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StierllVs S:U?. OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O oí Washtenaw, ss. James li. Field, Edward 1'. Thajer and Lmery H. Mouroe vs. traukliu li. Unen By' vlrtue of a writ of exeoution iwued out of and under the iesl of the Circuit Uourt lor the couuly o( W 'ashlemiw, to me üileclcd and du.lvev. d, I did on the eleventh dy of August, A. D., 18"9, I-w u pon the followtag JeMribed real estáte, Innds and piemlses, to wit: All tht certoin piece or parcel ol land iltuate and bcnntr in the tuwnship of thecounty of WiihteBw and state of Jliciii ■ah. kunwn and deMribed as tne northeaut ouarter uf e;-tion aumber 14 in sald townsliiji, bcing liara three soutli of range six east. Ata the followlDg described pared oí land in suid towns'iii) lo wit: Begiuuiuj on the southeait corner of Uie ivest lmlf of tlie southeait quurter o( nection mimberll running thence north to the north line ol !ld west half of the said southeast quarter, thenoe -wast on the said north Hoe o far tiuit by rminiiifi a Une soutli parallel with the eat line of ,ald west half toa road on the south line of sid touthuast quarter, and thence to the placo of beginning on said road. the whoie will endose twenty acres oi Land xcepting and raterrlpg from the last doscription the rljnt of way heretoiore granted the Detroit Hillsdale and Indiana Railroad Company, no long as the saine is used by the company pursiiant to said Krant, being lees than one acre ol land. Al-o the following descrlbed land in said townslup, to wit : Beginning at the soutuwest corner of the Baat hall ol the taid southeast quarter; north ou divibion liue of said soutbeast quarter sixty rods; theuee eastpantUel wiLh the isouth lino naid southoast quarter íorty roda thence south ■I with said división line sixty rods to the line of said section ; thence west ou suid south line ioity codito the place of - tainin" Ufteeu acres more or les. VVhich aaid lam ■ and premibesiorso mueh thereof as shall be necessaiy lo atiaiy the aniount due on suid execuuuu) 1 shall sell at public auetion to the highest bidder at tha north door ol the Couit iiouse in the city of An Arbor in said couuty heing the place of holding Üie circuit courtin the eounty where the premiáis are situatedj on the Tweuly-third day of K-imiary, A. D. 1831), at two o'clock m the alternoon ot tiiat day. - - Dated, January 9th, A.D. Í8S0. JOijlAH S. CASE, Sheriff. ,T. II. LïON, Att'y for Plaintiffa, Three Rivcrs, Mich. GET YOUfi PHOPEETY INSITBED BY C. H. KILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ABBOR. - JVIICH. tquiuteroi a centuiy ago. liupreseuting the killowiag first clasa copinanies: ome Iusurance Co. of N. Y., Assets over ?8,000,000 outiueutal Ina. Co. of N. Y., AssetB OTer S3,0C0,O0O lagara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Asset 1,442.400 irard of Pa., Assets over $1,000,000 ricnt of Hartford, Assets 8700,000 ommercial Union of London, Asscls J3,0flD,0M Rates low. Losscs liberally adjusted aud ïromptly paid. C. H. MILLEIÏ. Report of the Condition OF THE Ann Arlbor Savings Bank AT ANN ABBOU, MICHIGAN, At the close of business, Morday, Jnnuary S, A. D. 1880, in aecordanoe wlth sectious IS, 19audG7 of the General Banking Law as anieiided in 1871. RESOURCES. Loanaand discounts, $182,873.38 Bonds and Montages, 6,761.1)3 '. S. 4 per cent bouds and premium, 12,849.50 )verdrafts, " 'urniture and fixtures, 3.9J0.85 Bills n transit, 2,425.71 Juc fi-om National and State Banks, S6,U31.4I Casli on lmnd, viz. : - Nickels and peunies, $ ñO.OO Silvtrooin, 2,0-24.fi6 Uoldcoin, 1,323.00 Ltgul leuder and bank note, 44,002.00 47,459.66 Total, 432,553.68 MABILITIKS. Capital stock. 850,000.00 Individed profita, 8.740.J0 Unpaid divideuds, ' Due depositors, 873,734.8 Tutal, 132,553.68 Idosolemnly swear tliat the above statement is rue, to the beet of my knowk'dsc and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me tbis 6th day of January, 1880. KMANUEL MANN, Notary Public. TTILL'S OPEEA HOUSE. star o:me might o:siv -wt Tuosday, Jasa. 13th.! THE EVENT Of THE YEAE. First and only appcarance of the Greatest Female Represeutative of öhakespeareiau oharacten, NEILSON The Fiivorite of Two Contineuts, supported by MR. EDWAKD C0MPT0N Of the Theater Royal and Adelphi, London, and her own Bplendid Compauy, in Shakcüpeare's TV7SIiFTS 27IGHT Priceil.OO to all parta of the houee. Reaerved Beats without extra chnnre. üallery 50 Cent. Sale of SealB wlll commence at Wattu's Juweliy Store on Thursday, Jan. 8th. JEWELRY. JACOB HALLER &. SON, WATGHËS, s CLOGKS, Jewelry, Spcctacles, PLATED WARE AND GOLD PENS, 24 South Main Street, .A-USTUST AEBOE, nyCICIT Special attention given to rcpairing watche clocks, and jewelir. _______ 1TOTICE. TIip Annual Meelïni of the AVastitenaw Mutua Fire Insurance t'ompany will be held at the ("om Houho in ttie city of Ann Arbor on Wednesdaj Januory L4, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., fortbe electio of o lucera, and the transaotion of such other bu.s: ness as may propeily come before tlie meeting. A general atteiida'ceis desired. Dated, Anu Arbor, Dcc. lïO, 1870. 2w-l N. SHELDON, Secretan'. I8SO. Harper'sYoungPeople U.I.ISTRATEI. Theevils of sensational literaturexfor the young are well known, and the wiint of an antidote has long been feit. Tbis is supplied by Habpee'3 YOUKG l'f.diT.K, a beautifully illustratcd wcekljr Journal, whicb u equally devoid of tbe objoctiouable features of sensational juvcnile literature and of that moralizing tone wlúch repela the youthful reader. The Volumes of the Young People begin with tbe fitst Nuniber, publUhed in November of each year. When no time íh mentioued, it wíll be uuderstood that the snbscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the recoipt of order. Ilai'per's Periodicals. HAEPEE'S MAGAZINE, One Year, 84 00 HAEPEE'S WEÍKLY, " i 00 HARPER'S BAZAR, uu 4 00 The THREE above-named publications, One Year, W 0 Any TWO above Damed, One Year, 7 00 HAKPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, One Year, 1 50 Postage Free to all subscribers in the Uiiited States or Canada. Inducements for 1880 only. - Thirteen Numbers of IIakper's YOUSG Peon i will be furnisbed to every ycurly subsrrihcr to HiBPEK'a ykf.kly tor laso; or, Harper's Yocnc, PxoPLEand Harpek's wül le sent to any adiUess for one year, commenoiDg with the first Nuinlieri.f HABPBR'S Wkkkly for January, 188Ü, ou receipt of 86.00 lor the tv.'o jit-nudicuis. Remittanci's ehouUl beroade by Post-OfficoMoney Order or J)ritt, to avoid chance of loss. ■■miiers are, nnt to copy Ihil withof Hakpf.r i BBOl Address .t BBOTU EHS, New York Yiioui! TaEë ït In Polnt of Exccilencc Ït is TJnsurpasseü, and Everj Family Will Appreclate and Eujoy its Perusal. Every man shonld mnkc his home as comibrtable and attractive as poaslble. A most essential requinte to that end 13 a good ïewspaper. The perusal ofsuch a newapaper uot nly instillsin the i -iinpr fïeneration alove of home, ut is a constant incentivo to improvement. Simpy ia va educator, and aaide froin all othei eongidratíons, no parent shonld forego takiug; into his amily Thb Dktkoit Frke I For the year 1880 we have to oí Ier the standard eatures which have made Tuis FitBB PrebS the most popular journal ia the wórld, and with sucb additions as will prove of special interest to Michigan readers. Áddressinff moro particularly the farmer, we take extreme pains to procure complete and accurate narket reporte. They embrace farra producís of every charucter, including live stock. The quotaiuns, correctcd to the day of publication froin all ,he leading cHies,as well as those of Detroit, are [iven each week. A carefully organized system of regular correswndence thxoughout Michigan will give the readïideurlyaml complete intelhgcnce of uil happen.tigs in the State. At this point we wish to remind readers that The bestand íullc-tt reporta as well aa the earliest news of all important affaire, whether bappenintf in Michigan orelsewhere, will be found In the Fbke Prxss We uiiiïht refei to the twomost recent and terrible disasters in Michigan- the Adrián grand staud horror and the Jackaon railroad accident- as exatnple}, reinforced on frequent occa&ione by accounts of 'great public even te which Tuk We:;klv Füke Press bas laid before its readers iu advance of its contemporánea. No ncwspapcr lias brighter or more intelligent editorial commenta on the leading toi)ica of the day. None surpass it in candor; none equal it in literarymerit; uouc approachit in spice, sparkle and vivacity. lts correspondence,by its superior excellence, bas attiiicted great attention and in tliis especial dedepartment The Free Pkéss is acknowlcdged to stand ut the very front. lieadersof The Fekk Press will receive through its oolumna au intelllgible idea oí new booka of merit as they are f rom time lo time publithed. Liberal extracta and discriminating reviews appear every week. Attention Ís given to historieal topics, and articles havlng special refereuce to our uwn State are ia prtpLiraiion. ,THF( HOrSEHOLD." Kvery issue ot The "Wkeklï Free Press is acoompanïed by "The Household," a supplement devotüd to social and domestic topics, flowoi culture, fiiiicv work, toilet and cooking recipes and houseboldmattera generally. It is furaished wiihout extra ohartre, and every purohaser or subscriber to Thk Wexkly Fkee Frews is entitled to reoeive a To aura up, all must conclude that The "WkkktaFreh Press and "The Uousehnld "- a supplement whiob accoinpanies evfry issue - though furni.shed together for 91.50a year, compare in the amount and excellence of contenta with the best of the four dollar magazines. The Weekly Free Press and "The Household" together are furnished at 81. 