BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CliARKNf'K TfiiKEBf Attorney atLaw aud Solintor in Cbancery. YpsÜanti, MioJi. DB. TAYLOB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Chclsea, Micb. DONAM MACLEAW, Tï. ït., Physiciftii and ffurgeon. Offloa n;il residence, Tl Hnroti street,Ann Arbov. Offlea houre from R tii ; and fr. m 1 ir 3 p. W, MÏÏS. KOfFf1? A VOÏ.ÏrVTï. M. D-, Phy sician an'i BuiveoB. Office at residence, 4i Ann Btreet. 'i'! attend to all proiessiuutil calis pr-mpüy, day and night. WH. ÍÍCKOSÍ, Dentist. OBice corn.-r Main ana Washington streetn, over Bach fr Altel'-s-'v . rn Arbor, Mich. Anestheticu udministerpd if desired. ETC. n)flPRR( I., Aceoueheur anñ Gynnecologist. Office cora er Main and Hurón Btreeto, Ann Arbor. CSCnAKBGRI.E, Teacher of the Piano forte. I'upila attain tlie desired skill n plano-plnying liy a system.ilic course of instmiO' titin Fnr term's, flpp'y at residence, No. 12 V.'. si Liberty Street, A.nn Arbor. Prompt atteution paiil to piino-tutiinír. CRAMIÏK, FRÜEAITI? & COUIÍIN, Attorneys at Lavr, E. K. FRUEAÜFF, .Tustioe ni the Pence. All business prnmptly attended te. OKícp No. 8 East Washington atreet, Binsey and Sea HENRY R. H1LL, Attorney at Law, Dealer ia Real Estáte and Insurance tfrire, No. 3 Opera Hone Block, ANN ATIBOE. Will jittend to all salearon short notice, at re;'.f=onable duires. For further particular cali at ihe AnGus Offick PUEOPEAN HOTEL, Ypsllanti, Mich. New House, First-ClflüS Tuble, Clenn Beds, l-ow l'riits. W. H. tiKWi,Pni J. H. NICKELS, )KAI,!I! IN' FPFSH AKD SALT MSATS, Hams Sajiias, Tad, etr., TATESTRKET.OPPOPITE ?iORTïTWEi5T CORNER OF ÖNIVERSTTY CAMPUS. Orders pron ptïy ñlled. Farmera liaving menta to ;e I gie hím ;i cali. THE AHIí au; f AVING3 BAJHE AXX AR15OR, MICHIGAN. Capital paid in 8 50,000.00 1 Capital security - 100.00O.C0 Transacts a genera] Banking Business; buya aun sells Ex'hanj.'(? nu New Vork. Detroit and i b eells Sijrht Draftson all the principal citïea of Eurpe; rio, Étella Pauage Tickets to Liverpool, Londoi añil Glasgow, via the Anchor I.ine of Öteara■ 1 ï.s, wbose rates are Lower thao most other ïirstclass liucs. This Bank, already bavin:; a large business, invito mercbants and others to open accouote wi b with the amuranceof most liberal dealiug consS - tut with safe banking. In thcSavins Department iöterost is pnil annnlly, on the firsi daye ■ f. muary and July,on ali suma that werp deposited I hree montba pn i [on to t lioso dayp, thus Bfloröing the people oí tbia city aDdcountya perfieotly safe deposltory lor their ftti ls, together with a fair return in inierst for the same. IToney to Loan on Approved Secnrftiesi. DiRBCt-OBS- CbristianMack, v. v. V f ■ , D.ÏJarriman. Dfuiiel Hiscoct, lí. A. Beal, VTm. Líen el, aud Willard B. Sunth. OFflCKRS : CHRI8TIAN SCACK. W. W. M" ; President. Vice President. CHA8. E. aiSCOCK, Cashier. EMANUSL RflAPi, Drugglst and Pharmacist. g SOUTH KATM STRK13T, AXS A.BBOR, haa on híiml a well Belected Btock of FUBE DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMITALS, CHOICE PERFUME , To.lrt Arlieles, SïioulO et Braces, Trnssfs, tc, which lie oftvrs f oí sale at prices to soit the tañes, VétF PbyRicians' Ftescription earafully jirf-pare! al aJ] hours. EBEUB1CII & SON, Bruggists and Phurmacists, 12 South 5I:;in St., Have on han 1 a large and wel 1 sdec'-d stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, find Wax Flower Materials., Toilet Ar! ir] .'S, Trnsse, Ktc. W'K'Ei? AND UQ'jnS, Pieclal attrniion paid to tlie fnnilshinR of Fhy He a, i hemïsts, Rcnools,etc., with Phiiosophical ïi ' i ■ I ': ■ ■ irai Bohena Ihd Chemifal rlass . e Pnrelain Ware, Pure Rettirent, ■'■-. l'liv icians' prescripi'ons narefoUy n-narcd at ; a . uo ra
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Ann Arbor Argus