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Miiine culminated on Wdnesday by au organization of both housea under control of the fusiouists. Fusión officers were obosen in the senate without oppoaition, republicana refusingto particípate ur to serve on committees, and entering a protest of illegality. A qui - rum of the honse being present it was likewise organized repubüoans protesting. John C. Talbot was elected speakr. Eucene Hale moved to go into the oomiuittee of the whole and considor eontcsted cases. Kefused, the matter being roferred to the oommittee on elections. Gov. Garcelon's terra of office rxpiring-at midnight Wednesday, James 1). Lamson, president of the senate will fiil his place uutil a new executive is elected. Garcelon is talked of but Saiith's (greenback) frieudB insist he should have it. Bishop Gilbert Haven of the M. E. church died at Malden, Mass., on Saturday. Joining the church in 1851, he was elected to the position of bishop in 1872. He was the first comniissioned ehnplain in the war and went out with Butler's sixth Mass. regiment. In later years he attained much notoriety as an adorer of Grant, by whom he was given a roving oommission to visit the old world at government expense, on the protext of inapecting consulate. He publicly nominated Grant for a third term two years ago. He was 59 years f age. If anything more was necesimry to raise up the American peoplo in arms against the Utee, it is the terrible story related by the widow of ugent Meeker, who asserta all the white wonien of the gency were outraged, as a choioe between death and submission. AU, with the exception of the widow, wero permitted to choose from among the chiet's who Bhould oohabit with them during oaptivity. Because Horatio Seymour said at the NewYorkconvention " Oentloraen.your eandidate I can not be," and finally aceepted, a good many politicians, forget ting he has roached the age cf seventy, B period when judges are suppoied to be unfit to longer sit on the bench, believe he can again be presaed into serTice notwithstanding he has repeatodly ■aid he would accept of no more prefermenk. There is no limit to the freaks of ft lovr's ineacity. Francés Hovay of Lyons, K. Y.,a bello of the town, surrounded by everything that heart could wi3h, a oonscieatious ohristian, placad a revolver at the sicie of her fathor'a head, fired and killed him. She then killed hersolf. Her ieason had beea disenthrcnad by the death of one to whoui aha had bnen engaged. Charles Stewart Parnell, a member of Parliament frota Iraland, is recivir.g enthusiastic ovations at tbe hands ofErin'o ions wherever he has spoken since he ïanded on the western continent. Or. iuuui;uli ..:;;. '. ;iïswröü-Jm wtt! nnd England's oppression, he ought to be induced to stop over at the "Athens of Michigan. " A city of wondo.-ful growth is LeadTÜle. Eleven montha ago it ccntained 3,000 inhabitanta who üved iu tenta aud board shanties. To-day it is a city of 35,000, with fire limita and immense ■torea tnd buildings, an opsra housa, hotel capable of aeating 3,500 perrons. "With all this enterpriEB locally the only Beans of ingress and egresa is by stage. Congresaman Hurd of ïüledo, aniong the moet brilliant of representativos, and a devoted Thurman admirer, says Tilden will be re-nominated. Ex-Cong. Scott Lord, though opposed, is of the santé belief, and adds, in an interview, that so Demoerat Í3 surer of currying New York than he. Both believe the 76 ticket will be re-nominated. It cost tsx payer of Philadelphia f 15,00.0 to pay tor Grant's reception. It was given out that two or three of hia frïend wonld foot the bilí, if the hospitalitiea af the oity would be tenJered. They did not furrtiah the money and an appropriation wa made necessary. "What is congressman Willits going to do about it? In a Salt Lake City tabernacle on Sunday evening John Taylor asserted that "polygamy was a law given by the Lord, and the saints must observe it, no matter if it did oonflict witu. the laws of the country." Many republicans are anxiouely waitiug ror riiü - ai...-. - - u t.axn.a aal openly against a third term. This they will not bave the pleasure of seeing. If the project suooeeds, both will want to be oa gsod terms with tUe powerg that be. Mrs. Scott-Siddons, sbortly to appear m the lectnre course in this city says ehe has received upon thd average $250 per night for seven uionths in the year, for the past eleven years, and that her husband ftasspent nearly the whole suro. Ar independent republican movement is bping started in Washington to defeat Grant'a noiwination, details of which will be made public in a few days. Tha second time in its history, the ■ ew suspension bridge at Niágara Falls was the scène of a suicide on Christuias eve. Mi. Sykes's plunge was a terrible one. Congress resutned business Tuesday. Politics will stand until the previous question is moved in November Eecent rain storms did considerable dainage to biidges ia various portions of the state. Who doubtH the succees of a popular democratie candidato as against Grant 'i Who' wamta it 'i The Kussiarx mistión, 117,500 salary, goes a-beggiug.


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