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ÍOUSINESS DIRECTORY. Brr ■ - „.,..,,_, CÏ.AUKTVrK TINKER, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancfiry. Ypsilanti, Micb. rTï n' TAYIOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, -LF Chelsea, Mich. I. í 1 'ONALD MACLEA5, UI. O., Physician ' -I' and !urpeon. Office and residence, 7] Hnron trett, Aun Arbor. Office hours f rom 8 to 9 a. m nd frm 1 to 3 p. m. j MRS. SfPHTA VOM.AND, ITT. I)., Pby sícÍhi) and Surpeon. Office at residence, 44 Ann street. tt'üi attend to all professional calis -prcmptly, day aud iiight. [ If. JACKSOÏV, Dentist. Office oornor 1 Main a'id Wshinston streets, over Paob & beP&stoi e, A u n Arbor, Mich. Anesthetice adminjreii if disired. N. COOPKR, Itl. !., Acconcheur and A_i Gynaecoloist. Office corn er Main and Huron t reets. Aun Arbor. ■ 1 SCIIARRr.KLF Teacher of the PianoJ ifeirte. Pupil attain the desired skill in p'ano-playing1 by a syatematic couise of instructí in. Por terras, apply at residenee, No. 12 West ■fcl'ïerty street, Ann Arbor. Prompt atteution paid t'j piano-tuninr. CRAMER, FKUEATJFF & CORIÏIN, Attorneys at Law, E. K. FRïTEAUFF, Justice ol the Peace. 4 Alt business promptly altendcd to. Office No. 8 'East Washington street, Itinseyand Seabolt's bloek. HENRY B. HILL, LA. ttorney at Ta, w , Dealer in Real Estáte and Insurance Agent. .Office, No. 3 Opera HouKe Block, AÏTN ARDOR. ; J0ROHHICK KHAUSI3, 'M'ill attend to all sales, on short notire, at reaponable charles. For furtlier particulara cali at the Í.71ÍÍU8 Office T11KOPEAX IIOTEI,, Ypsilanti, Micll. 1 New House, First-CIass Table, Clean Beils, Low Prices. W. H. Lkwis, Proprieto J. H. NICKELS, DEALKR IN FRESH AKD SALT MEATS, Hamit, Sausaices, Iard, etc, STATE STREKT, OrrOSITE NOKTHW EST CO INEB OF UN1VERSITY CAMPOS. Orders prompt ly filled. Farmers liavitig meat. tose I glvehlm a cali. THE AM ARBOR JSAVIUGS BANK ANN AIU5OR, MICHIGAN. ifi pi tal nald in ... $ SO.OOO.OO hP" ..ii nrltT - 1M n " I rransacts a goneral Nanking Rnsinoss; huys anö lulU Bxchangeson New York, Detroit and Chicago; :sel]gSi?ht Drafts on all the principal eities of Eujrope; also, nells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, London and Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of SteamMps, whose rates are lower than most other firstclasfl lincs. This Hank.already having a large business, invite roerebants and others to open accounts with them, with the assuranceof most liberal dealiug consiseiit with safe banking. In theSavings Department interest is paid semiannually, on the first days of January and .Tuly,on all unís were deposited three mnnths previous to those. days, thus allonling the people of this city andcountya perfectly Bale clepository for Huir fut'ds, together with a fair return in interst for the sanie. Money to T-oan on Approfvcd Soouritics. DiRCCToits-Cbriatlan Mack, W. W. Wlnes, W. P. Harrinian. Daniel Iliscock, R. A. Beul, Wm. iMrubel, HDd Willard li. ëniith. OFFICEES : LIIKISTÍAN MACK, W. W. WINR8, President. Vtee Presiaent. CHAS. E, HKCOCK, Cashier. (MANUEL MANN, úruggist and Pharmacist, E SOUTII MAIN STREET, ASM ARItOIi, has on hand a well telected stock of ÍI'URE DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, Toilif A rtielos.Slioulder Bruces. Trnssfs, c, which offers forsale at prices to eutt tlie times. Díir I'hysicians' PieseripUons carefulW prepared ai all hours. EBERBACII & SON, ruggists and Pharmacists, 12 South lliiin Si., Have on hand a largr anrl wll selectrd stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, DYE STIJFFS, rtists and Wax Flower Materials, T"Het Artlrl.-B.TrussPs, Etc. '"PF WINES ANO LQUOP, Special aTtontinn pairt to tlie ''i'rnisíiin" nf Phv Mciaiis, (Ivinlsts. ehnols.'.tc . .th Philoaophical ■" hcmioal Apparatua. liohemlnn Oliemical. .lassware, Porpelain Ware, Pure IleafintB ec. n f siclam' prescripUons carefulljr prepared at


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