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FOREIGNNEWSPAPERS. THli mVN KOR 1880. The Sun will deal with the eveots of the year IRW in !t own tiinhion now pretty í-í' understood by everybody. Fmm .Jniiuury 1 uut'! December 31 It wil] bë condncted as a newsfaper w ritten in tb? Fnjílish )RSffnng and printed for tlie whole p' opio. Aan tiHMspiip'T, '1 hk Sun bellevea In gettmgall thp iïpws of the world promptly, and present uil: i i i" rlx'iMusf httelligihle shape- the shupt that will t Me ftê readers to keep wel! abreasi of the age w!th the least improductivo expendlture or time, 1 hc (rrcftt it In torent to thn pTe&twi Dumber - that ! the Iew controlUng its daily raake-up. Tl now fi-sH in' rliition ?ery macb laiyer thsn th;tt of i ■ y other AmerfCRD oewspaptr, and enjoye in in■ n;p w'iicli it 8 al dl) limes preparad to spend lii 1 lly f r the bpucflt of its readers. Puople of all c ndi'ionsnf life and all w;iys of thinking buy and r ad Thk Son ; and th'-y nll derive satisnction ol' pi hc snit froiu ita columns, for they ketp 011 buyIn r nnJ rending it, In its comme nts on men and affuirs, Thk Sun beH-vis that the oüly ffalde of policy should be common f en. e inspind by jïnuine American prinC'-'es and bicked by honesty oí purpose. For this r asan it is, and wiíl continue to be, nbsolutely ind tiiMident of party, class elfqn, orgmiieatloa, or ï tereat. It ík for all, but of none. It wil I conti u' to praive whal i' gnod and repróbate whnt la n-'l. takintr cure ttiat lts luüffungQ is to the point p id rlaiiii biívoad the posihility of bolng mfiun rsod. It is untnfluenced by motives that do i 'il nppt'iir on the snrfiice; ft has no optnions to s-!l inrethone whfel) may Ne luid by anypurchaser vith tv-oci'uts. It haltes iTijustice and raacallty even more thnn it hatesunnecessary words. It atiI'nrs frmids pltiea toóla, and deplores nincompoops of every specie ït will continue throuhout tlie ear 188: to chnstise the flrst class, intnu-t the PfCOStd, nd disooiintenanre the third. AH honest mm, witli honest convictions, wh ether sound or mistaken are its friends. And Thk Kun makes no bonea of telling the trutb to its friends and about Ita friends whenever occasion arises for piala ppenking. These aro the principies upon wblcfa Thk Sün v;ll bicouducted durinc the yenr to come. Tlie yenr 1S8'1 wil! he one in wliich no patriotic A 'iiericnn can affitrd to close Iiíb Bye to public aft irs. It l"impoIble to cxaprireriitetheimporiancc o1 the politica! evento wMch it has Ín store, or the QWMsIfy of ro.oii;te vïgllanoe on the part of every cTMxen wlio destref to preserve the Government t''!t the íoundern gave us. The debates and acts of (nnpress, the utter noe of the presa, the excitiog contesta of the Renubliratn and Democratie parties, n"w nearly equal in strenjrth throuprhout the country, the vuryinp drift nf pulilic sentiment, wil] ;ill Wir directiy and cflbctlvely upon the twentyfniirth Presioentlal electionto be held In KovemHter, Four yt-BTs aero next November, the will of the n.'ition, hs pxprossei ut the polls, was thwarted by an abominable conspiracy, the promoters and bpneficitiries of whieh still hold the offices they R'ole. Will the crime of 1876 be rope;ited in 1880? The past decade of vean oponed with a corrupt, extravagant, and Uipnleot Adminiatratlon tntrencb at Washinuton. The Sits did something toward dislodintr tliepani: and break ing lts power. The iimn niPii re now intriguinff to restore their leader itnd thfmst'lvef to phices from whlch they were Oliven hy the indiirnation of the peoplc. AViil they Baooeed? The year will brinfr the answers tn these moinentous quëst ons. The Su.v will he on Band to enrómele the fa ets as they are developed, and tn exhibit them c'early and fearlessly in their relations to expediency and ripht. Thus, with a habit of philosophical good humor ju lnoking at the minor affairs of me, and in great thins n, steartfast purpose to maintain the righta of tlie people and the principies of the Oonatitatton ■rainst all aggressors, the sun is preparad to write s truthful, iiiatructlve, and entertaining history of 1SS0. Onr rntf s of tubscnption remain unchanged. For the pailt mtjn, a fmir-pa2;e sheet of twrniy-eight columns, te prire by mail, post paid, ie 55 oenta a rmnth, or 9(1.50 a yrar; or, includiug the Sunilay paper, an eight-page heet of 8fty-ïi columns, the price is 05 oenta a mouth or 87.70 a year, poslage pai1 The Punday edition of the pun Is also furnished mparately at S1.S0 a year, pirtoge pald. The prlce of the weekly sun, eight pages, fiftyiï columns, is SI a j-ear, postnjre paid. For clubs of ten sí ndmg 810 we will end an extra eopy free. Address I. W. ENGI.AND, Tubllsher of thk sun, New York City. Demócrata everywhwe should inform themselv-es oareftilly alike of the action of their party throughout the country and of the movementa of their Jtepublican opponents. A failure to do this iu 1876 oontribiited greatly to the loss by the Democracy of the fruit of the Tictory fairly won at the polls. The year 1ÍS0 protnises to be one of the most interestirin and important years of this crowded and tventful crntury. It will witness a Presidential election which may result in re establishing the Government of this country on the principies ol its e mstüutionnl founders, or iii permanently changing therulations of the States to the Federal power. No intelligent man can regard such an election ■with indiifrrence. ThkWokld, as the only daily Krgluh newspaper published in the city of New York which upholds the doctrines of constitutionaï Democracy. ill sieadily represent the Democratie party in toia Lreat canvass. It will dothisiono ipirit of eervüe partisansliip, but teinperately and nrmly. As t newspaper Thk World, being the organ of no man, no dique and no interest, will present the fullest and the fairest picture it can niake of each day'a passing history in the city, the Siato, the country aud the world. It will aim heremfter, as accuracy firat of all thiugs in all things that it publishes. No man, however humble, ahall be pernniteU truly to complain that he has been unjustly dealt with'in the columus of Thk Wuiü.d. No Interest, however powerful. shall tiinfciTOTmittjed truly to boast that it can sii'jnce Durine the past ycar Tmc World has scen lts i : i 1 y circulation trebled and iu weekly circulation Jmshed far bevond that of any olher weekly nowïp.iperin the country. This great increase has beun won, M The World believes, by truthfulness, entcrpiise, ceas'less activity iu collectiiig nt'ws and ofaltering loyalty to itself and to its readers in oVnling with the questiona of the doj. It is our tope anl it will bdour endeavor ïiat TheWoeld's record for 1880 may be writt" In the approl)ation a:id the support of uianj' thousands more of new radera in all part of this Iudissoluble Union of Indestruclible States. Our rates of subsci-iption remain unchanged, ftn'l are 39 foïlóws : Daily and' Sundays, on year, f 10 ; lx monta 5.ïO; thrcemnnths, S2.75. Daily, without Sundays. one year, S? ; slx months, ■4.26; threa muuth, ♦'2.25; lesa thau thrsc months $) a month. The Suday Wohld, one year. $2, Thk Mondat World, eonlaining the Book ReTicwa and " College Clironiclo " one year, SI 60. Ihk Semi-Weeklt Wokld (TueBdays and Fri)- Two Dollars a year. To Club Agents- An extra copy ior club of ten ; the Daily for club of twnty-flve. The Werkly World (Wednesdayj- One Dollar a year. To riiih Asenta- Aa extra topy for club of ten; the Pem'-Weekly for club oí twen y. the Daily for club of flfty. Sjecimen nuiuber sent free on nppücation. 1 orina- Ca.h, invnrildy in advance. Send post-office nioney order, bank draft or reirUtei-ad letter. Bills at risk of the sender. A SPECIAI. OFFER. Subscribers wbo send SI for a year's subscription bofore December 28 will receive Tuk Weekly orld from the date of tbair subscription TO HARCH ö4 1881. Thls will include the PresMential campaien and the Inauguración of the next President Old sul oeribers wlin send SI hefore December 28 for a renewal of their sibcni)tion for 1881'. will receive The Weekly Wobld to March 5, 1881 ■without missing a number. WiiïOTer will beWithdrann DECEMBER 29. Take advantage of it at once. Subscribe at once Kenew at ence. Address, THE WORLD, 36 Park Kow, New York. 188O. Happer's Weekly ILU'STRATED. This periódica] has ttlways, by lts able and scholarly d.scussions of the qimstionsof the day, as well as by its illustrations- which are prepared by the best artista -exerted a most powerful and benefleial influence upon the public miud. The weiüht of its influenee will always be found on the si Je of morahty, enhgjjtenment and refine- ment. Th Volumes of the Wtekly begin with the flrst Number for January of each ycor. When no time is will be understood thatthe subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next fter the reccipt of order. Ilarper's Feriorlicals. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year, (4 00 HAFRPER'8 WEEKLY, " 4 00 lfARPER'S B ZAR, " " 4 0) Iho TUREE above-natned publications, One YeaIY 10 00 Any TVVO above named, One Year, 7 00 HARPER'S Y.0UNG PEOPLE, One Year, 1 50 Fostage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Anniinl Votamm of Harpeu's Weekxy, in neat cloth binding, -will bc sent by mail, postage paiil. or by express, free of expense (provided tht fffetffnt does not exeeed one dollar per yolunie), for f7 01 ench. j Completo Sel, compriing Twenty-ttiree Valum's, een' nu recipt of cnh ut Hm rate of 8 '.26 per volóme, freight at 'erpense of mchagen Cloth Cases for ench volume. Euitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on reoeipt of $l 00 each. Remlttncei should bemadeby Tost-Office money Order tr Draft, to avoid (-hance of loss. Newspnptrs are not In rojiy this advtrti'ement without the. txpress cder of Harper & Brothers. Addi-ess, HARPER & BROTHERS, New York The rush still continúes and crowds come from all directions to secure the great bargaius tbat are offered at Mack & Rchmids and whioh Kave created an oxcitement unpamleled in tbo anuals of the dry goods trade in this city. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. OÉWlÖCERYl AT 16 EASJ HU RON STREET, CASPAR RINSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, comprlsing everythinf? in the line t bottom pr'ces - and purcliHsed exclusively for cash. Froro a long experience in the trade, retail nd wholesale, he believes he can sell jjooüa as chcup us the cheapeat. CALL AND SEE HIS PEICES ! All (Joods Wurranted Flrsl-Class. Farmers produce wantod for whioh the highest cash priee wili be paid. B5iP Eemember tlie jilce, 16 East Iluron Street, Ann Arbor. O INSET SEABOLTS Bakery, Crocery, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKER9, CAKÍS, &c, For Wholesale and Ketail Trade. W shall also keep a supply of DELHI FLOTJE, J. M. Swfft & Co's Best White TVheat Flour, Kye Flour, Huckwheat Flour, Cora Bical, Feed, Ac, &c, &c. At wbolesalo and ret 1. A general stock of QROCEKIES AND PEOVISIONS coBStantly on band, whiob will be aoid on as reasonabh' tennn as at aiiy otlier house iii the city. Cash pid for Butler, Kcrgs, aud Country Produce generally. HOF Ooods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RTNSET & SEABOtT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1879. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GÖODS ! AndpricesLOWER THAN EVER. I have pnrchaaed in New York, for cnih, and I ara dow daily receivine one of the ln est and most select stocks of Grooeriee in "Washtenaw County, coneisting of a ful] and wel) selected I INE OF ÏFAC, All of the new erop- iucludinjj linnpowden, ImperiaUi lanng Hysoim, Itj -NosiH, Japans, floionss, fjrmasas, ícjíicuhs, Ssucliougt, and Twaakays, Togother wlth a full line of COFFETÍS, consistmg of the followinf branda: MOCHA, OLU GOV'T JAVA.MAJRACAIBO, LAGUAY RE.SANTOS and UIO, both rousted and ground, a full and well selected ütock of SUCARS, SYÊtUPS, AND MOLASSES, Togetber with everything: in the lina cf Pure Spices, Canned fruits, and Vegetables. We have a t'ull and complet line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. AIno, a choice assortment of Lnflien' and Gentlemen's Underwear Cali and pxaraine Good and Prices and we will inaure satisfacción. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynard'e Block,'' cor. Main and Ann Street Ann Arbor, Mich. BEyHighest cash prioe paid foi all farm produce."i THEATRICAL. 1ÜL. WHELAJST," (Successorto J. N.Gatland) ONLY TRACTICAL pl THEATBIOAL fk ;ikjr j and Masquerads OírX' ÜMER MHDL L&3 IN MICHIGAN. Xái r Manufacturer and 4BflHB Dealer in Theatrical Goods and Wardrobes. Personal attention given to the production of AMATEUR PLAY8 AND MASQUERADE3. Orders by mail or telegraph will recelvc prompt Bttention. 120 GriswoH Street, DETEOIT, Mich. PAINTS, OILS, ETC. TH!; I.AI1I.IM ANO BEST STOCK OF ", ALLKIND8 OF Painters'MaterialSj&c. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH WI1TDOW GliASS au lisas. SOEG-'S. '26 and 28 East Washington Street, ANN ARBOE. EYBEYBODT8AYS TIIAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS TH Boss riiotographer of Ann Arbor. Foartli Btoeet, East of Oourt Uouso, lat floor. BEST IS CjtlBAPEST! LEWIS' OQÑOENSED BAKENG POWDER STRICTXY PURE! We will fjive $1000.00 for any Alutn or other arhtltcration f;un'd in this rOWDMH. UlSjk Indorsea by the r.rooltljm Board jQKB o Health, mul br the best clieiuibU H In tüe United States. LHBKft' n ls STilOSOWl than HgjPn. Vcast Fowder la jËBkcrh lt NEVER FAII.S o V&lS&n fAmalie lisht brcacl wllcu CB'A as dlrocted. r - fïlS) ItIsC-OMMBNlEDlyevcr7 .n SR - housekeeper wüo lias t'lven lt a ÊTyX Iti3anentlrelyHíEVIjrVENÜSI TIOSf,-n-llhoutanyof thebadiinallHfl tica of soda or saleratus, east or Hl otlier baldng powdera M.IU lt has lu ltself a trnilenrr ■vén mE sustain and nourili tlio system. Good rood ma'ces good hen'th ; ana henlth Is improved or lmpalred in pro))ortion astlie lood we ent Is nulrltlous or othenvlse. LniYIS' 13AK1NQ I'OV.DEB ilwaya i'.iukts good food. Ono can of thls la worth two of any other taking compound. It malees bread Avhlter und rlcher. ïlore t!ian half the complalnts of bad flonr arlse irom the use of common bakln,' powilcrs, whlch often make tlie best of llour tui'a out darle bread. The mo ;t flellcato persons can eat food propared witli lt tvltliout injury. Ntarly evcry othcr baklng powder la adulterated and la absolutely lnjurlous. ThiS Is made trom Renned Cl rape errara oí Tartar, and 13 PERPECTLY l'l'lll!, It makea the UKST, lihtest, and most uuíj-'. tiout BREAD, BISCUIT, CAKE, CRULLERS, B'JCKWHEAT, INDIAN, AND FLANNEL CAKES. A single triol wül prove the ■uperlority oí Uüs Powder. JfANUFACTURED OHLT BT iEO.T.LEWSS&MENZIESGO. PHILADELPHIA. RAILROADS. MICHIGAN CENTBAL KAILUOAD. NOVEMBER 16, IS'i. aOING WEKT. u a ti x BTATIOS8. 5 K B" f& lï _l_ _ g_ a 11 l „ . A.M. A.M P. . P. M. M. p.M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 : 5 55 4 00 SM 9 ;o G.T.Junction, 7 15 10 00 S 10; 4 2g 8 25 10 K, Wayne Junclion 7 52,10 28, 6 4i 4 4c, 8 ."; 10 42 ïpsüanti, 8 20 10 48Í 7 05 5 05 22 n Ü7 öeddes, 8 30 ! I Jtí Ann Arbor, 8 40 11 00 7 8Ü 6 22 S 38 11 24 telhi, 8 53 7 46 1 Dcxter, 9 04 7 6Í; 5 3S 9 59 Chelsea, 9 22 s II Í 52 10 15 Orase Lake, 9 50 8 35i 6 IJ 10 30 t P. X I A.M LickBon, 10 20 12 15; 9 00 5S 11 09,12 6f, 11 04 12 o! g ' 7 40 11 59 1 : „ , ' 11 50, 1 30-' q 8 08 12 28 1 IS BntUe Creek, 12 19 1 55 t 8 37 12 50 i 20 Galesburg, 12 52, 10 1 20 A. M. Kalamazoo, 1 151 2 3T 5 (K) 9 30 18 5 02 Luwton, 1 53 5 33 2 13 Decatur, 2 10 6 511 2 31 Dowagiac, 2 SS 6 IJ 2 57 Nüeg, 3 05 4 07 6 55 3 30 4 38 Buchanan, 3 19! 7 07 3 45 Three Oaks 3 49 1 7 32 New Buffalo, 4 U3 j 4 5t 7 4S 4 27 Michigan City, 4 30 5 2') 10 4 55 6 55 Late, t 13 6 02 53 5 45 6 45 Keneington, I 00 6 50 i 10 6 40 18 Chicago, arriTe, 60 7 40 10 JO T 30 8 30 soms hst. i "■ ;.s i u __ __?_ _?L Sj _ A.M. A. V. J.M. P.M.P.M Ohicago, leare, 7 (10 9 00 4 00 5 ÍS 9 10 Kensiügton, 7 5Í 9 50 4 60 6 OS 10 00 Lake, 8 3810 30j 5 42 6 50 10 4 Michigan City, 9 20,11 18 6 31 7 4o 11 30 New i)iiff,ili, 9 49,1132 6 58 '1152 Three Oake, 10 0:1 7 18 I Buchanan, 10 32 7 40 _I ! Niles, 10 45,12 15 8 10 9 00,12 4S Duwagiac, 1113 8 38 116 Decutnr, 11 39, 1 9 05 i 411 Lawton, 11 57 1 9 22 A. H. 1 57 Kulamnzoo, 12 33 1 40 10 00 6 60 10 28 2 28 Oalesburg, 12 63 .1 7 08 Battle Creek, 1 28 2 15 ji M 7 40 II 10 3 ís Marshall, 2 25 3 00 J 8 08 11 57 346 I A.M. ' A'Won, 2 52;3 21A.M. 8 S.5,1159' 4 12 Jackson, 3 45 4 05 7 151 9 3012 4.1 5 00 GrasB Lake, 4 10 ! 7 38 9 5 1 5 25 Chelaea, 4 40, j 8 92 10 (1 Dexter, 6 00 8 1 10 19 ; 6 05 Delhi, i 10 ! 8 25, i Ann Arbor, i 22, 6 07 8 45 10 35, 2 05 6 15 Geddes, 5 2!t ' 8 52 : Ypsilanti, 5 38 6 23 9 OCillO 43! 2 20 6 41 Wayne June, 6 02 h 46 9 23 11 08 2 44 7 05 G.T. June, 6 S.1 6 ÍS I 9 55 II 35! 3 20 7 4", Detroit, Ar., 6 50 6 SOllO 10; 11 50 3 35 8 pO 8undaya excepted. Itíaturday and öuuday exepted. tüaily. H. B. LEDTAED, Gen'l Manafrer, Detroit. H. C. Weniwoeth, G. P. & T. Agt. , Chicago. CANADA SOUTHERN R'Y I,INKS. The Only Atumean Koute Throngh Canada Train Iwre M. C. R. K. Depot, Detroit, city time as followa : ' Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. Faut Day Exprosn, daily, 12 noon, Wagner car to New York and Boston. Llffhtning Express, daily exeept Sunday, 11 10 p. m., Wanner car to Búllalo and Rochester. Toledo triiins leave 7 50 a. m. except Sunday 3 10 p. m. daily ; 6 50 p. m. except Sunday, For Fayette 6 30 p. m. except Sunday. 9" For information and tickets apply to H W Hayes, agent M. C. R. E., Ann Arbor. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit FRANK E. SNÜW, Gen. l'ass. nd Ticket Agt Detroit. 8 GUEAT WESTERN RAILWATDepots foot of Third nnd Hrunb street.; Detroit time. Detroit time. Le:iTe Arrive. Atlantic Expíes, } i. m. Í 10.00 p. m. Day Express, 8 35 a. m. 6,30 p. m. New York and Boston Express, 7.00 p.m. t9.15a.m. Detroit txpreis, 12.45 p. m. Steamboat Kxprrsi, 7.0ra.m íDiiily. Dailye)tceptSunday. tExcept Monday. 3 ror information and tickets apply to 11. W. Hayee, Agent M. C. K. E., Ann Albor. W. H. FIRTH, 1VM. EDGAR, Western Pass'r Ag't. General Pss'r Acent DETROIT, HILLSDALE AND BOUTHWE8TBKN KAILROAD. To take effect May 25, 1879. OOINO WEST. OOIKQ KAST. T TIONB. Muil. Exp. j STATIONS. Kxp. Mail A. M. P. M. YpHilantl ... 8:25 7:10 " " " Toledo June. 8:45 7:.'M Bankers G:00 2-25 5Vlne 9:25 7:50 , Hillsdale ... 5:30 2:S5 Bridgewater.. Ü:J7 8:12 Manchester.. 8:30 4:11 Manchester. 10:22 8:37 Bridgewater 9:C0 4:30 „.„ , P.M. Haline 9:5(1 4:47 HilMale 1:00 10:25 Toledo Jnnc. 10:10 4-67 Bankers. . 1:10 1Q:35 ! Ypnilanti... . 10:35 Ü-AS Train run by Chicago timn. W. F. PAKKBE. Si V.Ypsüanti. Abstracts of Titles. All pnrties who are denirous of ascertainin the condition of the litle to their lands, or parties who wish to Inan mo noy on real estáte will do well to cali at the llegister's office and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Booki. Huid bookB are ío tar advanced that the BeKister can furniah on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any pnroel of land in Washtenaw County as Uown by the original record. C. H. MANLY, Reeiüétr.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus