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MEDICINAL. GÍIAY'S SPECÍÍTcMEDIClÑTE TRADEMABK T])( Gnat K],_TRADE MARK X S 7 fflf. ■'■Y& '!áHt$. '"■-■sil'"t ""1'1"" fe.2k. ' -X . 1 s i wqtiwiee on SSEjfÍJMHft Tïpfiwp TaHnnPt'lt Abuse; na 5 ' oT hetoie lakmgLo88or Mc,;,ory, After Taking. Untverai Unsltude. Pafn i ti tbc liarlt, I) of VWoii, rr.'msturc oíd A(re, and mtmy othr disenneo tht lead to lnsunity, Consumptn.n nud a Trematnre Grave. lffi Fuli p.'u-timilarB ín onr pampMets, vhich wc dosire tu senil tree bj mail to every une. The Speeiflc Hedioinc i tota by uil Orupeistsai (1 per parltuge, o wix pupknt'es 'for íñ, nr wíl] be Bent by muil on recnlpt of the moner 1 v nddreasJDe THE (HAY MEDICINE (n.. No 10 Mechanica' Blonk, Detroit Mich. íTPold ni Aun Albor by all Pruggtatei and by d'Utrgistfl rvprywhíTe Stearns' Drug Sí ore 81 WOODWAfíD AVENUE, DETBOIT. We keep n stock the largest variety of Medical Merchandize gathered under one roof in America. B5T Visitors are cordially lnvited to visit our Store wlien in Detroit. rHYSICIANS, BVKOEOM8, STUDENTS, an!LDKAI.Í US are invüed to examine our lurte and complete assortnl'-nt of Surgical Instruments and all kindred gouds before maiing their selectioiis elsewhere, as we will make it to their advontage tu obtain their eupplies of FKEDERICK STEARNS. To Nervous Sufterers- The Grcat ISuropean Itemedy- Kr. J. B. StmpaoB'a Speeiüc Medicine. It is a positive cure for fpernmtorrhea, Seminal Weakmss, Impoteuoy, nd all diseases itsultiug ,.,.„, hom Self-Abuse, a EtoitE. Mental Anxiety, AITER. jiffr-akA. ïjOS3 f Memory, á' '.V3& íÚiitífWk 1ains in Back r ítWPhl. 'W lií'Si'ie' nnd di"eaaeii y8f2&f h- %?Q' 6urnF'tion, iusanity f5) p jaèg"3. and an early crrave. VaO i JPfeMsT The Speciflc j M -" 'V cine is being usrd ji%& with wonderful success. I'amplilete sent freo to all. Write for them and get full partirulars. Price.Specittc, S1.00 per package, or Bix packages for $5.00. Addreás all order-s to. J. B. blMPÍON MEDICINE CO., Nos. 104 and 10G Main Street, buftiüo, N. Y. For sale in Ann Arbor by Eberbaeh & 8on, anp by all druggistoiererj-Vheru. S LECTTJBE fcl To Touxig Men. Just nibUshed, in o Sealed Envelnpe. Price six aentt. A L,eeture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical cure of Seminal Wealmess, or Spemmtorrhoja. induced by Self-Abusc, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Maniate (reneially; Consumption, Kpilepsy, and Kits; Mental and' Physical Incapacitv, &l.- By KOliEKT J. CULVKUVVELL, U. 1)., autcorol the '-Green liouk," Ac. liie wofW-renowned autlior, in Ug admlrabl ■ .j i.rovfs trom hii own experieno elüclually removed without medicine, and without aHBfrereut turifica] operatioBS, bougtea, instruments rings, or cordials ; pointinit out a minie of cure at ffncecertaiu ana efftctual by wnich every sufferer, n niatter v.hat bis eondition inay be, may cure aimself cheaply, privittclv, und radically. 1 'lliis Leoture will prove a boon to thou&anda and thousands. Bent, unler seal, in a plain envelope, to any addreps, on receipt of six cents, or two pOBtauestamos Address the Publishcrs, THE CULVERVyELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York ; Post Office Box, 4586. ■"1 BALSAM Cures Colds, Pneumonía, Bronchitis, Asthnia, Croup, Whooping Coiigrh, and all (llSPilSCR Ot tho Oiguus. Itsoothes and heals the Membrane or the Lung-s, inflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prevenís the nightsweats and tightness aoross the chest Whleh aceompan y it. CONSÜMPTION is not an incurable malady. It is only necessnry to have the riffht remedy, and HALL'S BALSAM is that remedy. DON'T ESPAIR OF RELIEF, for this beuiiin specilic will cure you, even tliough professional aid fails. HENRY'S ' CARBOLIG SALVE the Most Powerful Healing Agent ever Discovered. Henry's Carbolio Salve cures the trom, sores, Henry's Carbotlc Salve allays the pain of burns. Xenry'a Carbolic Salve cures all eruptions. Henry's Carbolio Salve lieals pimples and blotches. Henry's Carbolic Salve tvill cure cuts and bruises. Ask for Henry's, and Takc Pío Other. UT" BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS. _LJ TOWNSLEY'S T00T1CHE ilM CURES IN ONE MINUTE. EDEfS BARBOLIC WM A SDRE PKEVENTIVE OF Contagious Discases. Colds, Hoarseness, Diphtheria, and Whooping Cough. I'leasant to the Taste. JOHN F. HESBY, CURRAN & CO., siilk l'UOl'RIKTORS, 24 ÍJolleffC Place, New Vork. -Hl B- Mg"--"- FOR SÁLEBY L S. LEBOH. 'PO THE FAEMEES Ö7 WASHTENAW ! It ia a well-known factand has not beon denied tlüit t lie Toledo nnd Ann Arbor rallrod the past year liusput in tlie pooketa of the farmers of the county, at lenst throe cents on uil of their wheatNow three cents on 1,500, C(X) imshels in 16,000 dolLirs; quite a saving. Now we Bay, brinf? ynur wheat and patronise th road whore you will tind your nid fnends, Tiíhadwhm, & Obbobse, ready to pay the hihest possible price that enn be pala. - We iriifJt, by fair dcaling, we will receive a fair proportion of patronage. Youra trnly, TRKADWELL & OSBOBNE. Anu Arbor, July 2B, lö?a. LEGAL NOTICES. Kstate of Hnrace Koiïor. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of {Vtuthtennw. h. Af ji gWKtonoftbe l'robntUodrtfor tlie Cmnty of W Mhten iw, holden at the ProbateOtficp.inthecilyof Ann Arbor, on Saturdny, the twnitietrj d;.y of December, in the yenr on1 thouaand eighl imnHrni and aeYenty-nioe Prwent, Wil1) 1). lluirrninn, Judfreoi Probate In the matter ol' the estite of Jlorace Boülei dce-asod On ronding od fiV.nct peti' toni duly verified of Christinn A. Rosier, wiilow ,,t said (l.:eaaed and John W. Koeier, prnyinR tlmt ihe dowcr of said wiflow in tlin'fil i-üiti! tu icol Bid decensod died seized muy be admeaanred :in.l usKifned to hor and ihat pnrtnion of naid ril entate muy be made amonp tbe heirs al luw uf suid decuased or those eliiimini ander thcm. Therpnpon it is ordered.thnt Tin.sdnv, the twcntletll d:iy of .Inniüiry next, nt ten o'clock in the forenoon, bp nssipued lor (he henring ol said petltion. nnd il, il thoholrsnl law of aid deceued and nll other penon Intnrmted in s:iid eitnte, uk reqiiired to npponr it a MMinn of id courl. tlien to he holdnii nt the 1'robafeülHce in the city of Ann Arbor, and show canse, if tmy there btr, why tin pTiiver of the petitionAT hould nol bp prtiñud ■ An'l it is turther ovderec' thnt aid petltionsr gire notice to tJio persons i-iterrsted n unid pstare of thp pp.ndency of siiid petition nnd tbe heiiriia t.heri'of, by (tausing a copy of ihis order to be plbhöhed in the AS AiïH'H! Aïtors, a BwapHper piïnli-d nnd circiibilpfï in sjiid county, thrtesucoeaaiTfl weeks privioun ia xnid dnyof nearina W1I.LIAM D ÏIAIMilMAN f A trup Tn,1u-e of I'robate Wm. G. Doty, Trobale Uesister. ISftt&te olJünifH Morris. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Wnshtenaw SB. At :i teasfon of tbe Probate Court lnr t)ie Oounty of Washwnaw, holden ut ie Piobnte Office in the city of Ano Arbor, on Tue-day, the twnty-third il.iy ot I)iccmber, in the yparonetfionintpa eUht hu'idrednud n-venty-t m. Prefent, VTillinm u Han imán .ludjre of l'robiiie In the innttor 01 the eaute of Jamea Moni deoeiiHed On readin? and fllingthepetition.dul] verified.ol Charli A, Morris, pmyins that the dowtr of Eliz abotli A. Morris in thereal estáte whersof said deci-Mscd died selzed may ba adinaasured nml amigued tO lirr. Thetenpon it is cndered, that Wpdnesdny, the hrenty-fint day of January next, at ten o'clock ia the forenoon, be ussigned for tlie hearir.L1 oí eaicl pitition.und that the heirs ut Inw ot siiitldi-ceaseú, and all nther persons Interested in s lid estáte, are reauired to appeai at a Bession of said court then to he holden at the l'rubute office In llie city of Anti Albor, and ahow oAuae, if atty Ihere be, why thtliraverof the pelitioner abould not be Rranted : And it is further ordered that fuid retitioner give notice to the i)erson8 Interested in Süid fstiite. ot ttie pendency of snid petition find the lieaiini: thereol, by cansinp h copy of thl order tobe pnblished in the Ans Arbob Augijs, a newepaper printed and cironlated in said connty, threesuoceBaive weeks prtvio 11 to said day of heai inp WILLIAM D. HAKK1MAN, ( A trne copy. ) J udge of Probate. Wil. G. Doty, Probate Ret'ister. Kstate ot rilarles Znlin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY of Wiibhtenaw, sa. At a sesaion of the Prolmte Court for the Conti ty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Albor on Fridiiy, the twenty-eighth day of November, in the year one tlioUHHDd eiylit hundred and seventy-nine. Piesent, William 1). Harnman,.ïudge oí Probate. In the matter of the estáte oi Charles Zahn, dece:tsed. On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Entrene K. Frueauff, praying that William Merkle inay be appointcd ad ministra tor of said estate. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, tbc fiflh day of January next. ut ten o'clock in the lorenoon, be assigned lor the hearing of said it-tition, and that the lieira at Jaw of Baid deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sesfion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Oltice in the city of Ant Arboi, and show cause, i f any there be, why the praycr of the petitioner sfaould not b granted : And it is iurlhtr ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interented in saitl estáte oi the pendeney of said petition and the hearing1 thereoi', by causinp a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Au bok ARGUto, a newspaper printerl and circulated in aaid county, three succeaive weeks previuus to eaid day of hearing. WILLIAM 1). HAKRTMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge oi Probate. Wiw. G. Dott, Probate Register. Estale of Lytles- minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ of Washtenaw. At a eegsion of the Probóte Court for the County of Wasbtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, on Tuesday, the sixteeuth diiy of December, in the yer one thouaand eiirhthundred and seventy-nint. Present, Williiim D. II irnman , J udpe of l'robn' e. 3n the mntter of the estáte of Cari ie L. Lytle and Ada E. Lytle minors. On readingandflling the petition , fluly verified, of Alton A. Lytle. guardián that he raay be licensed to Bell certain real estáte belonging to said minors. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Saturday, the tenth day of January next, at ten o'clock In the iorenoon, be assigned f oï the hearing oi said pet ition, and that the next of kin of said minors, and all other persons interosted in suid estute, are required to appt'ar at a ëesaion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouldnot be granted: And it is further ordered that aaid petitioner irive notice to the persons interested in said estáte, oi the pendeney of said petition and the heaïinp thereof, by ctiusinf? a cpy of tiiis order to be puMished íd the Ann Ahbok Anous, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, thite successivo weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D; HA1ÏRTMAN, Wm. ii. fcoiü'. F róbate RegUtêr. -"■- ' Commlssioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw,ss. Thetinderfignedhavinlieen appoioted by the Probate Court tor Baid County. Commissioners to receive. examine and adjust alj chiinis and demanda of all perrons against the estáte of Peter Tuite, Inte of eaid county, di ceased, hereby give notice tbat six montbs irom date are allowed, by order oí' said Piohate Court, tui creditors to presnt their claim against the estáte ol said deceased, and that they will msct at the store of John Costello in thö villapo of DüXter, in said couüty, on Wednesday, the seventeeuUi day of March, and on Thursday, the aeveateenth day ol June next, at ten u'clock a.m., of each oi said days, to receive, examine and adjust eaid olaim. Dated, December 17, 1879. JOHN COSTELLO, JOHN C. TUOMEY, 52 w4 CommicBtoQets. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wdshteiiíiw, u. ] i) the matter of the Kstate of Selden Marvin, deeeased. Notice is horeby giveo tliat in pursaanee or an order Mranted to the undersfgned administrator of the estáte of eaid deceased, by the Hon. .Tudge of l'robate lor the County ot Washtenaw, on the seventrenth day of December, A. D. 1H79, there will be sold at Public Vendue. to th'i highest bidder, at the ]ft(e resitïence of said deoncö'l. . fclip tnwnslnn oí Lodi itl the COUlltV of Vashteniw,m smd Hfate, ti j uewiv, U," uïjw dayof February, A. D. 1880, at ten o'èlook in the foienoon of thut day (subject to till encumbrances hy morifííige or otherwise existí ng at the time of the deatn of said deceast'd) the folluving dfscribed Redi Estáte, to-wit : 1. The vest one-third, of the south three-eiirhths, of the west one-half, of the soutbwest quartcr of section twenty-one, (21) in tbc township of Lodl, Washtenaw county, Mlchigao. 2. A strip of land one chiiin and fourteen links wide. and txtesdlBg acioss the northeast quarter of section twenty-oue, in town three (3) south of rantre flve (SJ east, in Washtenaw county, State of Michigan. The west side of whieh ia parallel to aiul sevon rnds ept of the west siae ot paid quarter ?ec t ion, and the east side is sixteen (16) chaini and fifty-seveii links west of the east huif quarter line, containing tour and 62 100 acres more or less. COMSTOIK F. HILL, Dated, Deo. 17, 1879. Administrntor 188O. Harper's Magazine. IHtSTRATED. 11 Studying the subject objectively and from the educational point of view - seeking to provlde tliat which, taken altogether, -wil! be of the most service to the largest number - I long agoconcluded tliat, if I could have but one work for a public library, I would select a complete set of llarper't Monlhly."- Charles Fbancis Adams, Jr. lts contents are contributed by the most eminent authors and artists of Europe and America, while the long experience ofits publlshers luis made them thoroughly conversant v,-ith the desires of the public, which they will spare jio effbrt to gratify. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Xumbers for June and December of each year. When no time is specified, it will be uuderstood tlia the subscribe! wishes to begin with the current Number. Ilarper's Periodicals. II ARPER'S MAGAZINE One Year, $4 nn HARPEIi'S WEEKLY, " " 1 00 IIAliPKH'3 PAZAE, " " 00 The Til REE ïibove-named publicationsi, One Yt'ar, it io Any T1VO above named, Ono Year, 7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, One Year, 1 50 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. A Complete Set of Haki'EK's Mat.azine, oomprising 59 Volumeejn peut cloth binding, will he sent by expresa, freight at expense of purehaser, mi ïeceipt of tffM per volume. Sintft totuma, is mail, tmstpn,l, J3.on, Cl,th cuses íor bindiui;, 88 cpnls, by mail, postpaid. Remlttnnoee Bhould bemadeby Püst-OfliceMoney Order or Draft, to avoid chance 'of leae. NeuHpaptrt art nttU ropy Oris ndvertisement without the txprut order of HaiÍpeb è. BxOTHBBS. Addresa, ttAKrEK Si BROTIÍEBS, New York. LEGAL NOTICES. Notlce of Chnncery O-,lr OTATE OF MICHIGAN, '1HE CIR KJ entt ( ourt fu ihe connty of Wa ueaaw TT cnancery. nmw- m John .1. HaDsey, complainant, ) Bessie Ilatsfy, defendant. ) WatshtenaM Connty, si. n satisfiíctor ly amvar"' ing to me tlinl Bemie Uanspy defantlani i a non-rtBident nf ihi state. n rontion ol (,'rumcr FrueauS & t orhm. colicitors and ol oobuk] for ih complainant, it, ii orderrd (lint the snit) defendant Hcsmc blunsey, cause her iippcurnncc Inthiseause t be entercd within ihrnn montln trom the date Oí tliih order and tbnt in rase ot hcr appeannce f-he cause her nnswcr fo Ük complainant's bilí oí (Ompliiint to be; lilert in thi oaose :n i cony thñreof to be served on the coinpbtiniinL'B sulicitorB within twenty dnys after due service ot ii eopy of sii,l 11 on[theclcfcml!int or hf-r Rolicitoraandn notireof thia order ; anti in detnull tht-reof that the snid bilí bo taken Moonfeséed by theaaid defendant: nd it is furt hcr oMered that within U-enty days the -aij complninant icause a notice of this oider to bpiil.h-licd in the Ann Auum, Aróos, a weeklv pilPr prnitpd in Bnd connty of Washtenaw, and thatth ■ iiid pnbllcatlon be eontinaed in said piierat le un once in eacta wek lor ix raoceniTe weeks or that he causea copy oftliis order to le pciBoimlly errad onthi aald de'f ndant, Jienaie Hansy. atleasl twunty dabefore thf lime ubove pi-uacribed lor her appearaDoe. Uated, Dectmber 2ölh, 1ST9. JAMES MoMAHON, Circuit Court Conimissioncr for Washtena Connty, Michigan. CRAMEn, FrüEAUFF & CoRHI., Solicitors and of Counsel for Coinplaiuant. Mortgage Sal-. DEKAULTOFPAYMENTHAVING en made of a certaiu niortgtige made br August Koppand Paulino, kopp bis wife to Alouzo Clark, dated Mareta 20, A. D. 1870 and recorded in the Reglsti r ol Deeds orhVe tor Wnshtenaw eoimtv Michigan, on the28ddayoi Marcli A. I). ]S7fi, at B! , o'elock ! ir., in Hber 54 of mortgngea on pago 90, and on whieli mortgage there now remains due and owing theaumof threc humlred and seventytwoand lo-l-o dollars, the tiuther lum of thrre bundred dollars of princal witli the incrtsi thereon itrcruiiiL' Inm Marih &f, A. I. 1879, nl ten per cent. hereafter tobecomc acoordtng to tli?1erms of ail mortgage, and no proceedinm at lw or equity baviag been taken fortheeollection theieof: iotict' is thertf(r' herotiy given thnt by virtue of tho power and proTlBÍOua in siud rnortgage contiiiiwi, niitl for the pnrpote of reaüitng tne payment of the monies now as aiorOMiiddue and owinip on nid mortgafe, together irith the intoiest to accrue tbereou at ten percent., and costa and charges of forei'losuro, inelndmg an attorney fee specified in snid mortfíage, I sfiall, the Twekty fijubth day of Januaüy, A. ]). 1 0, at 12 o'elock m., eel! Bt public venrtuc to the higheat bidder ut the front door ol the Court House in the city of Ann .Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, subject to the remaininK principal, and interest uliaccrued, not ytt due, all thnt certuin tract or pitreel of land beisg and lying in the township of Bridgewater, couDty of Wiwhtensw and stnte of Michigan, known and bounded as follovs, tovit: CommvociDX on the niiddle of the hisjhway in the quurter section line in section number twentyio township Damber fonr sottth of range number four eaut twenty two chaina and twenty-two links sonth from the quaiter post in north ltt e of said section tiuinler twenty; theuce south along said quarter line sixteen rcHis and sï links lo h stake; thence aortheasterlj twi-otv-three ro]s and tive and one-halt u'nilstoa stake ;thence north to center of mili road sixteen rode and bíjc links; thtncesouthwestwardly alon? the Dter of mili road to the place of beginnrag, containing three acres of land be the same more or lesa. Dated, October 26, 1879. ALONZO CLARK, Mortgagee. F..B. Woop. Attorney for Mortgaeee. Mortgage Sale. DEFATJLT HAVING BEEN MADE in the conditioTis of a certatn mortgage eiecuted hy Freüerick Ktioff and Wilhehnine Kuoff his wift', to Frcderick Schmid, Sr„ dated the eighth dayof May, A. 1). 1875, and record ed io the office of the Reaiater of Deeds lor the connty of Wauhtonaw and state of Michigan, on the twelfth day of May, A. D. 1875, at ;ï o'efoek r. m., in liber 51 of montages on page 502, and by reason of sitid dofault and the election of suid mortgiigee to have tbe whole siim become due aecording to the terras of said mort gage the power of siile contained in said mortsHge haviug beeome opera live, and noproceeditigs having been instituí cd in law r eijtiity to recover tlie debt st'cured by said mortgaKeorany part thereof und the sumof tenhundred and twenty-x 84-100 ($1026.84) dollars being now caitncd to bedne on said mortgage and tht; bond accnmpanyinsf the same, also an íitíorney Íiír of twenty-flve dollars as thereiD provided : Notice is lluMefore hereby givfn, that saïd mor paire will be forecJostd by sale of the niorrgr;ii('d pifjniise.s tlurein desciilied or na much thereof as niay be necossary, viz : lotsthree-, suvcii, eitfJbt and nine in blook irnmber ten in Ormst.y Fage's addition to the Tillare {low city) of Ann Arbor ; lso anothcr piece uf land coinmencinj; ut a point in the metion liue between sections nuniber twenty ttnd twenty-nine, betveetf tho east corner common tu said suciion and the t-ast line of the villHtre ui Aim Arbor as first laid out and at the southwt st corner of a piece of land deedcd to Andrew Nowland by Anson lïrown, and running thence north to the center of a road formerly running east and west north of Baidseetion corner, thence east so fnr that the land lying hetween said old road and the sou (fa and west sitie of vaid laá deeded by snid Rrewn tosaid Nowlund shail contaia one-tlfth of an aero oí land ; also Iota mimberone, two, iive and six in Büid block, at pubiie Tpnóne to the highest bidder at the south door of tlx? Conrt House in said city of Ann Arbor (ihat beiug the place for holding the Circuit Oourt for the county of "Washtenaw) on B aturda y, thk TwbntietÏï DAT (.f Marcii, A. D. 1880, at Í1 a. m. of wiid day. Said premisea will be sold lo eiitisfy the foregoiiig amount with acenjiug interest tcigether with saiá attorney's fee and all costsand expeiiát-a allowed by law. Dec. 17, 1879. FREDKKICK SCHMID, Sr., Mortirairee. Cramkr, Fbueauff - Cobbin, ■ - Xtt'jjrs for aakl Mortagee. - Estáte of Evito SKëpar(. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Courl for the C'ounty of Washtenaw, holden at Ihe Probate Office in the city of Aon Arhor. od Wednesday. the seventeenth day of December, íb the , yearonethousandei;ht hnndred and seventy-nine. Present, H'illiam D. ïlarriman, Jiuisc of Probate. In the niattter of the estáte of Evlin Shepard deee-ised. Lovatus C. Allen, administrator de limit wm of Baid estute, comes into court and represent tbat ■ ho is now prepared to render his final account ns sueh adininistrator. Thereupon it is ordered, Inat Satnrday, the third day of January nest, at ten o'elock 'ia tlie foreiioon, be sssitned for cxamininif and alfowïng fiueh account, and that tlie heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons intere.sted in said estáte, are reqnired to nppear xt a session of said court, then to be Kolden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arhor in saia cousty, and show cause, if any there lie, liv tb said account should not be iillowed. And it Is further ordered that said adminiatrstor giTe notice to the persons interested in said estáte ol the pendency of said account and the hearing therevf, by causinpr a copy of this order to be pnUiahed in the án:.' Arbou Aliirvs, a newspaperprïnted and circulating in said couwty, two successive weeks prerious to said day oí hearinj?. WILLIAM T. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty Proliate Register. STATE OP MICHIG'ANr'COüJN i i of Washtenaw, ss. In Oie matter of the estáte of Charles L. IHi il infame, deceased Notice is Jiereby liiren, that in pniuanee of an order prnnte'1 to tlie undersigned adniimstrAter of tlie rstate of sftid deceased, y the Hod. Jndge of Probate tor the eounty of WAshteiMIW, on the ninth dav of Pect'ïf?bei, A. D. 187!), there will be sold at public wndue, to the higheat bidder, at the late reaideiiee of said deceased on the premisos below Tle&crilied in the township of Aim Arbor, in the eounty of 'Washtenaw, in paid state, on S.vri'RDAY, ihb Twkntyfovkth DAT of Januaky, A . I. 880, at ten o'clock in the foreuoou of that day (subject to all eneumbrances by inortKage or othenrlse at the time ot the death of Baid deceased) the fnllowinp described real eatate, to wit: The southeast qaaxter of the northeast ijuarter of pection nuntlwr sisteen in township number two poulh oí range rumber six cast (Ann Arbor), ountaiDlag forty acres aecording to the returns of the Surveyor-General. Ia WaahtoDhW Oounty, MichigaD. Dated, Dec. 9, 1879. PETER M. lü lU.INOAME, Administrator. Estáte of A Iirain Lu ing. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Washtenaw, bs At a Benion of the Probate Court for the Countj of Wafhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedneaday, thesprenteenth dayol December in the year one thousand eibt hundredand seventy nïne. Present, Williaiu I). Harriinan, Jadge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of A bram Luing, deceased. George C. Lindsley, admlniatrator of said estáte comes into court and representa that he Ís now prepared to render bis final account as sueh administrator. Thereupon it is ordered, thnt Satiirdoy, the third day af Jainiary next, flt ton o'clnck in the forenoon, be assigned for examining jind ttllnwina such nccount, and thftt the heirs at law of said deceased, and all o t her persono interested in s;id estáte, are required to uppear at ;. ses&ion of paid court, then to be holden at the Probate OflLoe, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why ihO said account shouM not be allowed. And it ih further ordered, tlmt said adrainistrator kíto notiee to the peiRons interented m emid catate, of the pendency of Baid account, and tlie hearinj?tJiereof by ciinsinpa copy ol this order lo be publiahed in the Ann Aiïnqn Augur, a newspajer printed and circulatini; in said oounty, two successive weeks previous to s)id day of hearing. WILLIAM I). HAKR1MAN, ( A trne copy.) Judge oi Probate. Wm. O. Ioty, Probate Register. Estáte of Emiius m. RJohardson. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At ü ustíon of the Probate Court for the i-ounty of Washtenaw, holden at theProbate Office in the city of' Ann Arbor, on Fridny,. the tweil'th day of December, in the year one thousr.nri elffhi hundred mi'1 seventy-nine. Present, WUliaiD D. Hurrinian, JodfTC ofl'robnte In the miitter ol the eptiite of Lmilus M.Itich. ardstm, deceased. On readina and filinffthe petition, duly verifiedV ot Emory Btcbardson, pruviiüítíuif a cvrtiiin instru-ment now on flie in this Cumt, purportmff to be the lust wil! and testament of said deeeased, may e admitted to probate, and that he nmy be nppointed. execuior thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday. the twelfth day of January next, at ten o'clock in tha forenoon, be asugued for the hearing said peiltiou, and tlmt thedevisees. leñatees, and heir? at law of said deeeased, and nll other persons interested íd.. Baid estute, are required to appear ut a Bession oí said Cour!, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the City of Ann Arbor. and sh"w c;uise, if nn there be, why the prayer of the petitioner sh.;t!. not be prantedi And it is further oxdered tb-.d stiid petitiouer gire noiice totbe persona lntéreeted in p:iid estáte, of Mie peudency oi aaid petition and the hearinö' thereoi Hy chhshi" i oopyof tibí order to be publisned in tfn A nx Ateaost .iu.;w, nempftpez pnntsd nul eirculated in mtid aountj , three Buccessive weeks previous to MJd day ö heaiing. "WILLIAM I. HARRTMAN, (A true copy.) Ju ige of Probate. WiLLJAJilü. Dory.rrobate Regibtti.


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