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- Elliot & Haiilun is the name of a iiew firm of merchant tailors at Ypsi. - O. M. Quirk, hotel ptoprietor at Rawsonville has joiued tbo Good Templars. - Theportrait of Judge Ninde of Ypsilanti, will soon be added to thoso suspended in the Probate offico. - Ypsilanti Baptists have extended a Cali to ReV. J. H. Scott, a gradúate of Kochester, N. Y. Uuiversity, and who has labored the past five years iu Cleveland. - The town board 'of Lima has appointed F. B. Whitaker to fill vacancy on board of supervisors, created by death of bis father, the late Charles Whitaker. -Auctïorteer "VVm. Mclntyre will offer for sale at auotion Thursday, Jan. 22, at 10 A. M., personal farm property of Jno. Schinid, looated on tho Thomas Earl farm iu Northfiald. - A little ohild two years of agc, of Heriry Oberschinidt of Scio, feil into a tttb of wateron Saturday aud was aligbtly burned. On Tuesday the child died, froui fright it is supposed. Mr. E. VV. Grant has bought the interest of Mr. Jas. H. Daviü in the piteut advertising match safe at Ypsilanti. The firm now consists of Mr. C. E. Sainson and Mr. Grant. - Mr. Ed Kurdmau and wife, of near Dcxter, went to a New Year's feast, and when they returned found that their hired man has absconded with a quantity of jewplry, butter and clover seed. - Anumber of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hinokley's children and grand chililren, together with their familiea, in allabout thirty persons, surprised Mr. and Mis. H. on New Year"s day by a houso warming in their new and elegant residence near Urania btatiou. - Ypsi Commercial. - While James Hay, Sr., of Manchester, was doing soma chores around his barn on the 27th uit., tha ground being covered with ice, he slipped aud feil in such a marmer as to dislócate his hip and seriously injure the ligament which holds it in its place. Mr. Hay is 81 years old, and was quite active and sprightly before tUia sad accident occurred. Officers of Dexter reform club: President, R. P. Copeland. Vioe-Piesidents, C. H. Minuis, C. S. Binith, Patriek Hoy. Recording Secretary, W. C. C. Clark. Financial Secretary, H. D. Stannard. Treasurer, Honry Ido. Steward, A. Potter. Sergt-at-Arms, Wm. Vannatter. Marshals, Samuel Johnson, Frank Blood. Executive Committee, L. L. Gage, 0. Henry, F. H. Magoffin, S. C. Alley, J. R. Joynor. Finance CuiniuiUee, R. C. Reeve, Chas. Stannard, Levi Miles. -First district grange of Washtenaw County P. of H. met at the residence of G. A. Poters in Scio on the 24th inatant and elected the following orïïcers t.o serve for the ensuing year: Master, W. D. Smith. Overseer, J. W. Wing. Lecturev, R. Buchanan. Steward, E. A. Fordman. Asst. öteward, ï). Lyon.- Chaplain, F. Litohfield. Treasurer, R Johnson. Secretary, G.A. Peters. Gato Keeper, T. Holmes. Ceres, Mre. G. A. Peters. Pomoiia, Mrs. R. Bnohanan. Flora, Mra.E. A. Nordman. Lady Aast. Steward, Mrs. T. Holmes. A very pleisaut party assembled at the homo of H. C. Calhoun, ou Chiistmas day. Therepresentatives oftheCalhoun íauiily woro all present except Lee Conklin and faraily, frorn Hillsdale.and those oí' the Palmer, excepting H. II. aud F., who are in Kansas. R. Iiandalt, frorn Clinton, and Junius Short's family wore present. The gifts, many of them costly andbéautiful, were distributed by a veritable Santa Claus. The dinner was excellent and served in fine style, and al! went homo wishing their host and host esa would always keep a Merry Christmas. - Enterprixe. - Hood and Door of Sharon have purohased of C. M. Fellows of Manchester the three American Alerino ewes whicb took the " sweepstakes prize for the three best American Merino ewea oí' any age" at the ceutennial at Philadelphia in 187Ö. These sheep were bred by A E. Perkins of Pomfret, Vermont, and are recorded in Ohio register. I f any of our readars wish to seo a beauty cali and see a May lamb of cue of thoso centennials. These gentlemen aro usiug threo rams of the purest strain uf blood, thus : Peerless, No. 248, Vermont register, bred by E. Sandford of Vermont : C. P. Crane's No. 48, Vermont register ; General Dix, bred by the Jauios'a of Vermont and owned by C. M. Fellows of Manchester. - High toned Ypsilantians are all agog over a scandal likely to conclude soouer or later with a divorce. A wealthy easteru young lady elopecl with a gay Ypsilantian, who, after the honeymoon was spent, bogan to indulge in the flowing bowl, and has niaintained hia dissipated habita despite the entreaties of a beautiful and attractive wife who risked so much to guin so little. The inevitable mother-in-law appeared on the soene, and, surveying the situatiori set on foot the obtaining of a divorce, proinising lier daughter if she would leave her husband she shall not want for anything in the future. Meantime a brother-in-law makes bis sister a visit. With more discretion than his inother he inaugurates a inission oi peace, stops legal proceedingsfor a time, and proceeds to effect a reformation in his relative's household. Time will develop the result of his labors.


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