A Mother's Dying Heroism
Weptraoreland Oounty shared in the devastating effecta of the storm. At Shaner's Station, on the B. & O. R R., two houses oocupied by the families of miners, named Maguire and Dailey, were swept by the fierce torrent of McGrew's Hun into the Youghiogheny River. The Maguire family aĆ¼ escaped in safely from the death that threateoed them, but the six little children of the Daileys remained in the building almost until it ha'l been carried into the river. The mother of the j children, nearly frantic, rushed to the bar.k, and springiog into the alternately moving and stfttionary structure, one at a time picked her little ones up, and, as though endowed for the occasion with wonderful power and nerre, sprang ashorc with each and placed it in safely. When sbe had in her arms the last child the house again boiran to move toward the river. The distance to the bank measarably increased, and by a miracle only ctrnld a leap carry her beyond the swelling flood that roared between. The mother closed hor eyes and sprang forward once more. It was an awful leap - an awful moment for the spectators, powerless to aid her. She reached the bank and a hearty murmur of thankfulness went up; she threw her little I one forward, safe upon the ground J Then, fainting away, she feil j ward - back into the boiling current, i which draggcd her down into its : dy, invisible depths, and out into the midst of the river. The brave mother's body had not been recovered last nifjht up to midnight. - Pitlsburyh {Pa.) DisP'Uch. -+-+ - A wornan starled to curry hor twln babies live miles through the woods in Sand llill, S. C., but lost her way, and was found almost dead at the end of ten days, with the iufants lyinj liteless beskle her. The experiment of lighting mines by leotrioity has been tned at Mantos salt mines, Deal Manchester, Eng., and proved a complete surcess.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus