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Ypsilanti Department

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- New Year's passed pleasautly here. - Mr. Frank Neat is visiting in the north part of the state. -M;3fl Nullie Beeason of Threo Rivers, is the guest ol' Miss Ida heeler. Tiiare will be installntion of ofiicers of Yjwilanti Lodgo Ko. 128 F. & A. M., Thursday night. - Mr. Frank U ui ver of Superior, starte! Monday night for Wyotning Territory, to ceek his fortune in tlie west. . Misa Mame Norton has accepted a postition as teaoher in the Union school, made Vacant by Misa Littlsíield's marriage. New Yoar's nipht tho bind gave a hop at Light Guard hall whinh, w have been informad, was uot a iUCOeM fluanci;i!ly. - The young people will give a hop at Follett hall the evening of tho 29th, being the closing ono of tha club thid wintor. - Baturday Mr. Cripens' horse of Superior, snddenly became frightened and ran a sliort dislance, and coming in contact with Mr. McOorinick s buggy broke it badly. - Sotue one broke the large plate glas8 of Hewett Ss Champion 's on Congress street. We have heard the party who committed the act havo been arrested but are not uertain. - The annual meeting of the Directora of the D. II. & S. W. E. R., takes place on the 12th inat. It novr lookn as if tho T. & A. A. R. P.. would, at th.-.t time gut control of the road, which vill not probably ba advuntageous to Ypsilanti. - The Yptilantuxn, edited by Mr. M. T. "VVoodrufT, xnade its first appoarauce the past week. If Mr. W. ooutinues to edit such a paper he will deserve the honor of publishing the best paper in Ypsilanti. We wish hiaa succeas in his new euterprise. - A couple of youngsters at the depot concluded to huye a fight Monday raorning. Agent Mallery promptly qr.ellt'd the diuturbauce and made complaint against thein for disorderly conduct before Justice Forsyth. They weïe fined f 2 and $3 and costs. New Year's Eve Follett Hall was crowded with a select nurnber at the Young Peoples hop. Miss Nellie and Jolin Vail of Detroit, Misses Peneman and Fair man and Baveral others from Plymouth and a numbst from Ann Arhor being in attendance. - Oue week froui Sunday E. E. Frazer of Aun Arbor, delivers a tempéranos addregl in the afternoon and evening at the new opera house. Mr. Frazer alway3 draws a crowd in this place and the special attraction of the new opera house will certainly give hiin a full house. - New Year's day Congress strcet was crowded with fast horses and spectatorsThe Ann Arbor boys must havo been in fine spirits tor tliey, for the first time in two years, succeeded in beating the Ypsi horses. We expect to give them another trial wheu we get some sleighiug. One runaway resulting in a broken cutter and lame horse alone marred tho sport.


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Ann Arbor Argus