50 a j'ear. Liberal premiums, embraeing yearly subscriptiona to the varicme niagazinea, etc, are given for cluba. Addruss lettera to THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, DETROIT, 9IIICHGAN. Albstracts of Titlcs. Allparüeswho are desirous of ascertaining the condition of the title to the landa, or parties who wish to loanmoneyon mil estáte wil] do well to cali at the Kegister's office and consult a Comparad Set of Abstract Books. Said books are so far adtanced that the Kegister can lurnish on shoit uotice a Perfect Statement as to tlie Title of any parcel of and in Washtenaw County aa 8howo by the original recdsiANLY_ pROPOSALS FOR WOOD. Scalod pioposala for 150 corda of wood, fonr fet Ion?, (,'ood green, body, or strniüht hlckOTV, maple, and eecond growth npland oak. in quantitu- not lcsstluin ten oord, will be reoeived by il' undcrsixned forthirteen daya, f rom the lst to the Idilio' Januar; 1880, inoluie, op to 6 o'clook p. H. lne wood tb ba dclivpivd in Uie n.'M 60 dnys alter HTrardlnï the contract, at the diBereni BchoolhouBea inthis.-ity, n sudi qoauttties as dii-pcted. The rightof rejcciiniany or all offcrsis reiervea. Ann Arbor, 29th December, 1879. Treasurer of School District No. 1 of the city of Ann Arbor. I88O. Harp er ?s Bazar. This popular periodical is pre-eminently a journal for the household. Every number furnishes the latest information in regard to Fashions in dress and ornament, the uewest and most approved patterns, with descriptive articles derived from authentie aud original sources; while itBStories, Poems, and Essays on Social and Domestio Topics, give variety to its columns. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. "When no time is mentioned, It will be understood that the subscriber -wishes to commence with the number next after the receipt of order. Harper's Periodicals, HAEPEE'S MAGAZINE, One Year, S4 CO HARPER'S WEEKLY, " " 4 00 HARPKR'S BAZAR, " 4 00 The TH REE.above-nanied publicutions, One Year, 10 00 Any TWO above named, One Tear, 7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, One Year, 1 50 Postage'Free to all subocribers in the United States or Canada. The Annual Volumes of Habpek's Bazaiï, in nt-at clot-h binding, willbe sent by muil, postale pairi, or by express, free of expense (pnwided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 each. A Complete Set, comprising ïwr.lre Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of 85,25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Clott Cases for ench volume, suüable for binding, will be seut by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 1.00 each. Reroittances shouldhe madebyPost-OfficeSIoney Order or Draft, to void chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Hakpkr & Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHER, New York. The Universal Bath. I „f ÜIAXÏ BATHS lj, B p„, w,,e,_ Stndfot circuían. E. J. KNOWLT0N, Ann Arbor, Mich. For sale at the Drup Store of t. S. Lerch, Cook's Hoteï blot-k ; alao by C. l]berbach& Son. 8outh Muin Street ; and also by the nifinuiacturer, E. J. Knowlton, No, 24 North State Streel, Ann Arbor, .Mich., to whom all correspondence should be addreaaed. piRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR. Ann Aiíuob, MlCBM December 10, 1879. The annual meeting of the stockholders of this Bank for the tiectton of Directors will be held at tlR'ir bttuking liouse, on Tnesduy, the l"th day of Januury, 1S8U, Tolls will be ojJen lroui 10 to 12 o'clock a. ü. j J. W. KNIGHT, Cashier. ' To try the tri w' JFjfejL SWr JLnt3fe Sewiu MaAie BEFORE YOÜ BUY. It is Simply Wonderf ui IT IS SOLD AT J. F. SCHUH'S Hardware Store. J)ON'T READ THIS! Buy ïour TOBACCOS & CIGARS OF SCHUTT. Tip-Top Chewing for 46 cents. CIGAES CHEAP BT THE BOX I Corner Main and Jluron Streets, ANJÍ AKBOB.:


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Ann Arbor Argus