The Ann Arbor Argus
X'I :mJSHl!D EVÜRÏ FKIBAÏ MOKNIXG In the third story of the brick Wock corner of Main and Jiuruti streets, ANN ARBOR, - - MICHIGAN. natnince on Iluron street, Oppoeite the Qregory JOHN N. BAILEY, EDITOK AND PITBLI3HER. TEU5K, S1.5O A YKAIÍ Iíf ABVAXCE. MATES OF ADVEIÏTTSIXG. Spack. l w. 2 w, 8 v, i ya 1 tqasi ,■,, c o 2 squ irP3 l 50 00 2 50' 3 ■ gsqu re 2 .., 7 :-. I(, -„. Wcl'n 3 50 -1 00 4 30 6 1 t i-o in 1 4 l0 5 'i ' G(W 8 ■■■■■ , 30 ,. Ucormn ñ 00 ï ■ coTniii T "'i Ui 0 12 '■" í ■ , 55 ,H l col'mp i" "■ IS -" 1 TweWe linea or iea considered a square. CaMs in Directory, $1 00 a line per year Business or special notiees 10 cents ;i line for the fíri iiisertioii, aud ö ceats lor eaah subaeque&t inertlon. Yearly advertiaera have the í prí vilote of rlianging thelr adrertisementa quarterly. Additioual chaoging wil] he eharged for. Adverliseuïents nnaocompaniect hy written or verkil dïrections wili is publlshed three mootbs, ai! chaired accordingly. Leal advertisine, lii st. Insertion, 70 cesta per folio; 3. cents per folio for each Biihaequent inst-rtion. When a postponement isadded to uu adwrtisement, the wholü will be charged the same as the first insertiou. JOS UPKirCTTUsTG-. Pamphlets, Poster, HaodbtHs, Cireulars, Carda, Bnll Tlet tí, tabelí, BlankB, Bill Heads muí other Tarieties of Ti.-tin aitd Fancy Job Printint; execated with promjttness, nd in the lest posaible tyle.
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Ann Arbor Argus