAGAZIKB Oue Year, (fl ÍTARPEE'S WEEKLV, " í( i (O IIARPEU'S BAZAB, " " 1 00 TheTFISEE above-named publkations, One Year, IC W Any TM" O above naiaed, One Year, 7 00 ER'B YOUNG PEOPLE, One Year, 1 50 pee to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. A Complete Pet of Habpjcr's Magazihe, oomprising 59 Voitirnes, in neat cJoth binding, "will b) ight at expense of purcliaser, OO xeceipt ot' $2.25 peí volume. SingU rolnmes, by mail, postpaid, $3.00. Cloth cases for binding, 3S centBt by mail, postpaid. Reznittances shouïd bemade by Post-OfficeMoney Order or Draft, to nvoid chance of loss. XfewSpQfers ore not tt cnpy this (ih'ertisnnrnt without the expresa order of Habfer & Brotiiers. Address HAKPER & BROTHERP, New York. 188O. Thia psriodical bas always, by its able and scholarly discusaions of the queation.s of the day, a well as by its illustrations- whieh are prepared by th beat artista- exerted a most po werf ui and beneici! intluence upou the public mind. The weight of its inüuence will always ïw fonod on the side of morality, enlightcniucat and reñne ment. The Volumes of the Weelhj begin with the firrt Nnmber fcr January of eacb year. When no time is mentioned, it wil! be understood tbat the subscrlber wishes to comnience with the Number next L ter tbe receipt of order. Harper'a Ycrïodicals. HAP.PER-S MAGAZINE, One Year, 4 00 HARPER'S "WEEKLY, " " 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAPv, " " 4 00 The THREE above-named publications, One Year, 10 00 Any TWO above named, One Year, 7 Oft IIARPER'S YOUNG PKOPLE, One Year, 1 60 Postage Free to all subscribera in the UnitödJ States or Canada. The Annnril Volumes of Haupku's Wkkkta, oeat cloth binding, will bo sent by mail, postuge naid, or by expresa, freé of expense (provided tn ceeed: one dollar per TolunwV" , comprialng Twaity-lhTr6 ■ eeipi ol cash at tbe uMe f'fW per volume, ƒ3 f purchatief Cloth h vclani', suitablü for bindWgfj ■wül be sent by muil, postpaid, on reoeipt of && each. Remittanef should hfimadeyPoíit-OfficeMoíOJ1 Order or Uraft, to ivoid chance of loss. ., .,■ noi t co}') this advirlitcment wtíh' cu' thé e.r ress ordar qf HiB) ril & BfiOTHEKS. Iresi HARPER ,t Bitu'lHKRS, Nel Ycl' j
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus