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A Wonderful Record

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Myriads of sooalled "specifics" and "cures" tbr Khcumatisin have already been brought before the public, and raany of them have (.-ven been endorsod by the certificates of respecta ble and prominent citizens, who bave derived benefit i'rom such pre}iarations. There is 110 doubt that a great many of these "Liniments," "Oils" etc., so widely advertised and freely recommended tor Eheumatism and painful complaints of a, similar nature, have geuuine inerit and wilt relieve. ceitain types of the plaints named; but when Eheuinatism, Neuralgia, and kindred diseases have become chroóic and threaten serious resulta, you inay rest assured that they will help but very little. Although not recoinuiended es " infallible," the peculiar qualities of St. Jacobs Oil espeoially adaptitto those cases which may be termed "chromc" and which have previously withstood all known '8ppcitic?," as well as the prescriptions of the best physicians. We would mention, asan oxarnple, the case of Mr. A. Heilinan, Editor oí the PitUburgh Hepubiican, who Bufferod wüh Rheumatism for two years. Af ter vnnly usiüg all Uie best recomraended remedies and exhausting the ekill of the most experienoed physicana without even teinporary relief, it required only two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil to effect a permanent cure. Mr. O. Hanni, a wellknown citizen of Youngstown, Ohio, seoured for bis wife, wtio for twelvo yenrs hnd been a constant suffrer f rom Xeuralgia in the head, the services of tho ableat physicians in the lnnd, but they were unabte to do ftnything for her; a bottlií of Ht. Jacobs Uil cured her. Mv. Win. Keinhardt, Elrnore, VV'is., reports the oase of a neighbor who ior twenty-tour yoars had suffered bo terribly with Rheuiimtisiiijthat, at times, he could bardly movearoundja few bottles of St. Jacobs Oil oured him. "To cap the climax," however, Mr. A. Xoiger, o Taj'lorville, Pa„ writes that his uiother. who had been a continual sufferer with Kheumatism for tha past thirty years, used one bottlo of St. Jacobs Uil and was iuimodiately relieved of all pain. These are resul ts'which truly deservo to be brought topublio notice; but thoy are not exceptions, as will bo een by the nuraerous othercertificatesfroni all parts of the United States. It should be the duty of ovry one to cali the attontioi of his suft'ering friends and neighbors ti this wonderf ally effioaoious proparation especially as the low priceof 50 cents i bottle places it within the reach of al persons, rich and poor.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus